February 2024

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — February 2024 — 13A


Great CRE Events Cont. Ed…Speakers…Networking www.CircDelaware.org


March 13 (8:30) DE Mod. 2 "Ethical Practice" * (+PA/MD/NJ) (1:30) DE Mod. 7 "Agency the Law" * (+PA) April 10 (8:30) DE Mod. 6 "Property Management" and PA Mandatory "Property Management, Advertising and General Supervision" * (+PA/MD/NJ) (1:30) DE Mod. 6 "Understanding Exchanges and Opportunity Zones" * (+PA/MD/NJ) *Please review the complete online listing of credits earned for DE/PA/MD/NJ license renewals for each of the classes. Registration & Details: www.circdelaware.org (Education) Artificial Intelligence The Potential, Value & Pitfalls CONT. EDUCATION for your 2024 Licence Renewals Frederick Academy of Real Estate Instructors: Andrew Taylor, Esq. and Duncan Patterson, CCIM

—OFFICERS— President: Cindy Fleming Jones Lang LaSalle Vice President: Barton L. Mackey, Jr. Patterson-Woods Associates Secretary: Daniel Wham DSM Commercial Real Estate Co-Treasurers: Robert Stenta Chatham Financial Michael Hahn 44 Business Capital *Board of Directors *as of 7/1/23* —DIRECTORS— Past President: Jay L. White , MAI, CRE® Apex Realty Advisory Program Co-Chair: Lorraine Sheldon NAI Emory Hill

Mar 13 (Wed., 11:30-1:30) Membership Lunch & Cont. Ed. Networking Lunch & Presentation Topic: BPG Multifamily Housing Projects - Urban & Suburban Speakers: Michael Hare, EVP of Dev., Buccini Pollin Group Location: DuPont Country Club, Wilmington, DE Apr. 10 (Wed., 11:30-1:30) Membership Lunch & Cont. Ed. Networking Lunch & Presentation Topic: Economic Outlook Speaker: TBA Location: DuPont Country Club, Wilmington, DE Register online: circdelaware.org goto Event pages Membership News Committee holds "Meet & Greet" to welcome prospective new members.

Program Co-Chair: Ryan Kennedy KENNEDY Marketing

—EX-OFFICIO— Business Manager Janet Pippert Landmark Science & Engineering Legislative Lobbyist Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP E. Thomas Harvey, IV Harvey Hanna & Associates. Donald Robitzer The Commonwealth Group Benjamin Berger , Esq. Berger McDermott LLP Carmen Facciolo NAI Emory Hill Neil Kilian, SIOR, CCIM NAI Emory Hill Pamela Scott , Esq. Claymont Rennaissance Dev. Corp. Economic Development Liaisons Joseph Zilcosky, Del. Becky Harrington, DPP contact us (302) 633-1705 Janet@circdelaware.org www.circdelaware.org C. Scott Kidner C. S. Kidner & Associates Legislative Affairs Chair Brett Saddler

Co-Chairs Kristen Freebery and Matt Brainard (starting 2nd from le) and committee members Greg Ellis and Khristian Toolan (right) meet and get to know two prospective new members at monthly member- ship events (not shown: Susan Miller)

Dr. David J. Wilk, MAI, CRE, Prof. & Dir. of the RE Program at Temple/Fox Business, spoke at the February 14 membershp luncheon about the use of AI in RE. "Fas- cinating!" See more on CIRC's website: Resources/Presentations .

Claudia Havens (Soni- trol's CIRC photogra- pher) and Jeanne Kress .

e Two Mikes: Mike Schlegel and Dr. Mike Katz.

Movers & Shakers: Board members Ryan Kennedy and Jay White.

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