ΘΥ chartered. — The University of Arkan- sas at Little Rock Chap- ter, the Theta Upsilon of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Chicago State Uni- versity Chapter, the Theta Zeta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Florida State Univer- sity Chapter, the Theta Eta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — ΘΖ ΘΗ ΘΘ The University of Mary- land, College Park Chap- ter, the Theta Theta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology Chap- ter, Theta Iota of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The University of West Georgia Chapter, Theta Kappa of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — ΘΙ ΘΚ ΘΛ ΘΜ ΘΝ The Northwestern State University Chapter, the Theta Lambda of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Arkansas State Uni- versity Chapter, the Theta Mu of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The University of Louisi- ana at Lafayette Chapter, Theta Nu of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered.
Alumni Chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi are
ΗΦ ΗΧ ΗΩ ΘΑ ΘΒ Θ∆ the Eta Phi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The University of Ala- bama Chapter, the Eta Chi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Old Dominion Uni- versity Chapter, the Eta Omega of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Henderson State University Chapter, the Theta Alpha of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Austin Peay State University Chapter, Theta Beta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Auburn University Chapter, the Theta Delta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered in the cities of Sacramento (CA), Colorado Springs (CO), Stockton (CA), Columbia (MD), Anderson (IN) and Blytheville (AR). — In Milliken v. Bradley, the U.S. Supreme Court holds that outlying school districts could only be forced into desegregated busing plans if violations from those districts could be proved. This decision is held as an example of supporting "White flight." 1975 The Texas A&M Univer- sity-Commerce Chapter,
ΗΜ ΗΝ ΗΞ ΗΟ ΗΠ ΗΡ ΗΣ ΗΤ ΗΥ The Jacksonville State University Chapter, the Eta Mu of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The University of South Alabama Chapter, the Eta Nu of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Virginia Common- wealth University Chap- ter, the Eta Xi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Cameron University Chapter, the Eta Omicron of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Northeast Louisiana University Chapter, the Eta Pi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Central Michigan University Chapter, the Eta Rho of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The University of Virginia Chapter, the Eta Sigma of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Texas A&M Universi- ty-Kingsville Chapter, the Eta Tau of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Mississippi State University Chapter, the Eta Upsilon of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — Alumni Chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi are
chartered in the cities of Moss Point (MS), Beau- fort-Jasper-Hilton head (SC), Waukegan (IL), Rock Island (IL), Vallejo- Fairfied (CA), Charlottes- ville (VA), Gulfport (MS), Aiken (SC), Sparta (GA), Frankfort (KY), Farmville (VA) and Lynchburg (VA).
Daniel "Chappie" James (Nashville (TN) AL 1969) is promoted to the rank of four-star general in the U.S. Air Force and com- mander of NORAD. He is the first African American to reach this rank in any of the American military services.
Hiliary H. Holloway, Esq. becomes the 22 nd Grand Polemarch and served from 1976-1979. — The University of Texas
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