thee. For verily I say unto thee that thou hast more money than thou unit v:hen thou dost return from vacation.” And it came to pass that Mr. Chris tian paid his tithe and gave his offering for the summer. He gave gifts as God had prospered him. The Lord’s mes sengers and workers rejoiced greatly, saying, “Of a truth, there are those who care for the Lord’s work even in the summer." And so it was that God’s blessing went forth as a result of His faithful stewards. Hast thou applied these truths to thine own heart?
work is ended. May that assurance grip your heart, as you look forward to the time “when all our labors and trials are o’er, . . . we shall meet on that beautiful shore.”
The empty tomb proves Christianity, but an empty church denies it.
LIVING THE TRUTH I t’s been well said that the church has never had such an effect upon the world as in the days when it would have little or nothing to do with the world. Vance Havner has suggested pointedly that the church used to go to the jungle, but that now it brings the jungle right into the sanctuary with its worldly music and entertainment. No wonder the power for evangelism, revival and Bible teaching so often seems missing! David Garrick, famous English actor, was once asked why stage players were so much more effec tive than preachers in moving audi ences. His answer was most profound, “The situation is that actors present fiction as though it were fact. Too many times, however, preachers and Chris tians present facts but live and act as though they were fiction.” May we preach a positive message for Christ, each one of us by our lives in the home, the shop, the office, or wherever we may go! God gives us all power and wisdom through His grace. We are forcefully and assuredly reminded, “I f any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”
True faith is not just believing that God can, but rather it’s knowing that He will.
THE GOOD OLD DAYS Have you ever heard anyone long for the “good old days?” I t’s a question whether they ever were! As an ex ample, back in 1872, these office rules were posted by one Zachary Geiger, who happened to be the sole proprie tor of the Mount Corey Carriage and Wagon Works. He required office clerks to sweep and dust daily. Every em ployee had to bring in a bucket of wa ter and a scuttle of coal for the day’s business. In addition to trimming the lanterns, each one had to wash the windows every week. Hours of opera tion were from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily, except, of course, on Sunday. That was their day off. Male employees were given an evening off for courting purposes, while two evenings a week could be had if one went regularly to church. They had incentives then, too. Old Zachary Geiger reminded his staff that by performing labors faithfully for five years, as well as being diligent in attending to religious services, they could secure a 5$ per day pay raise, providing business warranted it. Oh, yes, “the good old days,” about a hun dred years ago, back in 18721 There is less work today, yet man still labors. The ones whose faith is resting in Jesus Christ can rejoice in the fact that a day is soon coming when all toiling shall cease; when we shall enter into the blessed rest and presencp of our Lord Jesus Christ, when our life’s 28
Christians may not see eye-to-eye, but they can still walk arm-in-arm.
PRAYER POWER Without question, the greatest re source any Christian has is prayer. Why is it that for some unfortunate reason we fail to avail ourselves of access to God for our every need? The w orld of electronic communications owes much to Samuel F. B. Morse, in ventor of the wireless telegraph, who
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