HCSO 2023 Annual Report


TOTAL VISITORS The collective number of individuals who visited state, probate and/or superior courts, including litigants, attorneys, spectators, and other participants.

2023: 277,540 2022: 241,099 2021: 145,000

INMATE TRANSPORTS The total count of instances in which incarcerated individuals are transferred or moved from one location to another, typically between Henry County Jail facilities, courts, or other relevant destinations.

2023: 6,382 2022: 2,085 2021: 129*

PRINT, BOOK & RELEASE The cumulative count of individuals processed, wherein they are fingerprinted, booked, and subsequently released based on court orders or other legal determinations. *The data provided for the year 2021 reflects lower counts attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic. Delays for in-person court proceedings, extending until late 2021, had a notable impact on transport counts. It is important to acknowledge this context when analyzing the data, as the figures may not align with typical trends.

2023: 367 2022: 460 2021: 496


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