Pride Magazine 2023

As an LGBTQ+ employee, working for a company that upholds diversity, inclusivity, and equity makes me feel supported, and contribute fully to the organization’s success. I am glad to have started my professional career with EY because here, not only I have been provided with an environment where I can thrive but also a platform to voice out my opinions and be more visible, which has helped me to be my most authentic self at work. “

Being part of a company that continuously strives for equity, diversity and inclusion and the belief to be yourself truly makes EY an excellent workplace. Being part of the LGBTQ+ community has shaped my life in ways I could never have dreamed of, and I continuously feel empowered by my incredible colleagues and the ethos within EY to champion LGBTQ+ rights for our community. “

I became more public about being Bisexual (meaning both homosexual and heterosexual) in my late 20s and suffered familial rejection for it. However, I’ve always felt safe and welcome to be my authentic self in EY. By providing role models with personal perspectives to share, I’ve found that a workplace can really allow others to be true to themselves and encourage an environment to talk about the nuances of attraction, gender and relationships – all central facets of the human experience! I’ll forever be grateful to everyone who maintains this open mindedness and offers grace to other that we work with.

EY is proudly an ally and advocate for LGBTQ+ inclusion Pride is a celebration of love, acceptance, and diversity. It is a time for members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies to come together and celebrate their identities, their lives, and recognise their struggles. This year, as we celebrate Pride, we are particularly acknowledging and celebrating the rights and freedoms of our transgender communities.

Trans rights are human rights. It is our collective responsibility as an inclusive society to ensure that every person, regardless of their gender identity, is treated with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, trans people still face discrimination and violence in many parts of the world, including in our own communities. This is why it is more important than ever to celebrate and support trans people during Pride. Transphobia is also a significant problem in our society. Trans people are often subject to ridicule, harassment, and violence simply for being who they are. We must actively work to combat transphobia and promote acceptance and understanding. One of the most significant challenges faced by the trans community is the lack of legal recognition and protection. Many countries still do not recognise gender identity as a protected characteristic, leaving trans people without legal recourse when they face discrimination or violence. This is unacceptable, and we must work together to change it. Another issue that the trans community faces is healthcare. Many trans people struggle to access adequate healthcare, including gender-affirming surgeries and hormone therapy. This can lead to a host of physical and mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and even suicide. It is essential that we prioritise trans healthcare and ensure that everyone has access to the care they need.

It starts with healthy discourse. In our polarised society, fostering healthy discourse on transgender rights is crucial for promoting understanding and inclusivity. Instead of engaging in divisive debates, it is essential to create an environment where open and respectful conversations can take place. Healthy discourse entails listening to different perspectives, empathising with the experiences of transgender individuals, and seeking common ground. By focusing on shared values such as equality, human rights, and dignity, it becomes possible to bridge the gaps between differing viewpoints. Education plays a vital role in facilitating healthy discussions, as it helps dispel misconceptions and promote accurate information about transgender issues. Through empathy, active listening, and a commitment to dialogue, our society can work towards greater acceptance and support for transgender rights, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and equitable world for all. As we celebrate Pride this year, we must remember that the fight for LGBTQI+ rights is not over. As allies and good humans, we must continue to advocate for the rights of all members of the LGBTQI+ community and unite in our fight for dignity, equality and justice. Pride is a time to celebrate love, acceptance, and diversity. As we celebrate, we must also acknowledge and celebrate the rights cisgenders take for granted. We must work together to ensure that every person, regardless of their gender identity, is treated with dignity and respect. We must continue to advocate for these human rights. Together, we can create a world where everyone is free to be who they are, and love who they love, without fear of discrimination or violence. Happy Pride!

Kartik Sharma Data Analyst, Data & Analytics Unity Network Co-Chair He/Him

Bridgette Carey Senior Manager Data & Analytics She/Her

Mark Hughes Manager, Data & Analytics, Unity Network Co-Chair He/Him

How will embracing diversity create greater unity? Different perspectives belong in the workplace. A culture of inclusion fuels innovation, fosters collaboration and drives positive business results. EY Ireland wish you a happy Pride month. #ProudToBelong #BetterWorkingWorld

Melissa Bosch Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Country Lead Ireland She/Her

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