Y8 Bulletin 30.06.23


We had the privilege of welcoming YA Author Sue Wallman into school yesterday where she delivered a talk to Year 8 discussing her books and her career as a writer as well as answering questions our students had. In celebration of book week, Ms Moore also led an assembly to Year 8 and 9 students about the importance of reading and reading for pleasure, encouraging students to take up the challenge of reading for at least 10 minutes every day in order to get back into good reading habits. On Thursday we also had a book sale at school where students were able to buy second hand books for no more than £1 each, to encourage them to read some different genres. The English department also dressed up as different Shakespeare plays, encouraging students to guess which Shakespeare play they represented. We were very impressed with how many students got the majority correct. Congratulations to 8SPI for coming first in the epraise leaderboard for Year 8. They are followed by 8STH in second place and 8FBH third. Well done to you all! Well done to Fran, Anna and Jasmine who were all involved in a Football tournament last weekend, playing for Teddington Panthers. The tournament took place at the Excel Club in Walton where they played 4 matches in the heats and were unbeaten, progressing into the semi-finals. They went on to win both the semi-final and final, being crowned overall winners in the top group for their age! On Monday, a group of French enthusiasts led three classes of Year 3s in an afternoon of fun and games. The students have spent the last few weeks learning how to give instructions and lead these games in French. The young students responded with enthusiasm and excitement. Click here to see a photo from the event. Tuesday saw the return of our annual Sports Day event and the weather did not disappoint! We had a number of events take place all day with field events like long jump, high jump and javelin taking place in the morning and our track events, including the 100m sprint, in the afternoon. I would like to say a massive well done to all Year 8 students who participated in events, you all did a brilliant job! Please note that there is planned industrial action next Wednesday 5 July and Friday 7 July. Please check previous letters to see how each year group will be affected on these days.



Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins Age recommendation 12+

Anna is a 17 year old high school senior who lives in Atlanta. Circumstances force her to move to Paris where she attends the School of America in Paris and meets St. Clair, Meredith, Rashmi and Josh. As time passes, Anna becomes part of the group not knowing love is in the air. American with a twist of French! ~ Recommended by Jiya K, Year 7 student

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to KS3@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 8 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

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