Mission Partners Book Spring 2023

Ted & Alya Foreman Ukraine

As the Ukraine war continues on we are trying to be obedient to God and serve him alongside our small church. The needs of the people are very many and we will continue to be here as long as God allows us. At our church, we continue to feed several hundred people. While many come for food, some also come to a Bible study and Sunday service.

In October we had a day camp in a poor village for the children. We played games, laughed, discussed the Bible and shared the Gospel.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray that people would come to a saving faith in Jesus. 2. Pray for Ukraine and God to end this painful war. 3. Pray for our team, God’s leading and all needed resources to help people. 4. Pray for our marriage to stay strong.

Contact Info


Please contact missions@nrf.life for information



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