This weekly bulletin contains the latest news updates across Year 10.
On Monday, following the final A Level exam we welcomed our Year 13 students and their families into school for a final celebration assembly and social. This was such a lovely event, giving us an opportunity to hear from key staff and students, as well as enjoying some fantastic student performances. On Tuesday our annual Sports Day was a tremendous success. Students from Years 7 to
End of Summer Term - 19 July
10 had an opportunity to compete in a variety of competitive track, field and fun events. I am sure those of you living closest to the school will have heard how much the whole school community enjoyed the afternoon, which culminated in an extremely well-supported and competitive staff relay. We will announce the overall winners in our end of year celebration assemblies. Throughout the week we have been celebrating Book Week in school. We welcomed author Sue Wallman into school to talk to students in Year 7 and 8. Sue’s writing is informed by her experience as a psychiatrist and a nurse. Our Year 7 students also really enjoyed having the opportunity to dress up as a favourite fictional character. On top of all of this we ran a very successful second hand book sale in school. Thank you to all the students who got involved. There have also been a number of trips this week. On Monday afternoon a group of students from Year 8 led a French picnic in Radnor Gardens with students from St James’ primary school. We were so proud of the students who demonstrated excellent leadership and language skills. On Thursday Fashion and Textiles students in Years 12 and 10 visited the New Designers exhibition at the Business Design Centre to gain inspiration for their own coursework.
HOLIDAYS & NATIONAL DAYS Hajj - 26 June - 1 July Eid Al-Adha - 29 June - 2 July Children’s Art Week - 29 June - 19 July Thank You Day - 2 July
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your stories and photos to share by email to Follow us on twitter @Waldegravesch for general news and @WaldegraveSport for frequent sports updates JOINING THE PTA To get in contact with our PTA about joining the team please click below.
~ Ms Tongue, Headteacher
Digital wellbeing is about how the internet and technology can make us feel. This includes recognising the impact being online can have on our emotions, mental and physical health and wellbeing. Negative impacts on digital wellbeing are often the result of digital drama, the desire to fit in, encountering distressing content, and struggling to balance screen time with other activities. In light of that, a range of apps and websites have been designed to support young people's wellbeing. Kooth is an NHS-provided online service that includes self-help tools, community support and online counselling. It is completely free and young people can sign up to receive support without any sort of referral. Good Thinking is another website that provides self-help tips and also a list of NHS approved apps for under-18s. Also available for free is the award-winning Calm Harm App, which is recommended by our local CAMHS service for young people who self-harm. It offers content designed to Comfort and Distract from urges to self-harm. More information about Digital Wellbeing can be found on the Childnet Website and via Good Thinking.
Earlier this week we held our annual Sports Day event with the vast majority of students participating in a variety of events from the 100m sprint and long jump to the sack race and egg and spoon race. It was a great opportunity to get together as a school and support each other. It was wonderful seeing the students enjoying themselves and mingling amongst their year groups in their house colours and teams.
We hope that Year 10 enjoyed their assembly earlier today which was delivered by a group of Year 11 students about making ‘positive choices’ as they progress into Year 11. The Year 11 speakers were chosen specifically as they each had to overcome personal challenges and barriers in the final year of GCSEs and we hope that their messages resonated with our Year 10s.
Please can you continue to support your child at home by reminding them of our expectations around jewellery and uniform. We have noticed improvements over the last couple of weeks and want to ensure this is maintained until the Summer holidays arrive.
As we look ahead to the last couple of weeks we are going to be focusing on the targets which students will have received from their recent end of year tests. It is a great opportunity to start planning on how to implement a revision schedule that is ‘light touch’ at this point but that focuses on the key targets they received.
Please note that there is planned industrial action next Wednesday 5 July and Friday 7 July. Please check previous letters to see how each year group will be affected on these days.
Killing God by Kevin Brooks Age recommendation 14+
The book features Dawn Bundy, a fifteen year old girl whose father claims to have found God, and leaves to continue his new, alternative lifestyle. The reader is led on an adventure with Dawn, which involves the struggles of friends and classmates. Kevin Brooks somehow manages to convey how young girls may feel about their bodies - specifically body dysmorphia - and describes their discomfort in their own skin. This book - to me - is very important. Killing God highlights many modern day problems for young people. It educates people and serves as a warning. ~ Recommended by Imogen C-A, Year 9 student
Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 10 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS
If you have any unwanted white cotton sheets you are looking to recycle, please donate them to Textiles in the Design and Technology department. We only want clean, freshly washed, white 100% cotton sheets. Holes or tears are not a problem. They will be used for dyeing which is why they need to be white cotton only please. Please can we ask that sheets are donated directly to Ms Wallace in D2 via your child and not via reception. Thank you! DONATIONS FOR DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY With the school holidays rapidly approaching, Richmond Youth Service is providing great opportunities for students in the borough. With longer opening hours and a multitude of FREE activities, workshops and sessions delivered by Youth Service staff at five locations in the borough there is a diverse and wide-ranging selection of activities for our students to get involved in! The locations include: PowerStation Youth Centre in Mortlake; Heatham House in Twickenham; Whitton Youth Zone; Hampton Youth Zone; and Ham Youth Zone. To find out more information and read the full brochure please click on the front cover image to the right to view details. FREE SUMMER HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES AVAILABLE
Landmark Arts Centre, 2nd July 2023 at 5p.m. GET YOUR TICKETS HERE
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