Primary School 2020 Post Exam Summer Programmes

Many of the 2020 primary school post-exam and summer programmes are completely NEW and ACTIONPACKED! There are 5 outdoor destinations, 3 STEAM workshops, a 5-day/10-day camp filled with life-wide educational activities covering art, sports, music and drama, mental challenge and language. They will be led by teachers whose first language is English and who are graduates and students from top universities from English speaking countries. Our teachers are fun, energetic and excellent at connecting with young students. Let your students play, learn and enjoy this summer with Headstart!

小學2020 試後及暑期

Many of the primary school 2020 post-exam

BIG FUN營包含 很多 全新 和 極具創意 的內 容,包括四個主題日營,兩個極有趣的STEAM 工作坊;更有一個5天或10天超級全人學習營 讓學生參與手工藝、音樂、戲劇、體能競技、挑 戰腦筋和英語學習、實在是包羅萬有。 所有活動都是由以英語為第一語言的導師帶 領。他們是在英語國家的大學畢業或就讀, 有朝氣、有活力、正面並最擅長與小學生溝通, 並熱衷於教授年輕學生。 2020年的暑假,就讓您的學生参與我們集 玩樂和學習於一身的 暑假BIG FUN 營吧!

and summer programmes are completely NEW and absolutely

ACTIONPACKED ! There are 5 outdoor destinations, 3 STEAM workshops, a 5-day/10-day camp filled with life-wide educational activities covering art, sports, music and drama, mental challenge and language. These programmes will be led by teachers whose first language is English and who are graduates and students from top universities from English speaking countries. They are fun, energetic and excellent at connecting with young students.

Let your students play, learn and enjoy this summer with Headstart!


Contents 目錄 "Out and About" Theme-based Day Excursions “度度四圍去” 日營 • Introduction 1 簡介 • Theme 3 主題 5/10-day Super Camp 5/10天超级全人學習營 • Introduction 11 簡介 • Learning Objectives 13 學習目標 • Themes and Itinerary 13 主題 • Activity Description 15 活動簡介 簡介 • A City that Never Sleeps 21 不用睡覺之城 • The Inside-out World! 23 玩轉我的世界 Sunshine STEAM 夏日創科大發現 • Introduction 19

English Enhancement Programmes 英語增潤課程


• Introduction 25

• Intensive Cambridge Preparation Programmes 劍橋考試預備班 • Phonics for Young Learners 37 拼音基礎及進階課程 • Summer Drama 39 夏令戲劇樂融融 • Interview Skills 41 面試預備班 27

Words from School Partners 43 學校的話 School Partners 2016-2020 47 夥伴學校 2016-2020

Our society is made up of people and organisations performing di‹erent functions. It is a jigsaw puzzle. We need every piece to make it whole. Let our young students see, experience and appreciate what makes our society work. Before each excursion, there will be a 1 to 2-hour lesson to provide students with the background of the excursion and interesting lead-in activities. So they will go prepared and can get the best out of the excursion.

我們的社會是由從事不同工作的人和 組織建立,就像一幅拼圖,每一塊都不 可或缺。我們的學生應看多一點,親身 體驗和了解社會的運作。 在每次遊覽之前,學生將會進行一個 1 至2小時的課堂藉以了解目的地的背 景。透過適切的引領,學生會做好準備 從遊覽中大大得益。

AM 上午

Gather at school’s covered playground 於學校操場集合 Pre-outing lesson 出發前的導入課堂 Arrive at destination: Experiential learning - Visit, Activity, Task and Exercise 出發前往目的地: 體驗學習 - 參觀並進行各種有關活動 Itinerary 行程

Lunch: Onsite or at neighbouring location 午餐: 於目的地或就近用膳

Group sharing, discussion and presentation 小組分享,討論和匯報

PM 下午

Return to school 返回學校並解散


Theme 1 Community Service 主題一 Community service plays a big part to any society. Our

students can learn a lot from visiting civic organisations and understand how their work a‡ects the community. Good citizenship can be nurtured from a young age!


社區服務對社會起著重要作用。我們的學生可以從訪問民間組織中學到很多東西,並了解 他們的工作如何影響社會,讓學生從小就培養良好的公民意識!

Recommended Locations 建議參觀的機構和地點

粒粒皆辛館是全港首間融合惜 食、關愛的實體展館,在旅程 中大家將會接觸惜食冷知 識,更會了解到香港以至 全球的食物浪費及飢餓 問題。館內亦會反映香 港長者現況,讓參加者 更關注社會,關心有需 要的長者。

Foodstep Journey is the first experience centre in Hong Kong that advocates the virtue of cherishing food and caring for the community. During the journey,

participants will be introduced to interesting facts

about ‘Food Smart’, as well as issues of food wastage and elderly poverty in Hong Kong.

國際十字路會是一家香港的香港非牟利 組織。目標是在全球分化的社會中 聯繫人們。十字路會爲有需要的 港人提供物資和福利協助,以

Crossroads Foundation is a non- profit organization based in Hong Kong. The goal is to connect people in a broken world.

回饋這個社會。國際十字路 會與辦不同的體驗活動例 如“Global X Experience “讓大眾切身體會貧困,戰 爭和疾病的影響及其受難 者的需要。

Crossroads will provide material and welfare assistance to Hong Kong people in need to give back to this enthusiastic society. Crossroads Foundation runs

experience activities such as the “Global X Experience “programme to help students better understand the needs of the victims.

市區更新探知館為學生、社區團體和公 眾人士提供有關香港市區更新的資 訊。館內設有舊區生活探索、展 覽區、互動多媒體設施和交流

Since its opening in August 2009, the Urban Renewal

Exploration Centre (UREC) has provided students, community organizations and the general public with information about the urban renewal in Hong Kong. The UREC, presents a real- life experience of

區等,提供更多互動性、知識 性和趣味性的資料,藉此啟 發參觀者以多角度認識和 思考市區更新不同議題。 4

dilapidated housing, interesting exhibits, interactive multimedia facilities and sharing corner. It aims to inspire visitors to understand and approach urban renewal issues from various perspectives.

Theme 2 Science and Environment 主題二

Environmental issues have come onto the world stage. Education

on conservation will have life-long impact on our students. Let our students learn to be ambassadors for the planets.


環境問題已成為國際話題。保育教育將對我們的學 生終身受用。讓我們的學生學會成為保護環境的大使。

Recommended Locations 建議參觀的機構和地點 T. PARK is a self-sustained sludge treatment facility with state-of-the- art incineration

源· 區是一個具有最先進焚化技 術的獨立污泥處理設施,旨在 應對廢物為香港帶來的挑 戰。源· 區的70%被自然 環境覆蓋並包括各種本 地物種和鳥類保護區。 區內還設有各種娛樂, 教育和生態設施,是一 個讓大眾認識可持續 的“廢物轉化為能源”管 理,回收和環境保護帶來 的好處的學習場所。

technology designed to address the unique waste challenges in Hong Kong.

70% of T. PARK is covered by green features, including a variety of local species and a sanctuary

for birds. It also has various recreational, educational and ecological facilities for the public to learn the benefits of sustainable “waste- to-energy” management, recycling and environmental protection.

環保園是環境保護署為循環再造業特別 建造的設施。EcoPark致力通過將 可回收材料返回生產線和消費 循環,促進廢物轉化為資源,

EcoPark, Hong Kong’s first recycling-business park, is a facility of the Environmental Protection Department specially

促進本地環境和回收行業的 發展。園內的訪客中心提供 有關廢物管理和減少廢物 的知識,以喚起社區對相 關環境問題的認識,以及 提高社區內部環境道德的 重要性。

constructed for recycling industry. EcoPark endeavours to promote the

turning of waste into resources by returning recyclable materials to the production line and the loop of consumption,

promoting the development of the local environmental and recycling industry. The visitor centre provides the knowledge about waste management and waste reduction, with a view to arousing the community awareness on relevant environmental issues, and the importance of improving the environmental ethic within the community.

香港海洋公園是一個世界級的海 洋動物主題樂園,集娛樂、教育 及保育於一體。在海洋公園, 學生將獲得寶貴的學習機 會和經驗!他們可以通過 充滿動感的互動和自然 界中的獨特體驗來學習 動物生態,自然保護,通 識教育和物理學。

Ocean Park is a marine-life theme park featuring

animals, thrill rides and shows. In Ocean Park, students will gain numerous exciting learning experiences through the vibrant array of immersive resources. They can learn about animals, conservation, liberal


studies and physics via interactive activities and the unique experiences of fun learning in nature.

Theme 3 Public Service 主題三 Public service is the backbone of any civilised society. Where does water



come from? Who will come to our rescue in case of fire? Who keeps our building safe? Visit government departments to let our students understand how people work behind the scenes.


公共服務是社會的骨幹。我們日常飲用的水是從哪裡來?萬一發生火災,誰會來救急扶危? 誰負責保障建築物的安全?參觀政府部門能讓我們的學生了解相關部門在幕後的工作。

Recommended Locations 建議參觀的機構和地點 Civil Aviation Department is civil aviation

民航處是監管民航業務的公共機 構,負責為在香港國際機場內 外以及香港飛行情報區範圍 內運營的所有飛機提供安 全,有序和高效的航空交 通及導航服務。民航處總 部主要用於公眾教育, 以增強對航空事務的了 解。航空教育之路是一 條旨在增強學生對航空 事務知識的教育途徑。沿 著航空教育之路,學生將了 解民航處的角色以及香港的航 空發展。

authority of Hong Kong responsible to the provision of safe, orderly and e‡icient air tra‡ic control services to all aircraft operating within the Hong Kong Flight Information

Region. Aviation Education Path is an education path that enhance students’ knowledge

on aviation matters. Walking through the Aviation Education Path, students will have knowledge of the role of Civil Aviation Department and the Aviation development in Hong Kong.

消防部門是管理消防和救護服務的部門。 它還向公眾提供各種教育和防火安 全意識。當您測試要成為消防員 時,參觀消防局可能是非常有 教育意義和收穫的體驗。學 生可以進一步了解消防員 的日常服務和工作,消防局 的設施和裝備等等。

Fire Department is department that manage the Fire and Ambulance Services. It also provide variety of education and awareness of

fire safety to the public. Visiting a fire station can be a very educational and rewarding

experience when you are testing to become a firefighter. Students can understand more about the daily service, routine of the firemen and the facility, equipment of the Fire station, etc.

香港郵政是,負責郵政服務的政府部門。 中央郵件中心是該部門的統一郵政 設施,主要用於簡化香港的郵件 處理流程。中央郵件中心採用 綠色建築設計,安裝了先進 的郵政設備,有助於提高營 運效率。通過參觀中央郵 件中心,學生可以增進對 香港郵政運作的了解以及 集郵知識。 8

Hong Kong Post is a government department responsible for postal services. The Central Mail Centre is the department which streamlined mail flow of Hong Kong. Adopting a green building design, the Central Mail Centre is installed with advanced postal unified postal facility of the

equipment, which helps enhancing operational e‡iciency. Through this experience, Student can enhance the understanding about Hongkong Post and philately and the philatelic knowledge.

Theme 4 History and Culture 主題四

To young students, history is remote, irrelevant and uninteresting; like culture is abstract and hard to describe. Unless they are

a part of it as characters in a drama! Pre-outing lesson will help make sure history is real and modern to our students.


對於年輕的學生來說,歷史可能是遙遠,無關緊要和沉悶,甚至抽象並難以描述。除非歷史 就像戲劇一樣,而學生就像當中人物一樣親歷其境。遊覽前的課堂將歷史變得真實和現代 化,並讓學生以更深入的角度了解歷史。

Recommended Locations 建議參觀的機構和地點 Hong Kong Museum of History is an active platform that engages

香港歷史博物館是一個活躍的平 台,可以使觀眾了解香港,我 們的國家和整個世界的故 事。通過鼓勵公眾更深 入地了解文化和歷史, 博物館的目的是啟發 觀眾超越我們自己的 歷史,更好地欣賞過去 的經驗並受到他人的 啟發。通過收藏和保存 展覽,學生可以探索中國 和世界其他地區的歷史。

the audience with the stories of Hong Kong, our country, and the world as a whole. By inspiring the public to go farther and deeper into culture and history, it aims to

stimulate audiences to look beyond our own history and to better appreciate the past experiences and inspired by others. Students can explore the history of China and the rest of the world by the exhibition of collection and preserving.

保良局博物館為公眾提供由導賞團,檔 案查閱和研討會。自1998年開幕以 來,該博物館不斷地收集,分類, 和保存保良局的歷史記錄。博

Po Leung Kuk Museum provides guided tours, archival access and seminars to the public. Since its opening in 1998, the museum continuously acquires, classifies,

物館亦管理文化檔案,並推 廣各種文化服務,以激發學 生的興趣。此外,館內的展 覽內容會定期更新,學生 因此可以了解保良局與香 港社會發展之間的關係。

preserves and conserves Po Leung Kuk’s

historical records. The museum also

manages its archive and promotes various

cultural services in order to spark students’ interest.

Besides, Exhibitions are periodically renewed, students thus can understand the relationship between Po Leung Kuk and social development of Hong Kong.

大館已採用最高標準的文物保護 措施並原汁原味的關注地使十 多座歷史建築保留當日面 栩栩如生。與最初作為警 察局,法院和監獄的功能 相反,這些建築物現已 開放給公眾有機會近距 離欣賞其對比鮮明的建 築特色和精美的設計細 節。通過互動參觀,遺產 講故事的空間,多樣化的 教育計劃和主題遺產展覽, 學生將沉浸在獨特歷史建築 的豐富遺產中。學生將深入了解 我們城市的歷史以及法律和秩序在 我們社會中的作用。 10

The highest standards of heritage conservation

have been applied at Tai Kwun, with unfailing attention to authenticity, bringing more than a dozen historic buildings to life. In contrast to their original functions as police station,

courthouse and prison, the buildings are now fully on display, giving the public the chance to appreciate

up close their contrasting architectural features and fine design details. Student will be immersed in the rich heritage of the unique historical compound through interactive tours, heritage storytelling spaces, diverse education programmes and thematic heritage exhibitions. Student will have insights into the history of our city and the role of law and order in our society.

This wonderful super camp is rich in content covering 5 areas: art, music and song, sports, mental challenge and language. Everyday, students will engage in activity-based learning. Morning lessons are theme-based and focus on vocabulary building, reading, speaking and writing. Afternoon activities follow from the theme and are packed with fun and action.

這個超級全人學習營包括了5個全人發展的原素: 美 術、音樂、體育、智力、語言。每天有一個主題並以活動 為主導。早上英語課讓學生學習有關詞彙,閱讀,寫作 和提供大量英語會話機會,下午課堂是全以活動形式 進行。每個小組有兩名導師,其中一名來自以英語為 第一語言的國家。

Group Size: 20 每組人數: 20 Teacher-Students Ratio: 1:10 教師和學生比例: 1:10 Minimum groups from a school: 3 每間學校最少組別: 3

1) 8/7 – 12/7

4) 29/7 – 2/8

2) 15/7 – 19/7

5) 5/8 – 9/8

3) 22/7 – 26/7

6) 12/8 – 16/8


Learning Objectives 學習目標 • Provide students an opportunity to gain whole-person development 提供全人發展的機會 • Build students’ social and communication skills 鼓勵主動参與,並從體會中學習 • Strengthen students’ self-confidence 建立英語說話,提問和表達自己的信心 Activity Outline 活動大綱

Day 1 第一日

Day 2 第二日

Day 3 第三日

Day 4 第四日

Day 5 第五日

Singing & Dancing- The Chorus Line

Treasure Hunt – I am Sherlock

Sports – A Mini Olympics

Finale – Reflection and Show Time

Arts & Crafts – Amazing Hands Open Ceremony and Induction Lesson 開幕禮及簡介課堂

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

9:00 – 10:00

10:05 – 11:05

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

11:10 – 12:10

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and closing ceremony rehearsal 上課 / 結業禮綵排

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

12:10 – 13:10

Lunch Time 午餐時間

13:10 – 16:00

Amazing Hands 美術大創作

The Chorus Line 歌舞昇平

Clueless 尋寶我至叻

A Mini Olympics 小小奧林匹克

Closing Ceremony 至激學習結業禮

Day 1 第一日

Day 2 第二日

Day 3 第三日

Day 4 第四日

Day 5 第五日

Arts & Crafts – Amazing Hands Open Ceremony and Induction Lesson 開幕禮及簡介課堂

Sports – A Mini Olympics

Treasure Hunt - Clueless

Logical Thinking - Little Spy

Language Arts – Drama Star (I)

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

9:00 – 10:00

10:05 – 11:05

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

11:10 – 12:10

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and closing ceremony rehearsal 上課 / 結業禮綵排

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

12:10 – 13:10

Lunch Time 午餐時間

13:10 – 16:00

Amazing Hands 美術大創作

A Mini Olympics 小小奧林匹克

Clueless 尋寶我至叻

Little Spy 特務訓練營

Drama Star (I) 戲劇之星 (I)

Day 6 第六日

Day 7 第七日

Day 8 第八日

Day 9 第九日

Day 10 第十日

Language Arts – Drama Star (II)

Singing & Dancing- The Chorus Line

STEM – Fun with Science

General Studies – Our Big World

Finale – Reflection and Show Time

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

9:00 – 10:00


10:05 – 11:05

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

Lesson 上課

11:10 – 12:10

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and briefing for

Lesson and closing ceremony rehearsal 上課 / 結業禮綵排

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

afternoon activity 上課 / 活動前簡介

12:10 – 13:10

Lunch Time 午餐時間

13:10 – 16:00

Drama Star (II) 戲劇之星 (II)

The Chorus Line 歌舞昇平

Fun with Science 玩味科學

Our Big World 國際漫遊

Closing Ceremony 至激學習結業禮

Activity Description

Arts & Crafts – Amazing Hands 活動簡介

Through working with their hands, students will create artistic objects that represent who they are and how they see the world. This theme ignites students’ imagination and creativity, and will make good use of recycling materials. 美術大創作

藝術和手工藝可提高自尊和自我意識,並帶出個人 的滿足感和自信。學生們都有豐富的想像力,只要 他們善用一雙手和通過細心的指導,便可造出創意 無限的藝術品。為提倡環保,他們用的材料是自可 循環再用的物料 。

Sports – A Mini Olympics

Our students will engage in di‡erent kind of competitive games at the playground. They will be grouped into teams to perform fun tasks that require coordination, agility, stamina and teamwork!


這個主題是要讓學生在操場內參與各 種形式的體能活動。通過體育比賽開 開心心進行一個有勁力的小小奧林匹 克。

Treasure Hunt – Clueless

Treasures are hidden at the school. They are waiting to be un-covered. Students will need to crack their brains, follow clues and make discovery. This theme encourages lateral thinking and team work. Suddenly, they all become Sherlock Holmes!


寶物已在校園內放置,期待充滿智慧的學 生們將它發掘出來。學生要共同合作,利用大 家的思考能力從種種線索找出答案,而找出寶物。 這是一個極有趣,並要求合作性和動腦筋的主題。學 生們霎時間都變成了福爾摩斯。

Logical Thinking – Little Spy

Through this activity, students will learn to be a little spy! They will receive ‘spy training’ including discovery by senses, decoding and crack the invisible ink. They need to complete a spy mission. 特務訓練營 在這個活動中,學生會學習成為一個 小特務! 他們會接受不同類型的特務 訓練,包括: 利用感官去作出猜測,運 用特務所需工具 (例如: 密碼和隱形墨 水) 並要完成特務任務。


Activity Description

Language Arts – Drama Star 活動簡介

There are stars hidden among us! This section lets students learn the fundamental drama

techniques and aims to polish their oral English. They will discover tone, volume, body language and facial expressions of emotion. 戲劇之星 戲劇不單是好玩,更是提升口語的最好方法。從學 習戲劇技巧,運用聲調,聲線,身體語言,面部表情, 學生在輕鬆的環境下開心投入英語世界。

Singing & Dancing – The Chorus Line

歌舞昇平 Let our students sing and dance their heart out! This theme is pure fun and energy! Our students will sing, dance and act. Future stars will be born this summer. 誰不喜愛載歌載舞! 音樂和舞蹈令人 興奮、喜悅。這個主題為學生提供唱歌 和跳舞的機會,讓他們發掘另一所長。 學生將變得閃閃發光。

STEM – Fun with Science

Keen to help students develop an interest in science? The time has come! Through exciting STEM projects, students will acquire fundamental concepts about science (e.g. motion, air pressure, the measurement of speed). More than that, our students’ language skills can be sharpened through learning

to write descriptive texts about what they produce and to present them in front of the class.


想幫助你的學生發展對科學的興趣就不可 錯過這個活動了! 透過刺激的STEM 活動, 學生可掌握與科學有關的基礎概念(例如: 動能, 氣壓和速度的量度) 。除此之外,在完成製作有關的 物品後,學生也會為該物品撰寫描述性的文章和進 行口頭報告。學生的語言技巧從而有所提升。

General Studies – Our Big World

Our wonderful world is rich in culture! This session will allow students to learn about culture all over the world through trying multicultural food and festive activities. By the end of the session, students will pick their favourite countries, make a tourist brochure about them, and present their brochures to other students. 國際漫遊 接觸不同文化是一件精彩的事! 學生 會透過不同途徑去認識世界各地的文 化(例如: 試吃地道美食和參與節日活 動)。在活動完結,學生會挑選自己喜 愛的國家,並製作有關該國家的旅遊 指南,並進行口頭匯報。


STEAM is about curiosity, inquisitiveness, problem- solving, experimenting and learning by doing!

很多理據已證明STEAM的好處。 我們為小學生精心設計了2個極有趣, 充 滿挑戰並要求學生積極参予的STEAM工 作坊。工作坊為時15 小時,主题還繞不同 STEAM的範籌。每位學生在完成工作坊後,都 會有一件可引以為倣的制成品。 aspects of STEAM. Your students will feel inspired through the learning process and at the end of the programme produce an object which they will be proud of. We have prepared two interesting, hands-on and engaging STEAM programmes. They are 15-hour long and relate to di‡erent


In modern days, only with electricity can our city operate properly. This programme focuses on electricity and its application. Basic concepts about electricity, conduction and circuits will be introduced. Students will design their own city and light it up with copper foil tape, squishy circuits and conductive ink.

在電的幫助下,現代城市才能順利地運作。 本工作坊將介紹各種導電材料,教導學生電 路的連接,動手設計並建造屬於自己的城市, 最後使用銅箔紙、導電麵團及導電墨水筆來點亮 整座城市。

Learning Objectives 學習目標 • Understand and apply the concepts of

electricity and conduction 理解和應用電及電導的理論 • Create closed circuits 製作閉合電路 • Design a miniature city with di‡erent materials 利用不同物料設計出一個模擬城市

Day 1

Day 3 Squishy Circuits 導電泥膠

Day 2

Introduction to electricity and electrical conduction 總論:電與導電 This session will introduce electricity and conduction with concrete examples and demonstrations. Students will also identify where electricity is used within cities. 試找找城市裡有哪些地方用到了電, 並通過實質的例子及老師的示範,了 解電與導電的概念。準備建造自己的 城市,給城市起個名字並設計燈牌吧!

Copper Foil Tape 導電物料:銅箔紙

Students will first map out their ‘cities’ as to their housing, facilities and infrastructure. Using first provided conductive material – copper foil tape, they will light up the tower blocks and houses of these miniature cities. 使用導電的銅箔紙連接電路,讓家庭、 公司的房子亮起來,廠房運作起來及 完成住房規劃。

Using the second conductive material – squishy circuits, students will provide ‘lighting’ to the minia- ture cities’ streets and avenues. 用導電麵團來做道路圖,使沿街的路 燈一個個亮起來。

Day 5

Day 4

Presentation 匯報

Conductive Ink 導電墨水 With conductive ink pens in hand, students will put the final touches to their miniature cities by lighting up neighbourhoods, roads and hidden corners. 使用導電墨水筆改良城市電路吧。用 一條連續的線,讓燈逐個亮起來,工廠 逐個運轉起來。


After all the tasks, students will present the city they have designed to the class. 學生將為他們設計的城市作出 詳細介紹。

Sitting in the classroom, you can already travel miles! In this programme, students will learn about computer graphics and simulation. By using recycling materials, they will make a pair of lenses that can bring them to faraway places like the Egyptian Pyramid and Amazon Forest!

地球很大,但坐在課室裏一樣可以體驗大世 界!本工作坊將重點教授3D場景所營造的虛擬 世界,帶學生透過電腦圖形和仿真技術去探訪世 界各地,例如埃及金字塔及亞馬遜森林,讓他們在課 室裏也能感受到不一樣的文化體驗!

Learning Objectives 學習目標 • Learn about computer graphics and simulation 學習電腦圖形和仿真技術的理論 • Use recycling materials to create 3D lenses 製作3D虛擬實境眼鏡 • Interact with virtual environment in faraway

places (e.g. Egypt) 與虛擬實境作出互動

Day 1

Day 3 VR Experience 虛擬實境體驗

Day 2

Introduction to Virtual Reality (VR) 虛擬實境

Cardboard Framework 眼鏡物料:紙板 Students will construct a cardboard framework for their lenses. Using first provided cardboards, they will have to cut them into sizes and shapes that fit respective part of the lenses and put them together to form the VR viewer. 使用紙板組裝眼鏡的框架,剪出合適 的形狀和大小,然後拼貼成形。

This session will introduce the concept of Visual Reality (VR) with concrete examples. Students will learn about the use of images, sounds and other sensations that simulate an experience in an artificial world. 通過老師的介紹及實質的例子,學生將 會了解虛擬實境的概念,並且明白電腦 圖形和仿真技術在各個領域的發展。

With the lenses, students can explore exotic and interesting places around the world with a mobile phone inserted into it. 使用組裝好的眼鏡和智能手機,學生 可以探索有趣的城市和景象,體驗不 同的虛擬實境。

Day 5

Day 4

Presentation 匯報 Students will bring their classmates for a tour to the destination that they have prepared, through verbal presentation as well as visual exploration. 作為一名小小導賞員,學生將帶領其 他同學到他們選擇的城市,作出詳細 介紹。

A Little Tour Guide 小小導賞員 With the engagement in multiple sensations, students can further explore one to two selected places in depth. At the end, they have to write an introductory speech as a little tour guide. 利用虛擬實境體驗到的視覺和聽覺, 學生將會更深入了解自己喜歡的地點。


Summer time o‡ers an excellent opportunity for students to take up extra

lessons to brush up their language skills. Our English enhancement programmes cover Cambridge

examination preparation, phonics, interview skills and drama classes.

暑假也是努力學習,提升英語能力的好 時機。英語增潤課程包括劍橋考試预備 班,不同程度拼音班,升中面試班和戲劇 班。


Starters, Movers and Flyers (P2 to P6) They are 15 lessons long, each lasting 1.5 hours or 10 lessons long, each lasting 2 hours. 課程可選擇十五堂,每堂時間為 1.5 小時或選擇十堂, 每堂時間 2 小時。

本課程覆蓋所有有關 Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 的詞匯、問題種類 以 及考試形式,務求提升學生應試能力及建 立自信心,協助他們在考試時取得 最佳成績。除了教授學生知識 及幫助學生發展潛能外, 本課程更會提供兩個模 擬測驗給學生,讓學生

These programmes cover the vocabulary, all the question types and the test formats that will appear in the respective YLETs. There will also be two mock tests which give

students the taste of the real tests. A supplementary vocabulary book will be distributed to provide additional learning support. These programmes use tailor-made textbooks which are

嘗試真正的考試及感 受考試時的壓力,教 師亦會因應情況給予 學生有關的趣味練 習。學生也會被要求 利用課餘時間完成趣 味練習,從而鞏固學生 的學習基礎以及對題目 類型的熟悉。每位學生更會 收到一本補充詞匯練習,以助 他們更容易吸收課堂知識。

specially developed for the summer programmes. They aim to prepare students

for the tests and to help them develop skills and confidence to achieve the best test results. These programmes are suitable for incoming P2 to P6 students who wish to sit for the tests during the summer holiday.

本機構已為暑期課程特別設計一本教科書,以 便完善其教學內容。當學生完成本課程後,學 生將被登記在夏季結束前報考相應的劍橋考 試。本課程適用於小二至小六有興趣 試 報 的 讀 學 劍 生 考 。

Headstart Group is pleased to be awarded the Cambridge English Exam Preparation Centre 2018-2019 certificate by the Cambridge English Language Assessment in recognition of its role in preparing and registering students for the Cambridge examinations. Headstart Group 很榮幸能夠獲得劍橋英語考試部頒發劍橋英語考試準備中心 2018-2019 證書, 以表彰我們協助學生準備和註冊參與劍橋英語考試的貢獻。


Certificates of Our Students 我們學生的劍橋考試證書




Certificates of Our Students 我們學生的劍橋考試證書



Starters - Programme Content Starters -課程內容


Animals Clothes 衣服 Body and Face 身體與面部 Family 家庭 Section A: Skill Development 第一部分: 技巧訓練 動物

Section B: Mock Exam 第二部分:模擬考試 Home 住所

Revision 溫習 Section C: Revision 第三部分:溫習

Hobbies 愛好





Transport 交通運輸

Possessions 家庭 Sports 體育


Food and Drink

The Natural World 自然世界 People and places 人與地方

Movers - Programme Content Movers -課程內容


Section A: Skill Development 第一部分: 技巧訓練

Section B: Mock Exam 第二部分:模擬考試 Daily Life 日常生活 Family 家庭 Home 住所 Weather 天氣

Revision 溫習 Section C: Revision 第三部分:溫習

Hobbies 愛好 Health 健康 Places 地方

動物 衣服



Body and Face 身體與面部 Containers and Shapes 容器與形狀


Food and Drink

People and Work 人與工作 School and Sports 學校與運動


Flyers - Programme Content Flyers -課程內容


Animals Clothes 衣服 Body and Face 身體與面部 Activities 活動 Section A: Skill Development 第一部分: 技巧訓練 動物

Section B: Mock Exam 第二部分:模擬考試 Daily Life 日常生活 School 學校 Sports 體育 Time and Travel

Revision 溫習 Section C: Revision 第三部分:溫習

Hobbies 愛好 Health 健康

家庭與住所 時間與旅行

Family and Home

Food and Drink 食物與飲料 Materials and Shapes 材料與形狀 People and Places 人與地方


P1 - P3

基礎拼音及進階課程是一套教導學生拼讀 英語的系統,通過教導英文字母與發音的 關係,幫助學生掌握基本的拼音技巧。本課 程專為現年 P1 至 P3 學生而設,糅合「遊 戲」與「歌唱」等元素,由淺入深, 讓學生 習 輕 英 鬆 語 有 拼 趣 音 地 , 學加 深 的 對 記 拼 憶 音 。

Phonics for Young Learners is most suitable for P1 to P3 students. It aims to help students develop a strong foundation in phonics skills so that they will be better prepared for their studies in primary schools. It starts with phonological awareness, letter sound relationship, then,

teaching of key vowels and consonants. It is a systematic phonics programme yet filled with activities, games and songs.


P1 - P3

夏令戲劇樂融融是專為小一至小三學生而 設,是一個具有趣味性,以行動為導向並能 令學生身臨其境的課程。目的是為了激發 學生的創造力,提升對自我表現和表演藝 術的興趣,旨在幫 信 助 和 學 自 生 我 建 意 立 識 自 。 學生能透過本課程閱讀 和學習有趣的故事, 並通過背誦劇本,角 色扮演令故事富有 生命力。學生將會 從戲劇表演學習 到重要的戲劇技 巧,如肢體語言, 聲音和語調以及面 部表情外,的 學 運 生 用 將 。此討 論故事中的關鍵角色, 分析他們的感受和情緒, 透過線索來幫助他們了解角 色的個性和動機。總而言之,一個 有趣的話劇樂趣班,肯定會對我們的學生 產生強烈和及積極性的影響。

Summer Drama is a fun, immersive and action-oriented programme specially designed for P1 to P3 students. It is developed to inspire students’ creativity,

interest in self-expression and performing art. The programme also aims to help students build self-confidence and self-awareness.

In this programme, students will read and learn interesting stories including the Giants &

the Dwarves and Treasures in the Woods. They will recite scripts, act out their roles and bring the stories alive. They will acquire the important skills in dramatic expressions such as body language, voice and tone and facial expression. Additionally, they will discuss key characters in the stories, analyse their feelings and emotions, and find clues to help them understand their personality and motives. All in all, a fun drama programme that will surely make a strong and positive impact on our students.



面試預備班的目的是培養小五學生的面試 技巧,教授他們面試時所需的詞彙和知識。 這個課程讓學生能有自信地在面試官面前 表現自己,並展示出禮節和禮儀,為學生能 在最好的中學面試作好準備,好讓 他們可進入心儀的學校。這課 程著重主題教學,涵蓋了 面試中所有重要領域, 並為學生提供了許多 參與角色扮演,建立 信心的 練 遊 習 戲 的 和 機 口 會 語 。

This programme prepares P5 students for their secondary school interviews. It will focus on building students’ confidence to express themselves in front of the interviewers and show them

appropriate manners and etiquettes. They provide students with the best preparation for their secondary

school interviews so that they can impress their interviewers and stand a good chance to enter the schools of their choice.

The programmes are theme-based, covering all the important areas that are likely to come up in the interviews and o‡er many

opportunities for students to engage in role plays, confidence-building games and speaking practices.


“At the general level, I find the management and tutors of the Headstart Group very professional in delivering the services and yet they are willing to accommodate to the spe- cial needs in the unique situation of OUHK.”

To: Headstart Group Ltd.

Dr. Cheung Kwok Wah Dean of Education and Languages Open University of Hong Kong





A.D.& F.D. Of Pok Oi Hospital Mrs. Cheng Yam On Millennium School

Asbury Methodist Primary School

Bishop Ford Memorial Sch

Bishop Paschang Catholic School

Bishop Walsh Primary School

Bonham Road Government Primary School

Buddhist Wing Yan School Canossa Primary School (San Po Kong)

Canton Road Government Primary School

CCC But San Primary School CCC Fong Yun Wah Primary School

CCC Hoh Fuk Tong Primary School

CCC Kei Faat Primary School

CCC Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong) CCC Mong Wong Far Yok Memorial Primary School

Lok Wah Catholic Primary School Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran Primary Sc

Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School

Chi Hong Primary School

Lo L.K.W.F.S.L.Wong Yiu Na Lo

Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Primary School

Chiu Yang Primary School Of Hong Kong

ELCHK Hung Hom Lutheran Primary School

Ma Tau Chu

Emmanuel Primary School, Kowloon

F.M.B. Chun Lei Primary School

ling Public School Fuk Wing Street Government Primary School Free Methodist Mei Lam Primary School

ung Kai Liu Yun Sum Memorial School

G.C.C.I.T.K.D. Cheong Wong Wai Primary School


Good Hope Primary School cum Kindergarten

H.K.T.A. Shun Yeung Primary School


HKBU A‹iliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School

HKFEW Wong Cho Bau School

Jordan Road Government Primary School Jordan Valley St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Islamic Primary School Ho Shun Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) Hong Kong and Macau Lutheran Church Primary School Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary School

Ka Ling School Of The Precious Blood

Kowloon Bay St. John The Baptist Catholic Primary School Kowloon Rhenish School Kam Tin Mung Yeung Public School King’s College Old Boys’ Association Primary School

Kowloon Tong School (Primary Section)


Kowloon True Light Middle School (Primary Section)

ok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School am Primary School ok Sin Tong Yeung Chung Ming Primary School chool Kowloon Women’s Welfare Club Li Ping Memorial School

Ma On Shan Ling Liang Primary School

Man Kiu Association Primary School

ung Government Primary School

P.O.C.A. Wan Ho Kan Primary School Ma Tau Chung Government Primary School (Hung Hom Bay)

PLK Riverain Primary School

Contact us

Ms. Ada Pin

9100 3327 | 6200 6701 | 9216 0596 |

Mr. David Cheung

Mr. Paul Chan

2508, Nanyang Plaza 57 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong

HK Tel: (852) 2155 9602 Macau Tel: (853) 6268 6003 Fax: (852) 2155 9605 Website: Email:


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