February 2024

14A — February 2024 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal

Retains Houlihan Lokey, Inc. to accelerate growth A&G gears up to seize new opportunities in CRE market

Beyond YouTube: CRE TV

developer in New Jersey, not only “airs” CRE TV on his homepage (at https://www.di- versifiedproperties.com) but he recognized the immense value of this long-needed technology platform for all Commercial Real Estate Professionals. In 2022 Minoia co-founded Diversified Digital Net- work TV, LLC and has made the technology and platform available for all businesses, journals, and associations to exploit the advantages of true media ownership. CRE Professional Trades simply make application and a yearly payment of a small channel licensing fee of $1,699 to ac- tively participate. The CRE TV Channel technology is cur- rently available for purchase through the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal by calling Lea Christman at 781-740-2900. Businesses, Journals, PR firms, and associations may apply to become a channel re- seller by calling Paul Argen at 973-632-1906. In conclusion, while You- Tube remains a widely used platform, its limitations in control, suggested content, and advertising make it less appealing for businesses seek- ing a professional and credible image. Commercial real estate professionals in 2024 should explore the benefits of CRE TV, leveraging its third-party endorsement, Diversified Digi - tal Network TV technology, and extended distribution network to enhance their on- line presence and reputation. Investing in CRE TV ensures that your video content be- comes a strategic asset, reflect - ing positively on your brand within the competitive com- mercial real estate landscape. Nick Minoia is the founder of Diversified Properties. PJ Argen is CRE TV news and technology editor. MAREJ Committed to incorporat- ing flexible thinking into every listing and transaction, SAGE is focused on the New Jersey and Pennsylvania markets. The company is the brainchild of Tragash and Pine, who forged a dynamic partnership spanning over 17 years working side-by- side at the same firm. Com - bined, they possess 35+ years of industry experience and have been involved in closed transactions totaling several billion dollars. MAREJ

impact of the message. Enter CRE TV: Got a CRE Podcast or a CRE News Story to Share? Here’s a better Distribution Channel… Guaranteed... Commercial real estate pro- fessionals in 2024 should con- sider the unique advantages offered by CRE TV, all of which are free to those who qualify and actively participate in the CRE TV Network through Channel Ownership. Unlike YouTube, CRE TV is dedicated to produc- ing valid news and information with an implied third-party endorsement about your com- pany or services and includes your channel in the network that automatically reaches the targeted audience that you need to reach. There is no extra cost for distribution as a CRE TV Affiliate Channel Owner. One notable feature is the utilization of Diversified Digi - tal Network TV’s technology. This technology allows each participant and guest expert to own their CRE TV affiliate channel, providing a controlled and professional environment for showcasing content. This affiliate channel can be seam - lessly embedded on your web- site, ensuring a cohesive user experience for visitors. The technology can actually turn your web home page into a media site, which delivers a higher domain authority. Unlike YouTube, CRE TV offers full distribution into the CRE TV network. This expanded reach ensures that your content is not only fea- tured on your website, but also accessible to a broader audience within the CRE TV network. This increased expo- sure can significantly amplify the impact of your message. CRE Professionals Embrace CRE TV Nick Minoia , a prominent continued from page 2A MORRISTOWN , NJ — For newly launched SAGE In- vestment Real Estate Advi- sors (SAGE) , helping clients realize investment goals goes well beyond what has become the industry standard. Based in Morristown, SAGE’s business model has been shaped by client and key- player interviews conducted by co-founders and partners Steve Tragash and Greg Pine . During client meet- ings, when the two brokerage veterans were considering the launch of a start-up, the former Gebroe-Hammer Asso- ciates brokers gathered feed-

N EW YORK, NY — A&G Real Es- tate Partners an-

clical. Assisted by Houlihan Lokey, we now have a tremen- dous opportunity to broaden

optimization across all sectors of real estate. Most recently, the New York-based firm has completed or continues to work on successful proj- ects for, among others, Rite Aid, Cineworld (Regal U.S.), Party City, David’s Bridal, Bed Bath & Beyond/buybuy BABY, Sprouts and franchi- sees for several major restau- rant chains, including Burger King, Hardee’s and Denny’s. Demand for good real estate in distressed situations has continued to fuel A&G’s busi- ness in recent years. “One ex- ample is our successful market- ing campaign, along with East- dil, of Brooklyn’s Williamsburg Hotel, which sold for a total cash-and-debt price of $96 mil- lion,” Amendola noted. “When you consider the turmoil in the real estate industry today, it makes sound strategic sense for A&G to be exploring new capital options to accelerate the growth of our platform, with myself and Andy con- tinuing at the helm.” MAREJ Millichap’s chief operating officer, Eastern Division said, “With this partnership, we continue our longstanding tradition of providing the commercial real estate in- dustry with advantages that groundbreaking technologies have to offer. EquityMul- tiple’s diverse array of real estate investment products expand a service line and broadens our spectrum of debt and equity sources.” Marious Sjulsen , Equity- Multiple’s CIO and co-founder said, “Marcus & Millichap is a phenomenal resource for com- mercial real estate investors and operators. At EquityMul- tiple, reach and diversification are core to what we bring to accredited investors. Through our partnership with Marcus & Millichap, EquityMultiple in- vestors will benefit from deeper and broader access to transac- tions. At the same time, Marcus & Millichap’s network of bro- kers, advisers, and buyers will benefit from curated access to a broader set of opportunities on the EquityMultiple platform, including timely CRE private credit investments; GP funds; and a diverse set of individual assets including potentially counter-cyclical sectors like self-storage, last-mile indus- trial, and multifamily.” MAREJ

our products and services and leverage our industry relationships to serve as a true one- stop-shop for our clients.” “We are dominant in

nounced it has retained the real es- tate group at Houli- han Lokey, Inc. to as- sist the com- pany in its efforts to seize fast-

Andy Graiser

Emilio Amendola

the retail sector and now want to further expand our lodging, office and healthcare offerings, which is a natural evolution of our business given our cur- rent robust infrastructure and deep leadership team,” he said. “Given the massive wall of loan maturities and the capital mar- kets dislocation, A&G now has a strong opportunity to acceler- ate its growth and be optimally positioned to execute as this wave of distress materializes.” A&G is on the front lines of lease restructuring, lease disposition and portfolio-

emerging opportunities in today’s turbulent commercial real estate markets. The global investment bank is actively searching for in- vestment partners to provide growth capital that will enable A&G to launch complementary new products and offerings. “A&G ownership is excit- ed and energized about the growth prospects of the busi- ness, founded 12 years ago by myself and co-president Emilio Amendola ,” said A&G co-president Andy Graiser . “Our business is countercy-

EquityMultiple partners With Marcus & Millichap

in various forms: JV equity (LP and co-GP); senior debt; mezzanine and subordinate

NEW YORK, NY — Eq- uityMultiple , the real es- tate investing platform for

debt; and preferred eq- uity. Equ i t y - Mu l t i p l e looks forward to bringing these ben- efits to Mar - cus & Mil- lichap’s net-

self-directed investors, announced a partnership with Mar- cus & Mil- lichap . Mar- cus & Millic- hap and Eq- uityMultiple serve a simi-

Charles Clinton

J.D. Parker

work of sponsors, operators, and brokers. The partnership also brings clear benefits to individual investors seeking streamlined access to a broader set of opportunities. “Since 2015 we have brought individual investors access to the types of commercial real estate that have long been hallmarks of institutional port- folios. Our mission is to bring the benefits of private-market CRE to a broader community of investors: uncorrelated return potential, tax advantages, and the potential for cash flow and appreciation across market cycles. Our partnership with Marcus & Millichap is an ex- citing step for our firm and for the real estate investing fintech space more broadly,” said Equi- tyMultiple CEO and co-founder Charles Clinton. J.D. Parker , Marcus &

lar market of highly informed, self-directed real estate inves- tors, and both firms see the partnership as a symbiotic path to growth going forward. Since inception in 2015, Eq- uityMultiple has developed a more targeted, institutional approach to the real estate crowdfunding concept. While other brands in the space have taken on venture capital fund- ing, EquityMultiple has grown its business and portfolio through strategic partnerships and a disciplined focus on as- set management. Through its nationwide network of nearly 50,000 self-directed investors, EquityMultiple has provided financing for hundreds of real estate transactions. Equity- Multiple has thus provided flexible capital markets solu - tions to dozens of sponsors and operators across the U.S.

SAGE launches new CRE brokerage firm back from generational and institutional sellers as well as a full range of investors.

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