King's Business - 1956-02

5. What warning does Christ give to the people with regard to the religious leaders of His day? (vv. 14- 23. ) What is the central application’ of this episode of the washing of hands? (w . 18-23.) Is Christ real to you? Study Questions on Chapter 7 (Continued) 1. Is it possible for Christ to be present and not to be detected? (v. 24. ) Is this not true of the Christian? 2. What was the problem brought to Christ by the Greek woman? (v. 25. ) Are not many mothers greatly grieved over their children? 3. What answer did Christ give to this Gentile woman? (v. 27.) 4. Why do you think He answered her so? 5. How did the woman turn Christ’s reply to her into an argument that touched His heart and brought His favorable response? (v. 28.) 6. Why do you think the Saviour acted as He did in the cure of the deaf and dumb man? (vv. 31-35.) Study Questions on Chapter 8 1. How is Christ’s care and concern

healings performed by our Lord (w . 24,25). What is the significance of this? Do you think that gradual heal­ ing or recovery from illness or opera­ tion in answer to prayer. is just as much divine healing as is instantane­ ous healing? 4. Why does our Lord elicit a con­ fession of faith from His disciples at this particular time in His ministry? (v. 27.) 5. What general views of Christ were in circulation at the time He q u e s tion ed the disciples? (v. 28.) What do men think of Christ today? 6. What estimate did Peter and the other disciples have of Christ? (v. 29.) What did this name signify? . 7. What new teaching did our Lord give to His disciples at this time? (v. 31.) With what response on the part of the disciples? (v. 32.) What did Peter’s statement indicate? How did our Lord feel about Peter’s blind­ ness? (v. 33.) What is the source of every effort to detour the -cross? (v. 33.) 8. What is meant by “ taking up the cross” ? (v. 34.) Compare Galatians 5:24; 6:14. 9. What does it mean to lose one’s life? (vv. 35,36.) Are you investing your life for Christ and eternity? CONTINUED

for mankind indicated in verses 1-3? 2. How do we know that the dis­ ciples were a long time in learning lessons of faith? (v. 4.) Are we in the same spiritual condition? 3. How many people were fed by this miracle? (v. 9.) 4. What is the meaning or purpose of this miracle? 5. What mark of spiritual blindness is evident in the Pharisees? (v. 11.) Are there people today who are seek­ ing signs and miracles and the spec­ tacular before they will believe? Does this honor God? (v. 12.) 6. What did our Lord mean by His reference to leaven? (vv. 14-21; cf. Matt. 16:1-12.) Study Questions on Chapter 8 (Continued) 1. How did Christ heal the blind man at Bethsaida? (v. 23.) 2. Why do you think He healed him in this way? Do you think Christ is teaching the legitimacy of using means in healing, means such as medicines and the skill of trained physicians and surgeons? 3.. Notice that in this particular instance the blind man was not in­ stantly healed as in other cases of

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