

“I am very worried about Pinecrest,” said Dr. Roumeliotis, noting that many of the nursing home’s elderly residents are frail and several suffer from various forms of dementia. “We are continuing to monitor the situation.” Details on the age and gender of the six latest victims of COVID-19 are not available at present. Pinecrest is one of three long-term care facilities in the EOHU region suffering from COVID-19 outbreaks. The Plantagenet faci- lity has 39 confirmed cases now, including 32 residents who tested positive for the disease, and 7 staff, who are now in self- isolation. The Woodland care home in Long Sault has two cases of COVID-19 confirmed. St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre in Cornwall is the latest addition to the list of outbreaks in the EOHU area. One staff member is now in self-isolation after testing positive for COVID-19.

The total number of COVID-19 cases for the Five Counties and City of Cornwall areas now total 132, including those at the long- term care homes. The majority of COVID-19 cases for the region are classed as “community transmis- sion,” which means direct contact between individuals. Almost half of these cases are also classed as “resolved,” which means the indi- viduals who tested positive for the disease no longer show any symptoms following their 14-day isolation periods. These people are now free of COVID-19. EN BREF • BRIEFS CHARGES FOR DISTURBANCE Mario Parent, 27, of Limoges is charged with uttering threats, weapon assault, breach of probation, failure to comply with a judicial release order, and making a false fire alarm call, following police investigation of a May 2 disturbance incident involving three people on Calypso Street in Limoges. The accused is scheduled to appear in provincial court in L’Orignal June 24. – Gregg Chamberlain


Six more residents at the Pinecrest Nursing Home in Plantagenet have died due to complications from COVID-19. Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, chief medical officer for the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) confirmed the most recent deaths at the long-term care facility during his regular media teleconference. “This is a tragedy,” said Dr. Roumeliotis. “My heart goes out to the families and the others at the home.” The COVID-19 death toll for the EOHU region is now eight, and all of them at the Plantagenet nursing home. Doctors and nurses from the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital have gone to Pinecrest to aid staff there with infection control and other needs.

The number of deaths due to COVID-19 is now eight at the Pinecrest Nursing Home in Plantagenet. Doctors and nurses from Hawkesbury & District General Hospital are now assisting nursing home staff with infection control at the facility and caring for the residents, many of whom are frail. —archives


la région. «Ce qui est intéressant c’est que ces nominations inter- viennent dans un climat de crise économique. Je dois m’assurer à travers mon travail parle- mentaire d’avoir

députée, mais quand on les soulève en tant que porte-parole de ces secteurs, notre parole est plus forte et a plus d’impact», a conclu la députée provinciale Amanda Simard. Le Parti libéral est la troisième force politique en Ontario et compte à travers ces nominations accentuer sa présence au sein de l’échiquier politique provincial

« C’est un honneur et un privilège d’avoir ces rôles qui représentent un reflet de notre circonscription » Vendredi dernier, Steven Del Duca, le chef du Parti libéral de l’Ontario, a annoncé de nouveaux porte-paroles pour son caucus. Ainsi, la députée Amanda Simard a hérité de quatre portefeuilles clés: les affaires francophones; l’agriculture, l’alimentation et les affaires rurales; le patrimoine, le sport, le tourisme, la culture; ainsi que les petites entreprises et la réduction des formalités administratives. La députée provinciale de Glengarry-Pres- cott-Russell s’est dite ravie de cette nomi- nation qui est en parfaite harmonie selon elle avec les attentes et les préoccupations de sa circonscription. «L’attribution de ces nominations va avec les forces et les intérêts de chacun. Pour moi ces quatre domaines sont une passion avant tout et font partie des défis de ma région», a expliqué Mme Simard. Cependant, Mme Simard, consciente de la lourde tâche qui lui incombe cette responsabilité, confie que le défi est grand et cela est attribuable en partie à la crise de la COVID-19 qui a touché ces secteurs-clés de

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les mesures adéquates pour dépasser la situation difficile de ces secteurs d’acti- vité», a-t-elle indiqué. La députée de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell a assuré que son rôle devient primordial dans ces secteurs du fait qu’elle connait les dossiers les plus épineux de la région ainsi que son travail sur le terrain avec les ci- toyens. «On peut soulever des enjeux comme

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