King's Business - 1956-02


Violet Lanquist

My prayers bounced back as if the Lord had turned a deaf ear to me

perhaps many of you have had the experience of pray­ ing for something and then re­ ceiving for your answer some­ thing entirely different. But then as time went on, you realized that this detour was the only way you could possi­ bly have gotten what you asked for in the first place. Many times we would not ask for things if we knew what we would have to go through to get the answer. It is a good thing that we don’t know because many a blessing would be lost. Such was my case. When I was in my teens, I enjoyed missionary speakers and evangelists tremendously and listened with envy. I wanted so much to have their love and concern for others, the radiant glow of rich Chris­ tian experiences. I had re­ ceived the Lord as my per­ sonal Saviour and knew my sins were forgiven, but I felt I was missing out on my share of the blessings intended for every child of God. So I began to pray more earnestly that He would in some way make 10

me usable in His service. I knew it would take humility, patience, love and a faith that worked. That was a pretty big order. I didn’t realize that faith could not be had by pressing a button, n6r that the trial of my faith and long- suffering would make me patient; I only knew what I wanted. What’s more, I want­ ed it right away. After a year of college, when I was 19, I had a severe attack of pneumonia which lasted several months. Unable to go back to school, I enrolled in a correspondence school of commercial art. The course was extremely difficult for me as I knew nothing of the fun­ damentals of art nor had I de­ veloped my talent. I had to pray more and more as each assignment came along. The Lo rd was m y t e a c h e r ; I couldn’t have completed the course without His help. Then came the blow. I had just received my diploma from art school. One morning I woke up with a severe throbbing and fever in my right wrist. I had no idea

what it was. I went to see a doctor and found out that it was arthritis. I expected it to be over within a few weeks but I was sadly mistaken. For six months I couldn’t pick up a pencil or fork, I couldn’t tie my shoe or comb my hair. My world had to come to an end. My violin playing had to be stopped. I complained to the Lord, asked Him why and never got an answer. Hadn’t I given Him my life, my tal­ ents, my all? It just wasn’t fair. I wasn’t able to work at all so my pride was deeply hurt as I had to live off the fami ly. My father wasn’t working regularly, yet he al­ ways managed to pay the mounting bills. For two years I kept doctor­ ing and waiting, all the time continually telling the Lord that I was of no use to Him in my condition. Gradually the pain subsided some and I was able to twist my hand about in a certain position so I could draw. I was filled with self-pity, yet would let no one sympathize with me. Then the Lord began to bless me


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