DISCUSSIONS withDr. Samuel H. Sutherland/Dr. CharlesL Feinberg the abode of the wicked dead and the abode of the righteous dead, otherwise known as Paradise or Abraham's bosom. We see from Luke 16 that there was a great gulf between the two which made it impossible for one to cross over into the other. After the ascension of our Lord, He emptied Paradise and took those whose souls were therein, to be with Him eternally in heaven. So that today, when a believer dies, his soul, goes to be with Christ (absent from the body and present with the Lord). The spirits of unbelievers still go to hades, awaiting the Great White Throne judgment. Christ, you see, therefore went to hades, the abode of the righteous dead. “He led captivity captive,” and took the righteous dead in that portion of hades as His glorious captives to heaven with Himself. In the strict sense, then, hell or the lake of fire is occupied, and will be until the antichrist, false prophet, Satan and their followers are consigned there to reside forever. Q. Narragansett, R.I. — “What are the Christian standards in rela tion to young people being alone together? Is it proper and is it dangerous for them?” A. We should have a sensitive mind and heart for Christian standards today. There are nor mative Christian principles and no 23
Q. Bakersfield, Calif. — “When will the Old Testament sa in ts be raised?" A. Many Bible teachers believe this will be at the time of the Rapture (II Thess. 4:13-18). Oth ers feel that the Old Testament saints are not included in the Church, the body of Christ, both living and dead, who will receive their resurrected bodies at the rapture. Daniel 12:1-3 indicates the time of Jacob’s troubles known as the Great Tribulation. At the end of the time Daniel’s people will be delivered, everyone who is to be found written in the Book, which is the Book of the godly; the book of life. Scripture says, “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake.” It would seem from this that the resurrection of the godly Israel of Old Testament times will be to everlasting life after the Tribu lation. There will be a judging of the ungodly, ultimately, to shame and ever lasting contempt. Q. Texas Creek, Colo__ “Did Christ go to heU? My girl was taught at a vacation Bible school that when He died He did. I have never un derstood that He did." A. In the King James Version, the word, hades, meaning the abode of the dead, is incorrectly translated heU. Before the resur rection the place was divided into
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