The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal



• Chapter Advisors are encouraged to meet with executive board officer to discuss a plan for com- pleting position duties virtually for this semester while planning for upcoming semesters.

fear and leads to a spectrum of psycho- logical consequences (Liu et al., 2020), ranging from distress responses such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, to behavioral changes such as difficulty sleeping and stress eating. Before the pandemic started, one in five college students have experienced one or more diagnosable mental disorders worldwide (Auerbach et al., 2016), and the psychological effects of COVID-19 can increase this number and exacerbate collegiate mental health issues. As a fraternity we must provide resources and direction to our undergraduate members who may require assistance.

• While major operations – like events, programs and official chapter meetings– have ceased, you can use this time for plan- ning with your executive board or chapter officers for the fall semester. Start to lay the founda- tion for how you will engage the chapter within the first month of in-person instruction. You may have new members then and they may have all experienced this virtual period in various ways. Think about how to en- gage all these various members when you are all back in person. • This is a great time for you to re- search the national and regional awards process and consider applying for one or all of the awards. Even if you choose not to submit an application for an award, your chapter can learn a lot from reviewing what is con- sidered a great chapter by the achievement commission. • Work with your executive board and chapter members to sketch out a return plan and priority list when operations resume. Construct your plan to be a day by day format with specific tasks and deadlines rather than specific calendar dates to allow for flexibility while accomplish- ing the tasks.

• If any chapter officers will

transition during spring 2020, consider modifying transition documents or creating transition documents for future officers. Contemplate hosting several vir- tual transition meetings themed to several aspects of chapter management (i.e. finances, marketing & communication, member engagement, etc.)


Chapter Management

Finally as a society, we are only begin- ning to understand the impact of the extraordinary events caused by the pandemic crisis. As men of Achieve- ment, we are already vividly experienc- ing the profoundly far-reaching effects of the shutdown of our beloved chapters on campuses and their rapid shift to virtual learning and instruction. As our undergraduate members experience this moment of uncertainty and alarm in any number of ways—a range of human emotion and response that reflects the full diversity of who we are as persons across the diverse spectrum of society. Personally—and I know this sounds a little strange—I feel a deep sense of gratitude and humility lately. My loved ones are safe and well. I am one of the genuinely privileged ones who have the opportunity to “work from home.” At the same time, my heart goes out to those who are truly suffering now, who have lost loved ones, who are at risk in so many ways. However, our undergrad- uate members are strategic thinkers, tac- tical entrepreneurs of their own futures. They have come of age, understanding that adaptability and agility are the skill- set of this still-new century.

• Keep up to date with IHQ ex- pectations of the chapter. These may be shifting rapidly, but be sure to keep your chapter in good standing. • Continue to host virtual chapter meetings throughout this time to have the chapter connect with each other. Remember under- graduates joined their chapters for human connection. It is even more important in this time to continue to encourage positive connection through strong chap- ter meetings/programming. • Update all chapter websites and social media platforms to reflect the current chapter life. Most websites are outdated and pres- ent very little information to the prospective member. Consider giving visitors to your website a better idea of what are your fraternity values.

Mental Wellness

College students are facing a variety of challenges in the wake of the CO- VID-19 outbreak. The pandemic has been escalating and threatening the welfare of human beings globally, and this public health emergency generates


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