UNWORTHY PARDON Can you remember ever reading a newspaper that didn’t report at least one major article on crime of some type? An alarming fact, encountered by law enforcement officials, is that seldom do criminals whom they appre hend seem even the least bit repentant for their deeds. A number of years ago a murderer was sentenced to death. His brother, to whom the state was deeply indebted for former services, urged the governor to grant a pardon. A fter examination, the request was honored. When the man went to see his imprisoned brother, he had the par don in his pocket as a surprise. First he asked him, “What would you do if you received a pardon from the gov ernor?” With a snarl, the wicked broth er viciously responded, “The first thing I ’d do would be to track down the judge who sentenced me. I’d murder him. Then, I ’d track down the chief wit nesses, killing them too.” Without any further comments, the brother left the cell, not letting the news out about the pardon. When he left the prison, he tore up the paper into little bits. His brother didn’t deserve th e release. When we come to God, asking forgive ness for sin, it' should be with a spirit of true repentance of heart. Scripture reminds us that while we were yet sin ners, enemies of the Lord, Christ died for us. The Saviour assures all who approach Him in faith, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” 26
Feed your faith, and you’ll find that your doubts will soon starve to death.
SHAPE OF THE WORLD A wonderful saint, now home in the Lord’8 presence, Dr. M. R. DeHaan, told a story which a/ptly illustrates condi tions in the world today. The old tailor, “Abe,” received an order from a new customer for a pair of dress pants. A fter two weeks, when Abe hadn’t even started on the trousers, the strange tailor explained it by stating that he just hadn’t received any inspiration for making them. When he finally com pleted the job, an incredible ten weeks had elapsed. The customer was well- satisfied and commended him, “Abe, this is a perfect job, but it took you too everlastingly long. Actually it took you ten times longer to make these pants than it took to make the world itself.” The old tailor carefully eyed his creation, then the trousers, and finally observed, “Well, maybe it took me longer to make dem pants than it took to make the world, but I ’m telling you, friend, just take a look at the shape of the world.” In a sense, at least morally, Abe was right. The world is in an awful mess. Keep in mind, how ever, that it wasn’t this way in the beginning. God made man upright. It was through sin and unbelief that man turned to his own sinful ways. He has since everlastingly tried to break all moral restraint from God. In a coming
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