Primary School 2020 Post Exam Summer Programmes

Starters, Movers and Flyers (P2 to P6) They are 15 lessons long, each lasting 1.5 hours or 10 lessons long, each lasting 2 hours. 課程可選擇十五堂,每堂時間為 1.5 小時或選擇十堂, 每堂時間 2 小時。

本課程覆蓋所有有關 Cambridge Young Learners English Tests 的詞匯、問題種類 以 及考試形式,務求提升學生應試能力及建 立自信心,協助他們在考試時取得 最佳成績。除了教授學生知識 及幫助學生發展潛能外, 本課程更會提供兩個模 擬測驗給學生,讓學生

These programmes cover the vocabulary, all the question types and the test formats that will appear in the respective YLETs. There will also be two mock tests which give

students the taste of the real tests. A supplementary vocabulary book will be distributed to provide additional learning support. These programmes use tailor-made textbooks which are

嘗試真正的考試及感 受考試時的壓力,教 師亦會因應情況給予 學生有關的趣味練 習。學生也會被要求 利用課餘時間完成趣 味練習,從而鞏固學生 的學習基礎以及對題目 類型的熟悉。每位學生更會 收到一本補充詞匯練習,以助 他們更容易吸收課堂知識。

specially developed for the summer programmes. They aim to prepare students

for the tests and to help them develop skills and confidence to achieve the best test results. These programmes are suitable for incoming P2 to P6 students who wish to sit for the tests during the summer holiday.

本機構已為暑期課程特別設計一本教科書,以 便完善其教學內容。當學生完成本課程後,學 生將被登記在夏季結束前報考相應的劍橋考 試。本課程適用於小二至小六有興趣 試 報 的 讀 學 劍 生 考 。

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