B Lab Switzerland Annual Report 2022

Unveil the essence of B Lab Switzerland's accomplishments throughout the past year with our comprehensive 2022 Annual Report.



Where do we stand today? Editorial


s we look back on the rollercoaster ride that was 2022, it’s evident that the world faced a multitude of trials and tribulations, propelling it towar- ds transformation. The year was

and continues to draw in new members. The B Leaders program has also experienced re- markable growth, with over 55 new B Leaders trained in 2022, all eager to support companies on their journey towards B Corp certification and becoming purpose-driven enterprises. One of the most exhilarating aspects of our collaboration with Swiss businesses this year has been witnessing their dedication to joining the movement towards a conscientious and accountable economy. The remarkable suc- cess in implementing a wide range of impact- ful measures to achieve their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals has been truly inspiring. Throughout 2022, B Lab Swit- zerland maintained close contact with Swiss businesses, committed to our shared future, through assessment, engagement, and dia- logue. The establishment of the #SBA2030 and the Swiss Impact Forum have further strengthe- ned our connection with the regional economic landscape. We seek to continue to tackle society’s most pressing issues in 2023 via: • Policy work pushing for meaningful legal change around corporate accountability for positive impact along with the develop- ment of incentive-driven strategies. • The creation of new tools to shift leadership culture towards a collaborative approach and to establish a new standard of sustai- nable managerial practices. • Creating opportunities and organizing gatherings that promote a spirit of collabo- ration which is essential in fostering robust partnerships for cooperative endeavors which will drive collaborative growth. I firmly believe that collaboration is key to creating a better future for everyone. At B Lab Switzerland, we are dedicated to supporting

marked by the devastating war in Ukraine, cli- mate-induced catastrophes like droughts, wild- fires, and floods, and the persistent growth of societal inequalities and social unrest. These challenges accentuated the pressing need for businesses to focus on social and environmen- tal impact. However, amid the chaos, a silver lining emerged. A growing consensus among bu- sinesses and individuals alike highlighted the importance of everyone’s role in forging a more equitable, inclusive, and regenerative economy. Two pivotal launches in 2022 stand as testaments to our commitment to this cause. First and foremost, in May 2022, during the pres- tigious Davos summit, we took great pride in co-launching the Swiss Boards for Agenda 2030 (#SBA2030). This influential coalition, composed of a diverse group of CEOs and board members from the Swiss economic sector, committed to implementing transformative measures to ad- vance sustainability through a forward-thinking, future-fit stakeholder governance approach. Second, we successfully inaugurated our pre- mier national event on sustainability, the Swiss Impact Forum. Attracting the participation of over 450 dedicated change-makers, the gathe- ring served to reinforce our shared determina- tion to actively contribute to the fulfillment of Agenda 2030. We take immense pride in announcing that Switzerland now boasts nearly 90 certified B Corporations, from a wide array of industries and sectors. Our national program addressing the Sustainable Development Goals, the Swiss Triple Impact, underwent a significant revamp


Discover who is behind the B

businesses on this journey and fostering a mo- vement that prioritizes the creation of shared value for all stakeholders, encompassing em- ployees, customers, suppliers, and the wider community. I cannot wait to progress, together with the B Lab Switzerland team and our strong community of engaged businesses in Switzerland, to achieve our vision of a sustai- nable and regenerative economy that benefits everyone. Jonathan Normand Founder & CEO, B Lab (Switzerland) Foundation

OUR LAB FOR POSITIVE CHANGE Learn more on: blab-switzerland.ch Table of content

Lab ® Switzerland












B Academy

PIIL Leadership Assessment B Impact Assessment

B Corp Certification

Policy Change

B Leaders

SDG Action Manager

Swiss Triple Impact

B Corp Climate Collective

Sustainable Innovation

Value Chain Activation Purpose and Stakeholder Governance

B Movement Builders

B Corp Beauty Coalition

Positive Impact Playbook

Impact Pro Pathway

Swiss Boards Coalition

Employee Ownership








The “B” Movement

6-7 8-9

Our theory of change

Our fabric for positive change Key moments for B Lab in 2022 The SWISS IMPACT FORUM Our activities in 2022 B Corp Community in Switzerland The Swiss Triple Impact in 2022

10-11 12-13


14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27

Policy change: “Accountability for a Just Transition” Collective action: Swiss Boards for Agenda 2030

B Academy B Leaders

Sustainable innovation


Grants and Support Services Extraordinary Income











2021 Forecast 2022


Communications, Finances & HR


B Lab’s communications


Expense & revenue


Human Resources in 2022


Our movement in Switzerland

Click on the sections to access the page!


Swiss B Corps


Key STI partners in 2022


STI participants


Conclusion & next steps in 2023

Our Theory of Change The “B” Movement

The current economic system, driven by business as one of its key actors, is failing to meet its promise to create a positive impact. In fact, it creates significant negative impacts for people, communities and the planet. B Lab considers that businesses can act as a starting point to catalyze systemic change, given their direct relationship to multiple stakeholders within the economic system and society at large. The role of business is redefined so that all businesses are a force for good — and play a leading role in positively impacting and transforming the global economy toward a more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative system. Through collaboration with various movements, coalitions, policymakers, activists, and organizations, and by mobilizing our stakeholders — including Certified B Corporations, benefit corporations, and businesses embracing B Lab’s standards — we can realize our vision. Our five global strategies will serve as the roadmap to guide us in this endeavor:

Drive the adoption of our standards to manage the impact of business.

1 2 3 4 5

Certify and engage businesses to improve their impact.

Articulate and amplify stories of business as an equitable force for good.

Catalyze policy change to enable business as a force for good.

Develop a network of local, regional, and global communities for change.

“ “Businesses hold the power to be catalysts for trans- formative change, turning the tides from a system of negative impact to one that promotes inclusivity, equity, and regeneration. By embracing new stand- ards, collaborating across sectors, and sharing sto-

ries of positive change, we can redefine the role of business in society and build a brighter future together.”

Karin Lenzlinger Diedenhofen Member of the Foundation Board, B Lab (Switzerland)


B Lab’s Theory of Change


The “B” Movement

Our fabric for positive change

“ “Together, we can ignite an equitable, inclusive, and regenerative economy by inspiring a shift in corporate behavior, reimagining cultural expecta- tions, and shaping legal frameworks that redefine the role of business in society. The power of transformation lies within our collective actions and shared vision.” Annina Schamberger Head of Communications, Marketing & Public Affairs, B Lab (Switzerland)


OUR LAB FOR POSITIVE CHANGE Learn more on: blab-switzerland.ch

Our activities at B Lab (Switzerland)

Lab ® Switzerland









B Academy

PIIL Leadership Assessment B Impact Assessment

B Corp Certification

Policy Change

B Leaders

SDG Action Manager

Swiss Triple Impact

B Corp Climate Collective

Sustainable Innovation

Value Chain Activation Purpose and Stakeholder Governance

B Movement Builders

B Corp Beauty Coalition

Positive Impact Playbook

Employee Ownership

Impact Pro Pathway

Swiss Boards Coalition




Cultural change: New business practices and cultural expectations about the role of business in our society. Structural change: The development of legal frameworks tostructure the role of different players in the 21st century economy.

B Lab Switzerland activates an ecosystem of players to accelerate the transformation towards an equitable, inclusive and regenerative economy. Our work at B lab is geared to generating systemic change using interventions in the following areas: Behavior of business: A positive change in corporate behavior and its impact on stakeholders.


Key moments for B Lab in 2022 The “B” Movement

The year 2022 marked a significant milestone for the B Movement as we continued our efforts to advance our mission of creating a more sustainable, inclusive and regenerative economy. This roadmap highlights the major achievements of the B Movement at the local, European, and global levels. Throughout the year, we welcomed 2,500 new businesses to the B Corp movement and hosted a series of impactful events to discuss solutions for a sustainable future. We also coordinated campaigns such as the B Corp Month and the SDG week, which allowed us to extend our reach and make a deeper impact. At the local level, we launched a new coalition in Switzerland, the Swiss Boards for Agenda 2030, and hosted our first edition of the SWISS IMPACT FORUM.

In November 2022, we also co-launched with Nespresso Switzerland the first Swiss StartCup challenge to catalyse the move towards sustainability and inclusion. The theme of this first challenge led to the recognition of four winners in various categories centered around the general topic of circular economy. 2022 was also marked by the initiation of a long- term project with the B Corp community through the launch of a national awareness campaign. This initiative aims to initiate a dialogue on the necessary transformation and the crucial role that businesses can play as change catalysts. These actions are part of our ongoing efforts to promote sustainable business practices and to advance our mission.

↖ B Corp “Baabuk” offices during the B Corp Month campaign ↗ Swiss StartCup Challenge awards ceremony ↑ Launch of the Swiss Boards For Agenda 2030 in Davos



Launch of the STI Directory January



Launch of B Corp Beauty Coalition

«We are all interdependant» / Stand with Ukraine

B Corp Month / #BehindTheB

“B Corp FrülingsApero” in Zürich March

5,000 B Corps in the world Mai




12 Swiss B Corps recognized as Best For The World

B Lab Europe new Executive Director: Juliette Caulkins

Launch of the #SBA2030 in Davos

Launch of STI Basel Platform September



1,000 B Corps in Europe October

#SBA2030 Masterclass n°1 October


SDG Week

First Public Consultation on our Evolving B Corp Standards October



Swiss StartCup Challenge November


Launch of “Accountability for a Just Transition” project

B Together in Bern

B Leaders Training

B Lab Global

B Lab Switzerland

B Lab Europe


The “B” Movement


On 15 September 2022, the Eventfabrik in Bern was the hub for all those who want to make an active contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. We welcomed over 460 visitors and 38 partner organizations to the first edition of the SWISS IMPACT FORUM. Under the motto “ACT, COLLABORATE AND CELEBRATE FOR IMPACT”, the aim was to learn about the latest scientific findings on planetary

boundaries, to actively exchange ideas with other companies and to jointly develop concrete collective actions in the Deep Dive sessions. Our first SWISS IMPACT FORUM ended with the CEO Dinner, attended by about 50 Swiss CEOs. Among them were representatives of B Corps certified companies, companies that have participated in our Swiss Triple Impact program, members of the Swiss Boards for Agenda 2030 Alliance, participants of the Economic Business Forum as well as partners.

Relive the key moments of the event

↑ Deep Dive session co-hosted by the Swiss Triple Impact program team and Audemars Piguet



Our activities in 2022 B Corp Community in Switzerland

B Lab’s mission is to contribute to transforming the economic system into a more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative global economy. To achieve our vision, we create standards, policies, tools, and programmes that shift the behavior, culture, and structural underpinnings of our economic system. We also mobilize our community “The B Movement” to join collective actions to address society’s most critical challenges. In 2022, as various crises such as wars, climate change, and economic downturns affected many countries, there was a noticeable trend among businesses, both large and small, to prioritize social and environmental sustainability. B Lab observed a significant rise in the number of businesses using the B Impact Assessment (+50,000 new users) and obtaining B Corporation certification (+2,200 in 1 year).

With their common values rooted in the Declaration of Interdependence, B Corps are working together to reinvent the role of business in society. Achieving certification is just the beginning of the sustainability journey, and every B Corp is committed to measuring and improving their impact throughout the three years certification period until recertification. No B Corp is perfect, which is why we create spaces for B Corps to collaborate, learn from each others’ best social and environmental practices, and make progress.

The B Corp community in Switzerland is rapidly expanding across all industry sectors. These B Corps serve as evidence that incorporating purpose into business practices is not only achievable, but also beneficial for fostering growth and resilience. “ “The B Corp community is a great ressource to have, because we can meet and network with different people, and we can cross over with many different initiatives and help each other.” Vanessa Rueber Community & Impact Manager, Patagonia


In the world

+6’200 certified B Corp worldwide

88 countries

159 industries

250,000 B Impact assessment users

530’000 B Corp employees globally

+15,000 benefit corporations

In Switzerland

280 B Corps active in Switzerland

87 Swiss B Corps

45 industries

2,500 B Impact assessment users

Average B Impact Assessment score in Switzerland: Average score: 94

Average score impact area Governance: 9.16 Average score impact area Workers: 13.35 Average score impact area Community: 17.53 Average score impact area Environment: 14.71 Average score impact area Customers: 21.59 As of December 31, 2022


Our activities in 2022 The Swiss Triple Impact

Launched in 2020 by B Lab Switzerland, the Swiss Triple Impact (STI) is a solution-oriented sustainability program for businesses of all sizes and sectors. In three steps, the STI program helps Swiss businesses to become future-fit by creating an impactful sustainability strategy aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030. Participating companies get access to interactive workshops, practical tools, events as well as a supportive community. As part of the program, participating companies are to set measurable goals aligned with the SDGs on topics such as carbon neutrality, diversity, sustainable materials, gender equality, only to name a few. Companies also benefit from B Lab’s measurement tools, such as the SDG Action

Manager. Once pledges have been made, companies join the STI Directory, which aims to become the largest list of Swiss organizations that have committed to bold and concrete actions to contribute to the SDGs. In the two years since its launch, the STI has already undergone several adaptations, due in large part to the quality of the feedback and commitment of the participants. In 2022, the STI has expanded to evolve from a sustainable program to a true engine of engagement for its members. Creating a sense of community amongst our participants is clearly one of the stated objectives for the coming years. This is not only important to maintain momentum, but it is also the best way to create synergies between members that can lead to new collective commitments, inspiring further audiences.

See STI Activity Report 2020-2022

“It is very complex to implement the SDGs in every- day operations and to define measures and goals ourselves. We started in 2018 and then got to know the STI in 2020. That was exactly what helped us to implement a methodology, gain an overview and also get a systematic approach with the SDG Action Manager.” Patrick Semadeni CEO, Semadeni Plastic Group


The STI program at a glance

9 regional platforms in Switzerland +50 companies having submitted pledges 35 thematic workshops in 2022

+320 companies in the program 25 companies in the STI Directory

40 industry sectors represented

150 workshops between 2020 and 2022

Launch of the STI Directory


The Swiss Triple Impact Directory serves as a compendium of organizations that have successfully completed the STI program and made bold, tangible commitments to contribute to the 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

STI Directory Manifesto

“As business leaders and members of the Swiss Triple Impact Directory, we commit to taking concrete actions for a desirable and sustainable future. We recognize the crucial role that the business community has to play in protect- ing the health and well-being of present and future generations, and achieving the SDGs.”

Discover the Swiss Triple Impact Directory


Our activities in 2022 Policy change: Accountability for a Just Transition

As a not-for-profit network, B Lab advocates significant legal change in corporate responsibility and social and environmental impact. In particular, B Lab advocates the implementation of political and governmental action on changing economic systems, and for a global shift from shareholder primacy to stakeholder governance. The ‘Accountability for a Just Transition’ project, launched in November 2022 by B Lab Switzerland with legal experts, aims to identify and address gaps in Swiss law that prevent purpose- driven businesses from being recognized and supported. In 2022, we conducted extensive research, including publishing a comparative law report in partnership with the University of Geneva and UNIL. Additionally, we began developing a new legal framework to clarify businesses’ accountability in fulfilling their fiduciary duties to all stakeholders and the planet, with the support of legal and public policy experts. We plan to present this proposal in 2023.

What are purpose-driven com- panies ? Purpose-driven companies play a key role in facilitating a just transition towards an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy. These companies set themselves apart by: • Upholding high social, environmental, and community standards. • Emphasizing the goal of generating benefits for society at large. • Committing to increased levels of transparency. • Expanding the fiduciary responsibility of managers to include economic, social, and environmental outcomes.


What are the objectives of the coalition of purpose-driven companies ?

Purpose-driven companies extend beyond merely focusing on financial profits. Instead, they prioritize the well-being of society and the environment, contributing to sustainable development and creating positive social and environmental impacts. By doing so, these companies can foster long-term relationships with customers and stakeholders. Businesses with a clear purpose can attract skilled employees and investors who also care about making a positive impact. By taking on extended responsibilities and being role models, purpose-driven companies can inspire other businesses to be more socially and environmentally responsible


Swiss Board for Agenda 2030 Nos activités en 2022 Collective action: Swiss Boards for Agenda 2030 Our activities in 2022


What is the #SBA2030 coalition? During the 2022 WEF in Davos, B Lab Switzerland and InTent announced the creation of the #SBA2030 coalition. The coalition comprises CEOs and board members who pledge to uphold a high standard of board accountability to achieve positive impact. The initiative is backed by a robust ecosystem of B Corps and other prominent Swiss leaders who prioritize using business as a force for good.

How the #SBA2030 coalition work ?

Members of the #SBA2030 coalition commit to:

• Train their board to sustainability • Change their company by-laws to enhance social and environmental responsibility • Build a strategy to contribute to the SDGs by participating in the Swiss Triple Impact Program • Attend an annual SBA2030 round table to engage in collective actions The communication • 3 press releases sent out • 18 articles published in the Swiss and foreign press • 8 interviews given to the Swiss and foreign press

The Playbook

B Lab Switzerland also launched a practical, hands- on guide,The Playbook, to help board members take action to overcome the most common obstacles that stand in the way of the Board developing and implementing a positive impact strategy – lack of knowledge and Board or executive commitment.

Discover the members of the coalition


The #SBA2030 coalition in 2022

+30 #SBA2030 members +10

+100 influential decision-makers have been trained on sustainability 2/3 of the companies of the #SBA2030 have trained 2 or more members of their board

+20 members are working on strategies to support the SDGs

members have already reflected stakeholder governance in their bylaws

“ “With only eight years left to achieve the 2030 Agen - da, it is urgent to act now! Today, only 15% of leaders consider sustainability to be their organization’s top priority. Our world needs game-changing managers, leaders who can design and support positive impact strategies. The SBA2030 was born for one reason:

companies need to be managed differently. Our world cannot be sustainable and pros- perous without powerful and enduring collaborative practices.” André Hoffmann Co-Initiator of the #SBA2030 coalition


Our activities in 2022 B Academy

Academic institutions play a crucial role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow and preparing the students for the realities they will face once they enter the professional world. This is why B Lab Switzerland has launched the B Academy program in 2014. The objective is to share the best sustainability practices and provide hands-on learning opportunities to students. It also connects academics to the business world to study the role of private companies in a sustainable economy. Throughout the years, B Academy has partnered with prestigious academic institutions throughout Switzerland and beyond, including UNIGE, HEG-GE and HES-SO, EPFL, UNIL, GSEM, HSG, EDHEC, IWÖ-HSG, HEG-FR, and HEG-GE. Our partnerships allow us to advance the state of academic studies in the field of “using business as a force for good.” In 2022, we had eight partnerships established with institutions and a dozen of companies,

providing learning opportunities for over 200 students. In 2022, we also announced our participation in the publication of B Academics’ “Advancing the B Movement” White Paper, which presents the experiences of local engagement between academics and B Lab Offices, aimed at promoting teaching and research on B Corporations to accelerate the transition to a new economy. The 4 main types of class are:

• Class Intervention • Mock-Consulting • Full-Fledged Business Consulting (Tool: B Impact Assessment) • Full-Fledged Business Consulting (Tool: SDG Action Manager)

“ “The work provided by the students was serious and relevant, and we appreciated it both in terms of substance and form. Their open-mindedness enriches our thinking and approach.” Energy Management SA Consulting engineers CVCS/MCR/Energy efficiency ↑ Visit to the Biscuits Agathe factory, as part of the B Academy program


“ “The benefit of sharing with people outside of my company, and providing a concrete opportunity for analysis to students was very enriching.” Blanc SA

Company specializing in premises maintenance, parquet and floor coverings, cleaning and sanitizing

The B Academy program in 2022

8 B Academy programs held in 2022

5 partner universities

+10 companies participated in the program

+200 students followed a B Academy session


Our activities in 2022 B Leaders

The B Leaders training is a program to empower people who want to help companies measure their social and environmental performances, improve their impact, and lead them through the B Corp Certification. This four days intensive training dives into the use of the B Impact Assessment (BIA) tool to enable practitioners to measure a company’s impact on their different stakeholders. At the end of the training, participants are able to develop effective strategies and action plans to

improve the sustainability performance score. Soft skills are not forgotten as they also learn how to convince their stakeholders and manage controversial issues. The B Leaders community form a powerful building block of B Lab’s Theory of Change, enabling a practitioner community to support the change we seek. By supporting companies, the B Leaders act as catalysts and allies for systems change.

The B Leaders program in 2022

+50 B Leaders trained in 2022

+380 B Leaders in Switzerland

3 trainings held in 2022 (12 days)

“ “I would recommend the B Leaders training because it not only allows us to better understand the B Corp certification, but also to become familiar with sustain - ability issues. The BIA tool itself, whether we decide to become certified or not, is an extremely relevant foundation for anyone interested in sustainability.” Sébastien Cretegny CEO & Founder, Movo Partners


“ “For me, the highlight of the B Leaders training is to meet a community of people who are interested in the same topics and to practice, together, the different tools.” Fanny De Vos Aeschlimann Business Development, Maison Galata

↑ B Leaders training in our offices ↖ PIIL tool, developed by B Lab Switzerland ↗ BIA tool, developed by B Lab Global


Our activities in 2022 Sustainable innovation

Today’s challenges make it an imperative to build regenerative and inclusive business models, products and services. Why does sustainable innovation matter? Companies and society now understand the im- portance of taking a balanced approach that con- siders social justice, economic performance, and environmental responsibility equally. To launch a successful business model or position a business for the future, sustainability cannot be ignored.

B Lab Switzerland uses established strategies and methods from innovation management to help businesses make sustainability a priority. We are working in four areas: Improving existing busi- ness models, developing SDG-driven business models, building an innovation infrastructure for SDG-driven innovation and innovation for system change. We provide companies, service providers and public institutions with the necessary knowl- edge and tools to develop sustainable business models and to plug sustainability into existing innovation processes.

The 4 pillars of sustainable innovation

Developing SDG-driven Business Models

Improving Existing Business Models

WHY? Make sustainable

innovation the default option

Building an Innovation Infrastructure for

Innovation for System Change

SDG-driven Innovation


“ “I can’t imagine - based on the latest science and the public demands for sustainability - that any new pro- ject, startup or business model is not designed or transformed to be a force for good.”

Jonathan Normand, Founder & CEO, B Lab (Switzerland) Foundation

Read our articles and case studies

Creative Dock and B Lab Switzerland join forces to design new methodologies to build busi- ness models that last

Why and how to integrate sustain- ability into innovation and business development processes


Communications, Finances & HR B Lab Switzerland communication

The B movement ignited discourse throughout Switzerland via press clippings, social media interactions, and the creation of original content. The impact of our efforts is evident not only in the growing number of our social media

followers, but also in the heightened awareness of the necessity for adopting innovative, responsible approaches to conducting business, as underscored by media coverage.

Our notable accomplishments in 2022, reflecting the extent of our reach and engagement, include the following:

37 press clippings published in various Swiss publications

16 interviews given to Swiss medias

5 articles published on our website

Our online community in 2022

• A strong community of 8’717 professionals on LinkedIn • A vibrant audience of 1’367 members on Instagram • A total of 18 videos shot in 2022 and available on Youtube

Our community is at the heart of what we do and that’s why we give it voice in our “B Voices” video format that we launched at the SWISS IMPACT FORUM 2022. Viewers learn how our community members are contributing to transforming our current economic system for a better future. The B Voices videos are tailored to our social media channels (LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube) and can also be found on our website. So far we have created B Voices videos on different projects and initiatives, such as #SBA2030, the STI Program or our new Legal Framework Proposal. New video format - B Voices



Communications, Finances & HR

Expense & revenue

In this section we will provide an overview of our revenue and expenses including some elements on our human resources. We remain dedicated to responsible and sustainable growth in the coming year and beyond, and we thank our partners for their ongoing support.


Program Revenue

CHF 1,120,754

Public 5.4%

Swiss Impact Forum 4.3%

Public support

CHF 130,000

Private support

CHF 500,000

Partnerships 21.3%


CHF 510,997

Program Revenue 46.7%

SWISS IMPACT FORUM support Use of allocated funds

CHF 104,000

CHF 35,000


CHF 2,400,751

Private 20.8%

Use of allocated funds 1.5%



CHF 222,212

Comms & Events 4.3%

Trainings & Forum 7.1%

Staff expenses CHF 1,903,617 Communications & Events CHF 102,307 Trainings & Forum organization CHF 170,133 TOTAL CHF 2,398,469

Infrastructure 9.3%


Staff expenses 79.3%


Human Resources in 2022





As of 31.12.2022






















Age pyramid


Average age

< 35 years old Between 35 and 50 years old

50+ years old











Occupancy rate


< 50%

50 - 74%

75 - 89% 90 - 100%












Our movement in Switzerland Swiss B Corps

Marketing & Communications

Services & Consulting

Waste Processing Industry

Logistics & Transports


Apparel & Sport equipment

Banking & Finance

Agriculture & AgriTechs





Beauty & Skincare


Food & Beverage

légumes perchés

Une équipe au service du goût. Ein Team im Dienste des Geschmacks.

Housewares, Home Furnishings

Health & Basic Services


Real Estate, Urbanism & Landscape service


IT Software & Services

“Pending” B Corps Baobabooks Education The Resilience Institute Global Consense Wiser Impact Xilva a-Maze Plasteax ten23health Helveteq ID Genève BE WTR Believe


Our movement in Switzerland

Key STI partners in 2022

Supported by the Confederation (ARE), the Swiss Triple Impact program (STI) has an extensive network of more than 50 partners throughout the country. Whether they are industry associations, sustainability experts, chambers of commerce or companies wishing to collaborate in depth on their value chain, all partners ensure, at their own level, the anchoring of the program in the Swiss sustainability landscape. Thanks to our ecosystem...

And to our local partners! Alp ICT Aziende Industriali di Lugano (AIL) SA BAK economic AG Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB) Basler Kantonalbank (BKB) CH Open Chambre de commerce, d’industrie et des services de Genève (CCIG)

Circular Hub GmbH Climate Services SA ClimatePartner Switzerland AG Cluster Food & Nutrition

Haute école de Gestion Fribourg (HEG-FR) Health Tech Cluster Switzlerland (HTCS) Hub neuchatel HUG - Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève Industrielle Werke Basel (IWB) AG

Innovationspark Zentralschweiz (InnoPark) Institut du Numérique Responsable (ISIT-CH) Integraal IT SA IT Valley Kunststoff.swiss Marly Innovation Center (MIC) milani design & consulting SI FA! Sustainability Week for Business Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Swiss Cleantech Swiss Plastics Cluster Umweltplattform Universitätspital Basel (USB) Ville de Gland Weleda AG Yetik

Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein

Zühlke Engineering AG Zürcher Handelskammer


STI Participants Basel

Basler Kantonalbank (BKB) Energie Zukunft Schweiz AG FAHAMU AG GÖBEK GmbH Herold Mion GmbH Industrielle Werke Basel (IWB) AG Löw Gärten AG Bern APP Unternehmensberatung AG Dormen AG Geistlich Pharma AG LerNetz AG milani design & consulting MONWITT SA MPS Micro Precision Systems AG Polarstern AG

Roche Pharma (schweiz) AG Ten23 Health Tschudin AG Universitätspital Basel (USB) urb-x AG Weleda AG

PostFinance Privatbank Von Graffenried AG Puzzle ITC Semadeni Plastics Group Stämpfli AG Stettler Sapphire AG Sumami GmbH V-ZUG AG

Fribourg ALEX-A Almighty Tree

La Préfo FFJ Les alpagas du Grand Bois LES BATOILLES Les boutiques Angéloz SA Liip AG Local Impact Sàrl Local’ice SA Luceed SA Lucul Production et Distribution SA Marly Innovation Center (MIC) MEO design et communication Sàrl Moonlight Kombucha & Co Sàrl OVALE & Partenaires Sàrl Qualibroker Group SA ResilLi AG SCOTT Sports SA Simon & Josef Sàrl Transports publics fribourgeois (TPF) SA UCB Farchim SA Urbanfish Coworking Viajero Coffee Villars Maître Chocolatier Workingshare Sàrl

Alp ICT Apartis Banque Raiffeisen Région Marly-Cousimbert société coopérative Bio-Eco · conseil et stratégie Bouteka Canopé Centre d’intégration socioprofessionnelle (CIS) CISEL Informatique SA Cogiterre Sàrl Colab Fribourg Croix Rouge Fribourgeoise Enoki Sàrl Fondation Ateliers Résidences Adultes (FARA) Fondation St-Louis Gainerie Moderne SA Gakomo SA Grangeneuve

Groupe E icube SA Innovation Lab Fribourg


Geneva AdAstra Sustainability Sàrl Aloha Transports Services SA Ampersand World SA Aprotec SA Association THRIVE b-Sharpe SA Banque Alternative Suisse / Alternative Bank Switzer- land (BAS / ABS) Banque Gonet & Cie SA Baobabooks Education Sàrl Barro & Cie SA Baud Industries Suisse Bean2me SA Bechtle Belfont SA Blossom SARL

Gonet Conseils Finances SA Goodwall SA Groupe SERBECO Helvetia Environnement HUG - Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève Infomaniak Kane Communications Group KS22 SA Kugler Bimetal Kyos SA L’Oréal Suisse SA LA MAISON CREATIVE DIRECTION Lémanis SA Loyco SA LS Travel Retail International SA

MagicTomato SA Mesfin&Co Sàrl

Boninchi SA Boucledor SA Caran d’Ache SA Centre Assal Cotecna Inspection SA Datago Sàrl DFI SERVICE SA DSS Sustainable Solutions Switzerland SA Elbaron SA ENERGY MANAGEMENT SA EXXPERT.CH Sàrl Firmenich SA Fondation Lemania de libre passage Geneva Aero Industry Network (GAIN) Getting Digit Sàrl

MKS PAMP SA Multicuirs SA Naef Immobilier Genève SA OA Legal SA ONE Swiss Bank SA Piguet Galland & Cie SA Reliance Trust Sàrl Reos Partners Splices Swissroc Group Services SA Technew SA Voxia Communication Zayto Sarl

Neuchâtel & Jura Alfaset Artime SA Biwi S.A. Brodt & Partenaires Cronal SA Cyberis SA easyDec SA Eyra Group fascinate FRAPORLUX SWISS S.A. HorloFab SA Hub neuchatel Inhotec SA Inox Communication SA JBH SA JMT Product SA LAUENER & Cie SA LMNT consultancy Sàrl

OPAN concept SA Petitpierre SA Pibor Iso SA Politrempe SA Positive Coating SA PX Précinox SA Queloz SA Rémy Montavon S.A. Someco SA Steulet Microtechnique SA Swissmec SA Vaucher Manufacture Fleurier S.A. Vege’tables Viquodéco Sàrl WAEBER HMS SA

Watchdec SA Werthanor SA




Association Nendaz Freeride Avenir Industrie Valais Biofruits SA COOS Definitely Different Eclosions - Marketing & Communication Freeride World Tour (FWT) Management SA Kargobike Sàrl Mimotec SA RedElec Technologie SA

Albergo Diffuso Valle di Muggio Atelier Beljan csc costruzioni sa DIMITTO AG FEMTOprint SA O3ZY SA Parthenogen SAGL Scuola universitaria federale per la formazione professionale SUFFP

Silicom Group Travelise Sàrl Une Petite Robe en Soie SARL


B+G & Partners SA Cendres+Métaux Lux SA Deeplink Del West (Europe) SA Dentsply Sirona Dive Bär Sàrl Ecole de Jazz et de Musique Actuelle (EJMA)

Nestlé Nespresso SA P+P Project Solutions SA PAC TEAM SA

PeopleCentriX Sàrl Pharmacie Sen’Su Pierhor-Gasser SA

Pristem SA Proxipel SA QoQa Services SA Raized Ventures Ltd Rivka Rouages SA SHINE COMMUNICATION Sàrl Simplicity, Santacroce sàrl Solmani SA Sommet Education SOVET SA Steiner

Ecorobotix Eldora SA everwise LLC Fondation EPFL Innovation Park Gammadia SA GB MICROFAB SA Global ID Grand Tours Project Sàrl H2i Sàrl Hymn Design id est avocats Sàrl Inovacomm SA Kif Parechoc SA La Nanosphère La Pierrette S.A. labac, société coopérative M&BD Consulting Manufacture Romain Gauthier SA Meanquest Messieurs.ch

STS Saulcy Traitement de Surface SA Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) Swiss Startup Capital AG SwissTech Convention Center Syrma consulting Sàrl Tekoe SA TERRACORE INTERNATIONAL SA

The positive project sàrl Twist SA - Sweet Rebels Vestergaard Sàrl Zélo Sàrl

Movo Partners Sàrl Muse Rolling Sarl NANOGA SA


Zürich Abtys Lovisa Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich (ABZ) Animazul GmbH BDO AG Be Naive GmbH / Kaio Swim Blueyou Brüggli Medien / Advery ClimatePartner Switzerland AG Compass Group (Schweiz) AG Cosanum AG Danone Waters | Evian-Volvic Suisse SA Digitalswitzerland ebnat AG Ernst & Young AG (E&Y) ewz F. Preisig AG Farmy AG Generali Schweiz Generis AG Hänseler AG

Innoterra INTERHOLCO AG Katadyn Produkte AG Kessler & Co AG Lionbridge Switzerland AG LUKEVENT AG Manroof GmbH Menu and More AG OEKO-TEX Service GmbH Phenogy AG PKZ Burger-Kehl & Co.AG

prodartis AG Reform Gmbh Protsaah SIX STRADE - powered by SR Technics SV Group

swissplast AG The blue suit Translingua AG Weisbrod-Zürrer AG ZFV Unternehmungen Zühlke Engineering AG

Helvti Diner Betriebs AG Hockey Club Davos AG Impact Factory



Final words

Conclusion & next steps in 2023

In conclusion, we are proud of the achievements and impact we have made over the past year, but we also recognize that there is still much to be done in order to achieve our mission of systemic change. We remain committed to advancing our efforts towards a more sustainable and equitable world, and we will continue to work closely with our partners, supporters, and the B Lab community to drive positive change. Looking ahead, our next steps for 2023 will involve : • On the sidelines of the World Economic Forum 2023 where B Lab Switzerland and InTent will call CEOs and Board Members of leading companies in Switzerland to take bold collective action to address our socie- ty’s most pressing challenges and a shifting regulatory landscape. • B Lab Switzerland national awareness campaign to promote the B Corp community in Switzerland and raise consciousness on the crucial role that businesses play as change catalysts in the face of global challenges. • Policy Change mission to adapt the cur- rent Swiss legal framework for the exten- sion of fiduciary responsibility and the adoption of a legal model along the lines of the “Benefit Corporation”.

↑ Session with the Parliamentary Group on May 31, 2023 ↙ Awareness Campaign Launch Event

• The launch of the Sustainable Leadership Barometer in partnership with Swiss Leaders to track annual leadership changes in exec- utive sustainability behaviors and practices and support leaders to identify actions to improve their leadership. • SWISS IMPACT FORUM on November 23 2023 in Bern. Next year’s session promises collaborations on policy change and also dynamic breakout sessions and workshops for developing sustainability strategies. • ​ Continue to train and deliver our B Lead- ers, B Academics, board members masterclasses on sustainability, the- matic events workshops and engage our community in events and collective actions .

Stay tuned!



This annual report has been developed by the B Lab (Switzerland) Foundation.

Jonathan Normand

Project coordination: Suzanne Letren

Design: Noémie Girard

Contributors: B Lab Switzerland Team June 2023 blab-switzerland.ch

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