Primary School 2020 Post Exam Summer Programmes

Theme 2 Science and Environment 主題二

Environmental issues have come onto the world stage. Education

on conservation will have life-long impact on our students. Let our students learn to be ambassadors for the planets.


環境問題已成為國際話題。保育教育將對我們的學 生終身受用。讓我們的學生學會成為保護環境的大使。

Recommended Locations 建議參觀的機構和地點 T. PARK is a self-sustained sludge treatment facility with state-of-the- art incineration

源· 區是一個具有最先進焚化技 術的獨立污泥處理設施,旨在 應對廢物為香港帶來的挑 戰。源· 區的70%被自然 環境覆蓋並包括各種本 地物種和鳥類保護區。 區內還設有各種娛樂, 教育和生態設施,是一 個讓大眾認識可持續 的“廢物轉化為能源”管 理,回收和環境保護帶來 的好處的學習場所。

technology designed to address the unique waste challenges in Hong Kong.

70% of T. PARK is covered by green features, including a variety of local species and a sanctuary

for birds. It also has various recreational, educational and ecological facilities for the public to learn the benefits of sustainable “waste- to-energy” management, recycling and environmental protection.

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