The Undergraduate Summit



Front row: Dr. Dwaun J. Warmack, Grand Polemarch Thomas L. Battles, Jr., Dr. W. Franklin Evans. Back row: Dr. Kevin W. Bailey, Dr. Ricard J. Gallot, Dr. M. Christopher Brown, Dr. Anthony L. Jenkins, Dr. Michael J. Sorrell, Dr. Melvin T. Stith, Dr. Herman J. Felton, Ryan Tucker.

Existentially, the bottom line up front is meaning, what does it mean for one (ego) to experience validation through the self-perceived sense of belonging at the perennial expense of intrapsychic pain, brutality, conflict, trauma, physical and verbal assault and violence on the mind and body. The tension has been debated. Those who put the essence of the need to belong (which some argue undergirds “the why” around initia- tion, post initiation and new member experience) as the rationale for why some members may be tempted to un- dergo some unsanctioned process that would violate Kappa Alpha Psi Code of Conduct specific to the Member- ship Training Academy (MTA) program above the uncompromising position of the fraternity that there is only one way to become a member, and that is through the MTA process, is a root of the problem.

The context for the UPP was set based upon the two concepts, hazing and pledge process specifically juxtapos- ing time (yesterday, today and tomor- row)/(past, present and future), the val- ue of establishing a bond, the process of initiation and its significance to include the intrapsychic trauma, narcissistic injury, mental and intellectual value of understanding the need for validation of experiencing an unsanctioned process. Make no mistake about it, Kappa Alpha Psi does not condone, embrace or support hazing. It is unlawful and it vio- lates Kappa Alpha Psi Code of Conduct. These concepts were fully discussed by the panelists, from the perspective of the college and university president—a rare opportunity. The panelists included Dr. M. Christopher Brown (President- Ken- tucky State University); Dr. W. Franklin Evans (President- Voorhees College);

Dr. Herman J. Felton, (President- Wiley College); Dr. Richard J. Gallot, (Presi- dent- Grambling State University); Dr. Anthony L. Jenkins, (President- West Virginia State University); Dr. Michael J. Sorrell, (President- Paul Quinn College; Dr. Melvin T. Stith (President- Norfolk State University); Dr. Dwaun J. War- mack, (President- Harriet Stowe State University). Brother Dr. Kevin W. Bailey (Charlotte (NC) AL 1993) served as moderator of the UPP. Brother Bailey currently serves as the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Frater Dr. M. Christopher Brown, Ph.D. is the 18 th President of Kentucky State University and he has been in the higher education arena over twenty years. He is a Spring 2004 initiate of the How- ard University Chapter, the Mu Lambda of Alpha Phi Alpha.


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