Biola Broadcaster - 1968-09

This is readily seen in an article ap­ pearing in the Washington, D.C. Post, concerning a statement made by Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas. Speaking at the dedica­ tion of a Unitarian church, he had the audacity to comment, “Truth is not our goal today for no one knows what truth is. All we can say is that truth is a chameleon, ever changing colors for whoever views it.” This may be his opinion, and the results indicate it, for looking at the record again, we see how that the Supreme Court of the United States has con­ sistently overruled highest s ta te courts in cases involving such things as pornographic and obscene pictures, books and magazines. The humanized writings and phi­ losophies of the son of a minister, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche, were given credit for being the spark of “inspiration” which caused Adolf Hitler to seek, through the murder and devastation of mankind, to wipe out millions of people. Nietzche en­ visioned a superman, no longer bound by the restraints of law, no longer influenced by a mythological god, but rather men who themselves, could truly rule the universe. (Nietzche suffered from eye trouble as well as mental depression. History records that he finally died, hopelessly in­ sane.) Hitler’s evil empire has long since vanished, but the writings of Nietzche continue on. They have the dubious distinction of being one of the main sources for study of the “God is dead” theology. The New York Times carried an interesting article with a bit of hu­ mor to it not too long ago. On the wall of the subway stop at Columbia University in New York City, some­ one had written in chalk the blantant challenge, “God is dead,” signed “Nietzche.” The next day someone had come along who had a much better grasp on theology. The new inscription boldly affirmed, “Nietzche is dead,” signed “God.” I trust that

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (right),standingwith Dr. Royal Bluewho recently received an honorary doc­ torate at the school's annual comencement exer­ cises. Mr. Blue, a graduateof Biola, is pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church of Redding, Calif. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (left), president of Biola, confers an honorary degree upon Mrs. Martha S. Hooker, for forty years a faithful member of the Biola faculty and now with her husband retired. The event was a part of Biolas' annual commence­ ment exercises.


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