The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal


GA) and The Virtual Reality Company (Los Angeles, CA), producing scripts, network IDs and other forms of media that have aired online and on national television. A Mindset of Achievement to Over- come Obstacles or Challenges I think the greatest challenge as an entrepreneur is simply having the courage to bet on yourself every day. It is not just a business to you. It’s your passion, your vision, your ideals, your dreams. It is something personal that you have created that you are present- ing to the world to be judged and cri- tiqued by people who may or may not see what you see, but that is why the vision was given to you. Your resolve will be challenged daily. The hero’s journey is never easy, but we are all the leads of our own stories. When I think about the challenges I have faced in pursuit of my purpose, I can’t help but think about how meticu- lously God has crafted my story. Growing up, it had always been a chal- lenge for me to socially engage with my peers. Being too young to understand what an introvert was, I sometimes found myself spending too much time in my own head. As an entrepreneur, it becomes possible to feel alone even in a room full of people. However, it is because of the experiences I have had that made it possible for me to find my passion for creating stories that uplift and inspire those individuals who may feel overlooked or unseen. Once I learned to shift my mindset, obstacles became opportunities that challenged me to change my perspective and get creative.

I believe that having the ability to imagine is per- haps the greatest power that we have as humans. The art of imaginary play is something that we were all once masters of as children, but at some point in our lives, reality guilted us from pursuing it. So, I have always tried to keep a sense of magical realism in my work. Interweav- ing the fantastical into everyday life is what my artist’s statement Reality Reimagined™ is all about. That is the magic that I am after. Reflecting on my Child- hood

animation, graphic design, and other digital art disciplines. One of my most recent major projects has been serving as the brand designer for ATL Kula, a wellness studio that opened earlier this year in Atlantic Station. Every busi- ness has a voice, a story to tell, and it is my job to help clients share that story with the world. On the personal side, I am a published author and filmmaker. My published works include Dream Catcher (chil- dren’s book), The Lost Art (ages 9+) and my latest work, The Mirage Magi- cian (young adults) which just released. I have also just recently released my award-winning animated film based on my book Dream Catcher on YouTube. It is a captivating story of creation that encourages children to dare to be different, chase their dreams, and dis- cover the power of their imagination. Whether for a client’s professional brand or an audience of young minds, it is my vision to inspire reimagined ways of thinking that provide a creative impact on the realities of others.

A great deal of the inspiration behind the characters I create comes from my childhood. Growing up, my dad would have to travel for work quite often to places like Australia, India, and China, which at the time, seemed like fantastical worlds that only existed in Disney movies. I have always viewed my dad as being this worldly individual who had traveled the world over. As a result, this sort of theme of travel became a very core component of the lead character in my latest novel The Mirage Magician . Whether through my dad’s travel stories, my mom signing me up for art classes after school, and even my older brother’s shenanigans, my family has definitely made their imprint in my work. I think this is perhaps the main reason as to why my work resonates with oth- ers. Though my stories dwell in the realms of fiction and fantasy, they come from a very real and rooted place. I do not set out to tell stories that pander or cater to any one type of person. My goal as a storyteller is to tell human stories, universal to every walk of life.

Connecting Passion and Purpose

I am the founder and CEO of iL- LUSiONÀGE Productions. On the professional side, I help individu- als and organizations visualize their brand through brand consulting,


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