Primary School 2020 Post Exam Summer Programmes

Treasure Hunt – Clueless

Treasures are hidden at the school. They are waiting to be un-covered. Students will need to crack their brains, follow clues and make discovery. This theme encourages lateral thinking and team work. Suddenly, they all become Sherlock Holmes!


寶物已在校園內放置,期待充滿智慧的學 生們將它發掘出來。學生要共同合作,利用大 家的思考能力從種種線索找出答案,而找出寶物。 這是一個極有趣,並要求合作性和動腦筋的主題。學 生們霎時間都變成了福爾摩斯。

Logical Thinking – Little Spy

Through this activity, students will learn to be a little spy! They will receive ‘spy training’ including discovery by senses, decoding and crack the invisible ink. They need to complete a spy mission. 特務訓練營 在這個活動中,學生會學習成為一個 小特務! 他們會接受不同類型的特務 訓練,包括: 利用感官去作出猜測,運 用特務所需工具 (例如: 密碼和隱形墨 水) 並要完成特務任務。


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