
TO YOUR HEALTH Managing Peri/Menopause With Natural Medicine


Every woman goes through “the change” — that inevitable phase of life known as menopause, and the time immediately SULRUSHULPHQRSDXVH$QGIRUHYHU\ZRPDQWKHH[SHULHQFHRI this biological rite of passage is as unique as the individual. This VWDJH LV FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ ZLOGO\ YDU\LQJ V\PSWRPV VR JHWWLQJ relief, or treatment for more serious concerns, can be frustrat- ing, and also very personal to each woman. Turning to natural medicine is an attractive alternative for many. Symptoms Profile for Menopause The reproductive cycle of women is complex and evolves over PRVWRIWKHLUOLYHV+RZHYHUW\SLFDOO\DWWKHDJHRIRYDULHV start to produce less estrogen and progesterone, the hormones WKDW UHJXODWH PHQVWUXDWLRQ DQG D ZRPDQ¶V IHUWLOLW\ GHFOLQHV Lower sexual hormones cause dry skin, breast tenderness, brit- WOH ERQHV LUULWDELOLW\ YDJLQDO GU\QHVV DQG PRUH (VWURJHQ 3URJHVWHURQHGHFOLQHDOVRD̆ HFWVWKHK\SRWKDODPXVZKLFKUHJ - XODWHVERG\WHPSHUDWXUHWKHUHE\FDXVLQJKRWÀDVKHVDQGQLJKW VZHDWVWZRRIWKHPRVWFRPPRQV\PSWRPV,W¶VLPSRUWDQWWR note that other factors can impact estrogen production, such as kidney disease, anorexia, ovarian failure, and pituitary gland dysfunction. For the majority of women, natural menopause starts be- WZHHQWKHDJHVRIDQGZKHQ\RXUSHULRGVPD\VWDUWEHFRP - LQJLUUHJXODU0HQRSDXVHDOVRFDQVWDUWHDUOLHULIDZRPDQKDV XQGHUJRQHDQ\W\SHRIRYDULDQRU¿EURLGV DEQRUPDOJURZWKVLQ RURQDXWHUXV UHPRYDOVXUJHULHV3HULPHQRSDXVHLVDSHULRGRI time before menopause occurs. It can last for several months to

Illustration 115021513 © Foxyliam | VHYHUDO\HDUV,WW\SLFDOO\VWDUWVLQDZRPDQ¶VPLGIRUWLHVDQG that is when many menopausal symptoms start. $VPHQWLRQHGWKHV\PSWRPVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKSHULPHQRSDXVH DQGPHQRSDXVHDUHH[SHULHQFHGGL̆ HUHQWO\E\HDFKZRPDQDQG they include a wide range of physical, cognitive and emotional

characteristics. These include: ‡+RWÀDVKHVDQGQLJKWVZHDWV ‡6OHHSOHVVQHVVLQVRPQLD • Vaginal dryness and painful sex • Itchy skin

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PATHWAYS—Fall 22—23

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