King's Business - 1956-02

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and St. Paul appeared to have been defeated.”

Guise o f Defeat


Pastor, Baldwin Park Baptist Church; Teacher of Evangelism, California Baptist Seminary.

By A. W. Tozer

SECRET CONFESSION TO A »OM AN CATHOLIC PRIEST By Rev. L. J . King, Converted Roman Catholic

sibly for one breathless minute they thought their time had come. But God saw otherwise and turned their defeat into victory. And it must not be forgotten that this principle works just the same in reverse. When David had suc­ ceeded in stealing Uriah’s wife he no doubt felt he had scored a real conquest, but subsequent events showed instead that he had suf­ fered a stunning defeat. He was never the same after his “ conquest.” What the armies of the alien could never do on the field, David him­ self accomplished by one act of wrong-doing; that is, he brought his own defeat. When he met Go­ liath he turned what looked like defeat into victory. When he met Bathsheba he turned a long record of victories into shameful defeat. One thing about all this is that we cannot always be sure at the time just who is winning unless we keep our hearts very pure and our minds coo l and God-possessed. When the soldiers of Pilate flung Christ to the ground and began to drive in the nails, everything looked as if our Lord had ended a failure. Surely this ignom in ious death would not come to a man of God. There must be some mistake. Hie man Jesus had been an idealist, a visionary, but now His hopes and the hopes of His followers were col­ lapsing under the brutal attacks of tough, practical men. So reasoned the onlookers. But our Lord could die with the same calm in which He had lived. He had known all along how things would turn out. He had looked beyond the cross to the triumphant resurrection. He knew His apparent defeat would eventuate in universal glory for the human race. END.

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