The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal


and reach out to me so that we can schedule one. It’s that simple. We have a (Grand Chapter approved) budget for these forums which alleviates any cost to chapters. We have a team of facilitators standing by to travel to any chapter’s lo- cation. Let me pause for a moment and give recognition to our incredible team of facilitators who have been on the road working hard for Kappa these past years. Kudos to the initiative’s Vice-Chairman Brother Joseph Bryant (a NOBLE chapter president and retired police chief), Brother Dominque Calhoun, Brother Shawn Byrd and Brother Craig Chisholm for being the road warriors on this initiative. There have been times where we have all facilitated forums in different cities on the same days. We are currently training more facilitators so that we can be more effective and efficient in expanding our reach. All Learn 2 Live forums must be coordi- nated through our team. Please do not schedule one and try to execute it with- out coordinating through us. There’s a reason. The forum follows a specific structure. It has a set program format and has to include a certified NOBLE presenter. Our team coordinates with NOBLE and law enforcement person- nel. We have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of the program and ensure quality control so that our youth receive correct information and instruction. If a chapter is interested in hosting, my direct email address is: jimmy@themc- Q: How have non-minority law enforce- ment officers responded to the Learn 2 Live effort? McMikle: We make a conscious effort to try and diversify the cultural make-up of participating officers at each forum. We’ve been successful in yielding a diverse array of law enforcement in about half of our forums. As a result, there have been a large number of non- minority law enforcement officers who have volunteered for our forums, both as a part of the mock scenarios and as participants on our interactive police

panel portion of the forum. Those offic- ers have been tremendously supportive, helpful and valuable to our efforts. But, then again, I don’t expect voluntary par- ticipation from the non-minority officers that we’re truly concerned about or for whose actions this initiative was created.

receive information of any significant law changes (regarding the state you’re entering) pertaining to police practices and procedures; search and seizure, important statistics, etc. You would also have access to state specific resources to leverage in your time of need. Q: We’ll be sure to check back with you in the near future to see how things are progressing? McMikle: I’ll be glad to update you! Thanks for updating the membership about this initiative. fnp

Q: I understand that there is a website launch for the initiative coming soon?

McMikle: We are now live. Visit us at: We will be adding a number of downloadable resources and forum videos during this upcoming fraternal year for everyone’s benefit.

Q: Is there anything else new and excit- ing for this initiative’s future?

McMikle: We’re working on the devel- opment of the Learn 2 Live mobile app! This app will create a virtual community where information can be shared and exchanged without limitation. The Learn 2 Live mobile app will give us access to service youth in places that we don’t have the resources or bandwidth to reach. It will allow anyone from anywhere to plug into the information and knowledge that we are sharing with this initiative, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Those who download the app will have access to information such as rules for the traffic stop, community and home encounter. They’ll be able to view con- tent and receive notifications of breaking news including national incidents; leg- islative updates; new recommendations and any other pertinent content that we deem appropriate or necessary to share for the protection or safety of our target population. The app will also have GPS functional- ity to provide information relevant to a person’s geographic location. For example; imagine driving down the highway and as you cross state lines, you receive a notification welcoming you to the new state. As a part of that welcoming announcement, you may


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