Primary School 2020 Post Exam Summer Programmes

小學2020 試後及暑期

Many of the primary school 2020 post-exam

BIG FUN營包含 很多 全新 和 極具創意 的內 容,包括四個主題日營,兩個極有趣的STEAM 工作坊;更有一個5天或10天超級全人學習營 讓學生參與手工藝、音樂、戲劇、體能競技、挑 戰腦筋和英語學習、實在是包羅萬有。 所有活動都是由以英語為第一語言的導師帶 領。他們是在英語國家的大學畢業或就讀, 有朝氣、有活力、正面並最擅長與小學生溝通, 並熱衷於教授年輕學生。 2020年的暑假,就讓您的學生参與我們集 玩樂和學習於一身的 暑假BIG FUN 營吧!

and summer programmes are completely NEW and absolutely

ACTIONPACKED ! There are 5 outdoor destinations, 3 STEAM workshops, a 5-day/10-day camp filled with life-wide educational activities covering art, sports, music and drama, mental challenge and language. These programmes will be led by teachers whose first language is English and who are graduates and students from top universities from English speaking countries. They are fun, energetic and excellent at connecting with young students.

Let your students play, learn and enjoy this summer with Headstart!


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