
Vankleek Hill Fair popular despite rain $0--&$5 * 7 * 5 r  $0..6/ * 5:


The whole of VankleekHill was once again celebrating during this year’s annual agri- cultural fair named after the village. This year, families and participants started the event with a Christmas in August parade. The Vankleek Hill Agricultural Fair is one of the oldest fair in eastern Ontario or across Ontario, dating back to the early 19 th century. The event itself is 130 years old. The fair began on August 18 with the tradi- tional parade, which saw dozens of vehicles and costumed characters go down Main Street. Some participants came fromoutside the region, including horse owners from Saint-Lazare, Quebec, while others came fromnearby farms. “This is the second year that we participate in the parade,” proudly said farmer Richard Kerr. Wheezy old or newer tractors, vintage cars, carts, cowboys, and Scotsmen play- ing the bagpipes ended the parade, which travelled throughout the village. Several activities took place during the fair, such as a combine derby, a car demo- lition derby, an exhibition of agricultural equipment, old and new, an exhibition by artisans, horse shows with normal andmin- iature horses, rides and even farmanimal ex- hibits, including over a hundred dairy cows. The rain spoiled Sunday celebrations, as the site of the fair was quite deserted follow- ing the showers. Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) invitent la population à faire la mise en nomination de candidatures pour le Prix JP St. Pierre de Prescott et Russell , jusqu’à la date limite du 31 octobre 2016 , inclusivement. Le Prix JP St. Pierre est un remis à des résidents méritants des CUPR. Cette haute distinction municipale vise à célébrer les contributions exceptionnelles d’individus dans de nombreux domaines de la vie des CUPR, tels que les arts et la culture, les affaires et professions, les œuvres de bienfaisance, la santé, l’éducation, le service public, les communications et les médias, les sports et loisirs, l’agriculture, l’environnement ou autres domaines contribuant au bien-être des résidents des CUPR. Tout résident des CUPR qui a, dans le cadre de ses fonctions professionnelles ou non, apporté une contribution importante à la communauté est admissible à ce prix. Une description de catégories est disponible sur le site web des CUPR, ou en téléphonant au 613- 675-4661, poste 2002, ou par courriel au prix-jpstpierre@prescott-russell. Prix JP St. Pierre de Prescott et Russell

Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, was one of the honored guest during this year’s Vankleek Hill Fair —photo Stéphane Fortier

Prescott and Russell JP St. Pierre Award

The United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) invites the public to nominate candidates for the Prescott and Russell JP St. Pierre Award , up until the deadline of October 31, 2016 , inclusively. The JP St. Pierre Award is bestowed upon deserving individuals residing in the UCPR. This high municipal distinction aims to celebrate the exceptional contributions of individuals in the many areas of life within the UCPR, including arts and culture, business and professions, charitable work, health, education, public service, media and communications, sports, agriculture, the environment, or other areas contributing to the well-being of the UCPR’s citizens. Any resident of the UCPR who, as part of their professional duties or RWKHUZLVH KDV PDGH D VLJQLÀFDQW contribution to the community, is eligible for this award. A description of categories is available on the UCPR’s website, or by calling 613- 675-4661, extension 2002, or by e-mail to prix-jpstpierre@prescott-

Frisotine the clown provided younger participants with great entertainment — supplied photo


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