ΜΓ Μ∆ The DeVry University Chapter, the Mu Gamma of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The State University of New York at Brockport Chapter, the Mu Delta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered.
ΜΕ Epsilon of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Southeast Missouri State University Chapter, ΜΖ the Mu Zeta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Northwest Missouri State University Chapter, ΜΙ The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Chapter, the Mu Iota of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Binghamton Uni- versity Chapter, the Mu Kappa of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — the Mu Eta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Francis Marion Uni- versity Chapter, the Mu Theta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — ΜΚ ΜΛ ΜΜ ΜΝ The Weber State College Chapter, the Mu Lambda of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The George Mason Uni- versity Chapter, the Mu Mu of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The University of North Carolina at Wilmington Chapter, the Mu Nu of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Bermuda Alumni Chapter is chartered. ΜΗ ΜΘ
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 establishes 100:1 sentencing disparity be- tween crack and powder cocaine. — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday is celebrated as a national holiday across the U.S. — The Oprah Winfrey Show is a nationally syndicated
ΜΞ ΜΟ ΜΠ ΜΡ ΜΣ ΜΤ ΜΥ ΜΦ 1986 The Wittenberg Univer- sity Chapter, the Mu Xi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The State University of New York College at Old Westbury Chapter, the Mu Omicron of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The St. John's University Chapter, the Mu Pi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The University of Tennes- see at Knoxville Chapter, the Mu Rho of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Stephen F. Austin State University Chapter, Mu Sigma of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Mars Hill College Chapter, the Mu Tau of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Appalachian State University Chapter, the Mu Upsilon of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Clarion University of Pennsylvania Chapter, the Mu Phi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — Alumni Chapters of Kap- pa Alpha Psi are chartered in the cities of Norristown (PA) and Murfreesboro (TN).
talk show. 1987
ΜΩ The Sonoma State Uni- versity Chapter, the Mu Omega of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Texas A&M Uni- versity Chapter, the Nu Alpha of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — ΝΓ ΝΒ ΝΑ The Southern Methodist University Chapter, the Nu Beta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Yale University Chapter, the Nu Gamma of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — ΜΨ ΜΧ The Dartmouth College Chapter, the Mu Chi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Georgia College & State University Chap- ter, the Mu Psi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. —
W. Wilson Goode (Phila- delphia (PA) AL 1996) becomes the first African American Mayor of Philadelphia. — Rev. Jesse Jackson runs for president in the Democratic primary. — Carl Lewis equals Jesse Owens' Olympic record. 1985
Randall C. Bacon, Esq. becomes the 25 th Grand Polemarch and served from 1985-1988. — The Missouri State Uni- versity Chapter, the Mu
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