King's Business - 1956-02

and I continually used them so they were weakened more and more. I didn’t let that stop me at all. I began t e a c h i n g Child Evangelism again and was made director of the area. I also conducted a radio pro­ gram. I felt led to go back to college for more schooling, so I added 17 credit hours to my busy schedule. Later I re­ ceived a catalog from the In­ ternational Child Evangelism Fellowship Institute in Cali­ fornia, and definitely felt the Lord leading me to go there. I was never so sure of any­ thing before. I began telling everyone at school I was go­ ing, although I had no money. In four weeks the Lord sup­ plied plane fare and much more. M i r a c u l o u s things have been happening ever since. In my teacher-training program I make good use of the psy­ chology, speech, music and ear training I had at school. After completing the Institute, I be­ came employed by Child Evangelism Fellowship. The Lord has privileged me to help hundreds of housewives make their own flannel backgrounds for their Good News Clubs, teach art at the Institute, and do all the art work for our area office. The Lord has a purpose for each step of our training; the pieces of my life fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. I could never accomplish what I have in the field of art if my wrists were not stiff. It is just a gen­ tle reminder that I am de­ pendent upon Him, “my strength is made perfect in weakness.” Only through pain have I really accomplished anything. I think He helps those who have suffered enough to see they cannot help themse l ve s . I have learned in the hard, real school of life that our Sav­ iour’s cleansing forgiveness and grace and love are suffi­ cient at all times. END.

At the time, I didn’t realize the goodness of the Lord to me. He kept me cheerful to the public, but when I was alone, I thought about poor me and my attitude toward the Lord was quite different. On many nights, the pain was so bad I couldn’t pray. At times when I could pray, it seemed as though my prayers bounced right back at me. It seemed the Lord had turned a deaf ear to me and I was not ready for Him to heal me. Finally, in desperation and cowardliness, I asked the Lord to take me home. No answer, n o b o d y seemed home Up­ stairs. So I had to wait and let Him speak to me. I read my Bible through, claiming prom­ ises. The Lord intended me to live, so I had to think it through. Others Were on beds of affliction all the time, may­ be that’s where the Lord wanted me. It took a long time to resign myself to the fact that I would be willing to stay there always if it were His will. Again I prayed. The Lord knew I was sincerely willing to give up all that was outside my room. I was willing, but He would have to give me something to do, and right now. From that time on, I be­ gan to recover. It was a very slow process, the pained joints had to take much torture in learning to move again. The Lo r d had hea rd and a n ­ swered! I was assured in my heart that I was over this stage of my trial even if others doubted. All trace of pain left me. I was so over­ joyed, I used my hands more than ever before. I spent much of the winter outside in the brisk M i nn e s o t a wea t he r snow- s cu l p tur i ng , making some 20 snow figures. I was determined to keep up with my music, so I started piano. I went at it too hard, and my fingers and wrists became stiff from overexercise. My hands had been afflicted the most

with more determination than ever. I decided I would go to Bib l e s cho o l and perhaps change my career to Christian teaching. I worked my way through school with difficulty. Slowly, other joints began to ache, my feet most of all. Upon gradu­ ating, I took a job as parish worker for two months. By the time I was through, I could hardly step on my feet at all. I had become interested in Child Evangelism work so when I went home I began teaching a class in our home. After some time, my physi­ cal c o n d i t i o n hindered me from teaching. I started doc­ toring again. I tried every kind of medication and pill. Most of each morning was spent in getting up and getting dressed. Through those long trying months, the Lord was very precious to me. If I had not been a child of His, I don’t know how I could have lived through it. This verse in Isaiah speaks for me, “ In re­ turning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in con­ fidence shall be your strength.” I was set aside from all the activity of Christian service I loved so much. A bed was car­ ried down from the third floor and in that bed I learned many lessons. I often ques­ tioned why the Lord had al­ lowed those 15 years of prac­ ticing violin, five years of symphony; now never to be used again. It hurt me deeply to give up everything, to let the family wait on me. It was at this point that I l ea rned a little bit about praye r . I wept , I prayed , others prayed. I had no doubt in my mind that the Lord could heal me instantly, but His purpose would not have been completed. The trial of my faith was to work pa­ tience. How I thank God for a praying church! Each day two of the ladies would come over to visit me. We shared many blessed times together.


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