ΝΨ ΝΩ ΞΒ ΞΓ ΞΑ The University of Con- necticut Chapter, the Nu Psi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Southeastern Loui- siana University Chapter, the Nu Omega of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Centenary College Chapter, the Xi Alpha of Kappa Alpha Psi is char- tered. — The Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University Chap- ter, the Xi Beta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Rowan University Chapter, the Xi Gamma of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — Alumni Chapters of Kap- pa Alpha Psi are chartered in the cities of State Col- lege (PA), Queens, (NY), and Germantown (TN) as well as the United King- dom. — Gains in representation in government, sports and entertainment continued. Art Shell is the first Afri- can American to be hired as a head coach of a National Football League Team. — Colin Powell is the first African American to be named Chair of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. 1990
ΞΞ representing the state of Illinois, is the first African American woman elected to the U.S. Senate. 1993 The University of Akron Chapter, the Xi Xi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Long Island Univer- sity CW Post Campus Chapter, the Xi Omicron of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Newberry College Chapter, the Xi Pi of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — ΞΡ ΞΠ The DePauw University Chapter, the Xi Rho of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — Freeman R. Bosley Jr., is elected the firstAfrican Americanmayor of St. Louis. ΞΟ Willie W. Herenton becomes the first Afri- can American Mayor of Memphis. — The officers tried for the beating of Rodney King are acquitted, leading to three days of riots, with more than 50 people dead. — Mae Carol Jemison becomes the first African American woman travel to space. — Carol Moseley Braun,
ΞΗ ΞΘ ΞΙ 1992 The Mansfield Univer- sity Chapter, the Xi Eta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The College of William and Mary Chapter, the Xi Theta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Saginaw Valley State University Chapter, the Xi Iota of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Bucknell University Chapter, the Xi Kappa of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — ΞΚ ΞΛ ΞΜ ΞΝ The University of North Florida Chapter, the Xi Lambda of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Wesley College Chapter, the Xi Mu of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Tennessee Techno- logical University Chap- ter, the Xi Nu of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The Richardson-Plano (TX) Alumni Chapter is chartered.
Ξ∆ ΞΕ ΞΖ The Princeton University Chapter, the Xi Delta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The University of Roch- ester Chapter, the Xi Epsilon of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — The New York Institute of Technology Chapter, the Xi Zeta of Kappa Alpha Psi is chartered. — White police officers are videotaped beating Rod- ney King in Los Angeles. — Robert L. Harris, Esq. becomes the 27 th Grand Polemarch and served from 1991-1995. — The U.S. Senate confirms Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court. — The Civil Rights Act of 1991 is enacted Emanuel Clever II is the first Black elected Mayor of Kansas City. — Wellington Webb (Denver (CO) AL 1981) is elected Mayor of Denver.
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