In the pipeline Quarter 3 2016
SweetasSugar Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is something sadly lacking in many companies and a
KellianneGreyworks as a CRMmanager at Bristol and is acutely aware that things gowrong: there are misunderstandings; favouritisms; misinformation; and amyriad of problems that plague the smooth running of any business. Her first taskwas to update all the existing customer data at Bristol, remove redundant information, ensure the contacts hadn't changed and simply keep in touchwith everyone. Thismeant speaking to all of Pirtek Bristol's customers, greeting them, especially if they hadn't used the company for awhile, making sure theywere aware of special offers, andmost importantly resolving any complaints or problemswith clients. If
service that is often confused with just another opportunity to increase sales. Pirtek Bristol has its own take on what CRM really means.
theywere old or redundant accounts, askingwhy they had ceased using Pirtek and if theywould like to use their services again. Grey admitted thiswasn't an easy task. “PirtekUK is trialling a newsystem called 'Sugar' using Ipads which has to be integrated with the current PDA system. I'mverymuch the guinea pig on this, trialling the systemto see how it works and if it can be improved and developed. Its one big advantage is that I have access to national accounts and can share informationwithin the Centre.We even have a Sugar Academy so I can learn on line. It also allows me to communicate directlywith customers and theMSSTs.We can all upload photos, and seek
and labour intensive process, but that integration is nowstarting to bear fruit. “I can't say I enjoyed the initial work. It was hardwork and not the role I had anticipated. However I havemade the rolemy own nowand turned it into good oldCRM. I can nowsee the benefitswith all the records straight at last. I needed to do a lot of customer research first, and the Centre has certainly hasmore happy clients, who like the personal touch. Is it working? Definitely. If a client wants to havemoan, then he knows he has a sympathetic ear. I have improved the service they get, challenged all sorts ofmyths about Pirtek prices andmost importantly of all, make sure they get what they need, on time and at the right price,” KellianneGrey concludes. “Now that'swhat CRM is really all about.”
technical advice and help,” she explains. “Building goodCRMwith clients isn't always easy but this systemcertainly helps. If a customer has an issue, then I amhere to put it right, provide the correct information andmake sure they get the service they deserve. Although I have a goodworking knowledge of the construction industry, particularly throughmy H&Swork, I often go out with theMSSTs towatch methods of working. I have to be careful to ensure thatmywork doesn't become a sales role, although through CRMwe have picked up 12 projectswe wouldn't have seen otherwise. Being in direct contact with theMSSTs ensures that information is kept up to date and that sales leads are passed on to our salesmanagerMike Bailey for action. It's good and effective teamwork.” The integration of the newsystemhas been a slow
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