King's Business - 1956-02

FROMTHENORTHRIMRANCH Leonard Eilers’ hankering for a lasso comes just about as naturally as the desire a six-week-old Hereford calf has for kicking up its heels on a nice spring day. And this affinity of man for rope has brought about a rather interesting sort of evangelism. As a young man Eilers was converted after hearing Billy Sunday in Omaha. Later Eilers drifted West, taking jobs as a cowhand on ranches in Wyoming

and Nevada. When he wasn’t astride a horse he was likely as not out in the corral improving his roping technique. He got to be pretty good with a rope and in the evenings he’d sit around the bunkhouse enter­ taining the other cowhands with guitar picking and harmonica playing. He kept drifting and on his way through Southern California he picked up a job with Paramount Studios


In cooperation with Vanita F. Kronquest



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