Biola Broadcaster - 1968-09

was also a dedicated saint of God. A reporter once observed, “I suppose, Mr. Morse, that there were times when you were making preliminary experiments that you must have come to the place where you didn’t know what to do next.” The wise scientist replied unth a smile, “You can be sure of it. Many times that was true.” Everyone wanted to know his secret. “And what did you do next?” the reporter insisted. A fter a humble pause of respect, Professor Morse explained, “Well, I don’t believe in making a public show of these things, but as long as you’ve asked, I ’ll tell you. Whenever I couldn’t see my way clear, I just prayed to the Lord for more light. You know what? He always gave it to me through His mercy and grace.” What a positive testimony of prayer power! No wonder that the first message he sent across the wireless telegraph were the words: “What hath God wrought?” on May HU, 18UU from the U.S. Supreme Court Room at Wash­ ington to Baltimore, Maryland. M IL L IO N S FO R A 5-Y E A R O LD Newspapers carried a recent fascin­ ating “rags-to-riches” story about a lit­ tle orphan girl from a remote island in the Pacific. A t only five, she had become an heiress to a 68-million-dollar fortune. While traveling in the Poly­ nesian islands, a French chemical mag­ nate found the poor starving waif. The child’s pathetic eyes captured the fancy of the Parisian and his family and the orphan was brought back to live with them in their home near Versailles. Several months later, the wealthy man died. A t the time of the funeral, the widow announced that she would share the fortune with the small girl who would one day be among the richest people on the entire continent. What a tremendous legacy! Yet have you ever stopped to realize that those of us who, by faith, have received Jesus Christ as Saviour have an even more wonderful inheritance, of far more value than property, stocks and bonds, silver or A lot of people who wouldn’t talk with their mouths full, go around talking with their heads empty.

gold, for it is eternal and reserved for us in heaven? We have been adopted by spiritual birth into God’s faimly. This five-year-old can’t now realize what her inheritance fully means. Un­ fortunately, some of us have never entered into the fullness and blessed assurance of our inheritance either. The Bible reminds us that we are “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together” (Romans 8:17).

If a man is too busy to worship God on Sunday, he has more business than the Lord intended him to have.

F E L L O W S H IP N E E D E D What would you think of a person who joined an organization and yet showed no interest in attending the established meeting? A young man asked the preacher, “Can I be a Chris­ tian without coming to the services?” The man of God rightly responded with these practical words, “Sure it’s possi­ ble. Yet it’s something like a student who won’t go to school, a soldier who won’t march with the troops, a sales­ man with no customers, an explorer with no base camp, a businessman try­ ing to operate on a desert island, a lone seaman on a ship without a crew, an author without readers, a parent without a family, a football player without a team, a politician who is a hermit, a scientist who doesn’t share his findings, or a bee without a hive.” The young man got the point. He real­ ized his need for church fellowship. The Bible exhorts us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together with other believers. This is especially true in these crisis days, as we realize that the return of our Lord Jesus Christ could be at any moment. “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” In these days of higher prices, there’s one thing you can count on for sure, and that is that the wages of sin never will be lowered.


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