2019 Q3



Jason Lucas 2019 NADOA President

What a quick year!

First and foremost, thank you so much for allowing me to serve as President of NADOA. It was truly an honor. We have a wonderful organization. You are going to be in truly remarkable hands with Luanne taking over the Presidency. (then slightly less remarkable but….competent(?) hands with Lewis the following year, maybe). We had a wonderful Institute because of the amazing work of Stephanie Moore and Michelle Lawton. They were irreplaceable to me. Everyone did amazing work to help bring us an event that was very successful. NADOA membership counts 1244 people this year. This represents an increase of 150 new members. We had a very successful Institute. It was our largest Institute in Five years. 404 attendees saw 20 speakers and attended 22 classes at Institute. Our Topgolf tournament was a huge success with 68 people attending on Wednesday. We couldn’t have done any of it without our awesome membership. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!

Jason Lucas


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