Behind the scenes
I take an 8 oz glass of warm water with 1/2 Sometimes I add a little grated ginger or 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. I avoid checking my cellphone until after I've had my warm water with lemon and meditated. I go to the gym, and when I return home, I prepare my green juice, grab my computer, and write down the things I have to do during the day. I tick them off as I complete them. They are my small achievements 😀
“It is possible to have everything you desire; you just have to ask for it. What are you asking the universe for? How committed are you to your dream? ” Of course, it is possible. You just need to have determination, a burning desire, and a resolute determination to achieve what you want, with a clear and definite vision and plenty of imagination to turn your desire into reality. I stopped asking when I discovered that I am the universe, the creator of my happiness and love, with a burning desire to be and do. I made the decision to manifest it, remaining steadfast in my desire until it is accomplished. I believe that commitment lies in the power to control our thoughts because that is where the secret of mastering our destiny of economic abundance. I am willing to bet my entire future on my ability to achieve what I want.
Tell us about your diet/eating habits.
I don't really follow a specific diet, but I do have a lifestyle where I take great care of my nutrition. It's very important to me to maintain balance in my main plate by incorporating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. The micronutrients, which provide me with energy, along with vitamins and minerals, play a crucial role. In this plate, I bring love to my relationships, and my spirituality serves as the foundation for the growth of Diana Lion, strengthening me in my career and physical activities. By doing so, I keep this plate in order every day, ensuring that my nutritional life remains balanced and harmonious.
Mountain / Coffee Shop Hot Cocoa Chocolate W/Vegetable Milk Pale Pink Egypt Moments with my Family ❤ Bee Gees
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