Special care must be taken to avoid conversations about clinical material in any public place (including the corridors and lobbies, outside this room). Emails and internet postings involving clinical material should be absolutely avoided.
Title of Activity:
Name of Witness (Please Print):
Signature of witness:
I confirm that the above disclosure announcement was made at the beginning of this Congress session. From the APsaA 2018 National Meeting programme “Confidentiality is of the utmost importance for our organisation. We would like to remind you about a few key issues concerning confidentiality at the National Meeting: In order to protect confidentiality of patients and treatments, material presented in sessions must not be written about or discussed outside of the session. Clinical material should not be discussed in halls or elevators, and should not be e-mailed or posted to the internet. If you attend a session in which clinical material is being presented and you think that you recognize the identity of the patient, you should quietly excuse yourself from the remainder of that session. Use appropriately disguised information and/or informed consent (where an attempt has been made to weigh the present and future transferential impact of either the patient one day recognizing himself in the disguise or of re-evaluating his consent) when talking about a patient. Keep in mind that even when demographic information is changed, specific details can make the patient identifiable to those who know him or her. This should be avoided where possible. Attendance at these meetings is contingent upon registrant´s agreement to maintain confidentiality. Failure to do so is a breach of ethical principles for members and cause for legal action for non-members.”
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