CIPP Payroll Software Directory 2023


Editor foreword

business. Payroll software can also aid the industry in showcasing its strategic value, and demonstrating why payroll deserves recognition at board level. These are all reasons why it’s essential to select the correct payroll software, appropriate to your business. The directory is easy to use, and if you’re interested in liaising with a software provider, their details are available towards the back of this document. We hope the directory starts you on your journey to selecting the right software package for your business, forging new relationships along the way, helping payroll achieve its goal of paying accurately and on time. Contents Supplier overview����������������������������������� 4 Payroll features����������������������������������������� 6 HR features����������������������������������������������� 16 Expenses and benefits features������� 17 Workforce management features��� 18 The hidden productivity killer (Ceridian) ������������������������������������������������� 19 Self-service features���������������������������� 20 Three big changes to payroll you need to prepare for (ADP)��������� 25 People are crying out for this red-hot payroll software feature (Moorepay)������������������������������� 27 Supplier directory��������������������������������� 28

Lora Murphy Editor

The key remit of payroll professionals and teams is to ensure individuals are paid both accurately and on time for the work they carry out. Although there’s the common misconception outside of the industry that this is as simple as ‘pushing a big red button’, there’s an abundance of work that goes into ensuring people receive payment each pay day. Ensuring swift and accurate payment is complicated by ever-changing legislation and guidance, and the fact that pay is dictated by human actions, many of which can’t be predicted and payroll must respond swiftly to. This is why it’s so crucial to have appropriate, efficient payroll software in place, to make the task of meeting payroll’s core goal far simpler. Pay is highly emotive, as the money a person receives in their bank account will influence their ability to meet their financial commitments, e.g., mortgage, childcare, food, etc,. Therefore, it’s important for pay to be correct first time, and on time. Where pay is wrong or delayed, this can have a huge impact on employer-employee relations, and various pieces of research highlight the fact many people would leave their organisation if repeated payroll errors occurred. Payroll mistakes can also result in fines from HM Revenue and Customs or negative impacts on an organisation’s reputation. Ensuring your

payroll software is fit for purpose can help to mitigate against all of these risks.

The CIPP’s Software Directory has been designed to simplify the mammoth task of pinpointing the ideal payroll software, perfect for use in your organisation. With so many different software options now available, it’s easy to feel intimidated or like you’re drowning in a sea of choice. The directory first gives an overview of the suppliers included, and confirms which of the following features

they offer: ● payroll

● human resources (HR) ● expenses and benefits ● workforce management ● self-service.

Once it’s been established which features are available, there are dedicated tables which drill down into much further detail. It’s now commonly accepted that payroll touches base with a vast variety of other departments, and payroll software is no different. There are a range of functions payroll software can perform to enhance and improve the whole employee experience, from commencement of employment to when someone leaves a

Although the information within this directory has been supplied by providers of payroll and/or HR software or services it has not been verified by the CIPP. Additional market research should be conducted before engaging with any new supplier of software or services to ensure business needs are met.

Editor Lora Murphy

Design and layout James Bartlett

Sponsorship Daniel Cull

Print and production Acorn Press

Thank you to all our sponsors and advertisers for their support producing this directory


The information contained within these tables has been supplied and verified by the suppliers. The CIPP does not endorse any particular provider and cannot be held accountable for errors or omissions in the information provided. We strongly advise that you conduct market research before selecting a new supplier.


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