son cannot be prosecuted for advo cating the overthrow of the U.S. Government by force unless he actu ally advocates action to accomplish the overthrow. In 1958 the law was passed that the State Department cannot withhold passports from sus pected communists because of their beliefs or associations. In 1965, the law stated that members of the com munist party cannot be compelled to register with the Subversive Activi ties Control Board. In 1967, the rul ing was that an American cannot be stripped of his citizenship, even if he deserts the armed forces in time of war or votes in a foreign election. In 1961, the law was adopted that evidence obtained by illegal search or seizure cannot be used in a state prosecution even if it is reliable. The list seems to be endless. Interestingly enough, the second group in this verse tells us about the rulers who take counsel together. This term “rulers” represents ecclesi astical authorities. How strange and paradoxical it is that religious lead ers should oppose God! The spirit of the age seems to be in conferences and conventions concentrating on mergers in one grand ecumenical movement. This, too, is prophesied in Scripture as in a rejection of basic cardinal truth, church leaders have rushed toward getting together. It has become a world of “ecumaniacs.” In its issue of March 1, 1968, Time magazine carried a review of a new religious record which has the sick title of “The Incredible Shrink ing God.” On the album are sermons concerning the so-called, “God is dead” theology. One quote will suf fice to reveal what vile contempt man has for God. Listen, “The Lord giv- If you find yourself wearing a spirit of heaviness, try a garment of praise.
eth and the Lord taketh away. The Lord God is an Indian, giver.” Added to such blasphemy is the further re port by Time magazine which states that “Many clergymen have applaud ed the work on the ground that the satirizing of the wrathful, capricious God of legend is good theology, as well as being good fun. The origina tor of the album keeps being invited to preach in churches and syna gogues. Is he irreverent? Perhaps, but, argue his fans, who can ques tion that God is too?” Such things will certainly be nauseating to the real believer in Jesus Christ. The problem has ever been that rebellion against God and His commands has always resulted in the downfall of society and civilization. In the February 1968 issue of McCalls magazine, a report is given of a survey of 3,000 Protestant min isters. The writer, Ardis Whitman, reported, “The younger ministers are not concerned about theology but rather are only interested in social action. The majority don’t believe in the virgin birth or even regard Jesus as divine. Salvation is not seen as the major task of the church and in any case has little to do with the hereafter, if there is a hereafter.” To see men who should be stand ing for the truth pervert their high and holy calling reminds us of Paul’s words concerning the last times: “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, being deceived” (II Tim. 3:13). The third verse of the Second Psalm is even more descriptive of the times in which we’re living. The statement is, “Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” In Proverbs 29:18 we read the succinct observation, “Where there is no vision, the peo ple perish.” A better translation has it, “Where there is no correct view of God, the people cast off all moral restraint.” The French make it read quite graphically in a way which
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