Left untreated, poor posture in the shoulders can lead to long-term effects, such as tendinitis,nerveconstriction,orevenspinemisalignment.Posture isalsoacontributing factor to kyphosis, or “postural hunchback,” in which the shoulders and neck become abnormally curved. Some common errors in posture (and how to fix them) are: 1. Slouching in a chair. – Slouching in a chair is a bad habit to get into, especially if you work at a desk job. The strain increases tension on the muscles, which will eventually cause pain. The best way to avoid this is to get into the habit of sitting correctly (upright, legs uncrossed, feet flat on the ground, legs a few inches away from seat of the chair) every day.This may not be easy at first, as your body may not be accustomed to the way it is supposed to sit. Try out some of these exercises to help correct your slumped stance and strengthen your natural posture: • Bridges • Back extensions • Planks 2.“Textneck.”– The term “textneck” iscolloquial;however, itdescribesaposition in which thehead is tilteddownwardand theshouldersarehunchedover (as ifsomeone was looking down at a phone screen and texting.)This is also commonplace in desk jobs, as many people will experience “text neck” when hunching over their keyboards orsorting throughfiles.Thiscouldbeasignofa tightchestandweakupperback,and overtimethisposturecouldworsen intoroundedorhunchedshoulders.Someexercises to help correct your “text neck,” and strengthen your upper back and shoulders are: • Chest stretches • Pull-ups • Seated rows 3.Roundedshoulders.– It iscausedwhen theshouldersareroundedforward, instead of back, and the head and chest are slouched forward. To figure out if you have a “mom posture” stance, stand in front of a mirror and let your arms hang naturally. If your knuckles face more toward the front, instead of to the sides, you may have roundedshoulders.Daily tasks thatmaycontribute to thisarebendingdownrepeatedly
throughout theday (much likeamomdoes topickupa toddlerorcleanup their toys), sitting forprolongedperiodsof time,carryingheavyobjects,drivingavehicle,orusing a computer. Some exercises you can do to strengthen your shoulders and back, and correct this posture error are: • Seated Rows • Planks • Bridges How therapy helps: Our physical and occupational therapists at Preferred Physical Therapy are dedicated to helping you achieve your highest level of physical ability. Wewill thendetermine thebestcourseof treatment foryourneeds,andwewillassist you in thenecessaryexercisesand therapies thatwilleaseyourbody into its intended stance once again. Don’t let the weight of your shoulders hold you down – if you are experiencing shoulder pain, contact us today to set up a consultation. We’ll get you victoriously waving your arms around in no time! Sources: cause-shoulder-pain
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APPLE PIE INGREDIENTS • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 1/2 tsp salt
• 1/4 cup butter (chilled) • 3 tbsp water (ice-cold) For the Filling: • 2 cups Granny Smith apples • 2 cups Gala apples
• 1 tbsp lemon juice • 1/4 cup brown sugar • 2 tbsp granulated sugar • 1 1/2 tbsp all-purpose flour • 2 tbsp butter
DIRECTIONS In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Cut in the chilled butter. Sprinkle in the ice water into the mixture, 1 tablespoon at a time, mixing with a fork after each addition. Using your hands, form the dough into a ball. Roll the dough into an 11-inch circle between two sheets of plastic wrap coated with cooking spray. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so it becomes slightly firm and uniform. Preheat the oven to 425 F. Remove the top sheet of plastic wrap from the pie dough. Turn the dough over into a 9-inch pie plate coated with cooking spray, and remove the remaining layer of plastic wrap. Using your fingers, press the dough into the pie plate and flute the edges. In a large bowl, toss the apples with lemon juice. In a separate bowl, combine the remaining sugars and flour. Combine the sugar mixture with the apples and toss the mixture lightly with a fork. Pour the apples into the pie crust. Cut the remaining butter into small pieces, and distribute the butter pieces over the top of the pie. Bake at 425 F for 10 minutes, then turn the heat down to 350 F and bake an additional 30 minutes. Source:
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