Mission Partners Book Spring 2023

Jim & Lisa Black Africa

The very day that the Father drew me to Jesus, I knew that He was calling me to serve Him but I did not understand that call right away. During my years in Bible college, I came to understand my calling to cross cultural missions. Lisa and I spent 8 years as resident missionaries in Nigeria and I have traveled to and around parts of West Africa and East Africa for many years now, preaching the gospel, training leaders, distributing Bibles, and looking for ways to see gospel movements begin and spread throughout the continent. Prayer Requests 1. That the Lord of the harvest will send workers into these difficult places. 2. An increase in our current global workers funding. 3. That others will partner with us in whatever ways the Lord leads.

Contact Info


315 Churchill Street

Jim 1/19, Lisa 11/21

Rockford, IL 61103 jimblack59@gmail.com



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