MY 19 Mohegan Sun Level III


Cybersecurity – What Is a “Cybercrime”? Generallydefined asany criminal activity wherea computer or network is theagentof the crime, the facility of a crime, or the targetofacrime. Examplesof cybercrime a casino or casino regulatormight be the targetof – • Acomputer virus installsa key logger.The logger capturesusernamesand passwordsused toaccess the systems. • A systemuser isvictimized by aphishing attack. In aphishing attack, the user isdirected to click a link that installs malicious software or todivulge information that could compromise the system.The attack is usually structured such that the victim thinkswhat theyaredoing is legitimately necessary.


Cybersecurity – What Is a “Cybercrime”? Examplesof cybercrime a casino or casino regulatormight be the targetof – • A“Denial ofService” attack is wherecybercriminals attempt to thwart theorganizations operations, forexample byoverloading servers. • Access to computing resources. Thegoal of a cyber attack may be toobtainmore computers from which toattack other computers.Or, critical computer systems maybe beprotected from the outside worldbut can beaccessed from publically available computers thatexist on the same network. • Theftof confidential information. Does your organization have any information that is not for public consumption?Would this information have value toyour competitors? Or couldyour organization be “blackmailed” toprevent the public release?MightB2B relationshipsbedamaged?


Cybersecurity – What Is a “Cybercrime”? Examplesof cybercrime a casino or casino regulatormight be the targetof – • Identity theft! Does your organization have individual’s data that could beused for identity theft? Do youkeep customer records in anelectronic format?How about licensee information?



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