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Les biscuits Sourire de Tim Horton recueilleront des fonds pour la fondation HGH du 19 au 25 septembre. -Photo Antoine Messier
Dynamo Playgrounds in Alfred-Plantagenet Township has a plan to help deal with its own present and future labour needs and also help other businesses in Prescott-Russell that need skilled tradespeople. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
local Tim Hortons owner, Paul Burke, and his team members. This is just another amazing example of our community making a difference for our hospital, its patients, their families, and the entire region.” This campaign will help support the pur- chase of essential medical equipment in order to bring new services to HGH such as advanced three-dimensional mammography, in hopes of enabling more specialty care at the Hawkesbury General Hospital. The focus is on enhancing services in orthopedic surgery, urology, ophthalmology, endoscopy, and advanced mammography. Tim Hortons has helped raise more than $65,000 for the HGH foundation during the past 11 years, including $13,152 in 2021.
ANTOINE MESSIER antoine.messier@eap.on.ca
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
comprend des compétences profession- nelles telles que la soudure, le sablage, le travail des métaux et la fabrication générale. Le programme de formation de l’Acadé- NJF$$.TFDPODFOUSFTVSMBGPSNBUJPOEFT étudiants aux compétences en marketing, en utilisant les médias sociaux, la conception graphique, la conception web, la publicité et les techniques de vente et d’autres médias. Si les subventions de l’un ou l’autre de ces programmes, ou des deux, sont approuvées, Dynamo Playgrounds offrira ses possibilités de formation professionnelle aux résidents locaux qui veulent travailler et aux personnes des autres municipalités de Prescott-Russell. L’entreprise s’attend à ce que son programme réponde à ses propres besoins en main-d’œuvre et à ceux d’autres entreprises de la région. Lors de sa séance du 23 août, le conseil municipal d’Alfred-Plantagenet a voté en faveur d’une lettre d’appui à Dynamo Playgrounds pour sa demande de subvention Æ5#/$BOBEB
Tim Horton’s Smile Cookies will once again raise funds in support of Hawkesbury General Hospital Foundation for the 11th straight year from September 19 to 25. Tim Horton Restaurants in Vankleek Hill, Hawkesbury and L’Orignal will be donate every dollar for every Smile Cookie sold to the HGH foundation. “We are so grateful to be the recipient of the funds from the Smile Cookie campaign once again this year,” said Erin Tabakman, executive director of the HGH Foundation. “What a great initiative and gesture from
Une entreprise locale du canton d’Alfred- Plantagenet a un plan pour s’aider à éviter tout problème de pénurie de main-d’œuvre. Dynamo Playgrounds veut profiter de deux QSPHSBNNFTEFTVCWFOUJPOTPGGFSUTQBS5#/ Canada . L’organisme fédéral met l’accent sur les programmes et les projets qui aident les personnes à reprendre confiance en elles-mêmes et à retrouver l’estime de soi grâce à la formation professionnelle. L’entreprise locale souhaite demander une aide financière au titre du programme Se- conde chance et du projet de formation de M"DBEÊNJF$$.-FQSPHSBNNFø4FDPOEF chance aide les personnes handicapées ou ayant un casier judiciaire à suivre une for- mation professionnelle et un enseignement qui les aident à trouver et à conserver un emploi, leur permettant de s’intégrer dans la communauté. Le programme de formation
ANTOINE MESSIER antoine.messier@eap.on.ca
civic holiday morning became a tiresome chase around the neighbourhood. He helped lead the cows towards his own garage where two of them were captured. The last member of the trio was more stubborn however. For over an hour, a group of men and women chased a young calf around Pen- dleton Street. Welden chased after the cow with his truck, eventually cornering it in someone’s backyard. The calf didn’t give
Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number. Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 613-632-4155 • 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383
It is safe to assume the cows wanted a day off Monday from their daily work routine consisting of eating and pro- ducing milk for labour day when three escaped from the trailer carrying them on High Street in Vankleek Hill. Denis Welden was relaxing with his coffee
BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President bertrand@eap.on.ca YVAN JOLY Directeur des ventes Sales director yvan@eap.on.ca
on Labour Day mor- ning when he noticed there were three cows on High Street in Vankleek Hill. “A lot of people were there taking pictures but none of them were helping,” said Welden. The car mechanic
up so easily however. Seeking to continue its visit of the Gin- gerbread capital of Ontario. it rammed through a fence onto someone’s lawn. “It was like a scene from a mo- vie.” said Welden. “Eventually, I guess someone lassoed it.”
On peut supposer que les vaches voulaient un congé de leur routine quotidienne consistant à manger et à produire du lait pour la fête du travail lorsque trois d’entre elles se sont échappées de la remorque qui les transportait sur la Rue High.
GREGG CHAMBERLAND Rédacteur en chef intérim Acting Editor-in-Chief gregg.chamberland@eap.on.ca GILLES NORMAND Dir. Production et Distribution Mgr. gilles.normand@eap.on.ca MARCO BLAIS Infographie et prépresse / Layout & Prepress infographie@eap.on.ca Publicité • Advertising: yvan@eap.on.ca
Représentation nationale • National representation Sans frais • Toll free : 1-800-361-6890
is by no means a far- mer, but he decided he would help herd the cows.
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After all the running around, Welden was happy the cow hadn’t injured anyone save an innocent fence, which will be paid for by an anonymous farmer with very persistent cattle.
Nouvelles • News: nouvelles@eap.on.ca CLASSÉES • CLASSIFIED: nicole.pilon@eap.on.ca muriel.mben@eap.on.ca
“I thought it could be dangerous to let them roam here with all the cars passing by,” said Welden. What Welden thought would be a calm
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