The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal


Dear Undergraduate Members: I n this time of uncertainty and anx- ious anticipation of future events, it is important to maintain a sense of emotional and fiscal stability. The situation we face today, though caused by different factors, is very similar to the environment that the Founders of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. faced during the organization’s inception. Then, as today, there was a need to coalesce and rely on each other for fellowship, guid- ance, and support. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupt- ed our society in ways we never imag- ined and temporarily, we pray, altered the course of the career development of our brothers. No one saw this com- ing and now we must respond in ways that minimize the potential harm to the undergraduate members in need. Your

purpose is to assist brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi who truly need financial assis- tance to get them through this turbulent time. The grant awards will be based on financial need. We encourage you to seek a grant. These funds are limited, so we ask that you honestly assess your financial situation before you apply. If you have the wherewithal to sustain you, please allow brothers whose needs are criti- cal to access this Fund. We are seeking additional contributions from Alumni members to bolster this account and we are confident we can soon offer grants to more undergraduate members than originally anticipated. Brothers, we are here to help you every way feasible and, with God’s grace and mercy, we will get through this. The purpose of the Undergraduate COVID-19 Relief Fund is to offset some of the financial hardship due to the unprecedented impact of COV- ID-19. This includes, but is not limited to, housing, job loss, food insecurity, parent job loss, medical, or student loans. Applications for this scholarship must be completed in its entirety using

the appropriate form. The application must be submitted to the International Headquarters through the online sub- mittal portal. Applications containing information that is determined to be false or inaccurate and/or incomplete will not be considered. Please direct all questions regarding the Undergraduate COVID-19 Relief Fund to the Director of Undergradu- ate and University Affairs, Trenton A. Nettles at tnettles@kappalphapsi1911. com. To make a donation to the Undergrad- uate COVID-19 Relief Fund, please click the button below. Please know that 100% of donations received will go directly to brothers in need. Thank you for your support of the Un- dergraduate COVID-19 Relief Fund.

Yours in the Bond, Evan R. Jackson Junior Grand Vice Polemarch

Foundation wants to do its part. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.,

the Senior Kappa Affairs Endowment Fund, the National Silhouettes, and the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation have joined resources to create the Undergraduate COVID-19 Relief Fund. The Fund’s


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