

Managing Peri/Menopause... ...continued from page 23 • Joint, muscle aches and pains ‡$Q[LHW\DQGGHSUHVVLRQ

of visceral fat in the body by watching calorie-intake and elimi- nating high-glycemic foods, you avoid insulin spikes that force the body to store fat. Estrone, the “bad estrogen”, is stored in IDWFHOOVDQGLW¶VEHHQSRVWXODWHGDVDVRXUFHRIFDQFHUFDXVLQJ SURSHUWLHV'RQRWHDWVXJDULQFOXGLQJGULQNLQJDOFRKROEHIRUH EHGWLPHWRDYRLGWULJJHULQJKRWÀDVKHV Lifestyle Changes Stress is another component of hormonal imbalance, high blood sugar, and insulin resistance, as well as the source of many other ills, so managing stress goes a long way to managing menopausal symptoms. On a day-to-day basis, regular moder- ate exercise is critical, and can be paired enjoyably with warm baths infused with frankincense and lavender. If symptoms are PRUH FKURQLF DQG SHUYDVLYH K\SQRWKHUDS\ &RJQLWLYH %HKDY - ioral Therapy, biofeedback, and other breath work can help to FDOPWKHLQWHQVLW\RIKRWÀDVKHVUHGXFHGHSUHVVLRQDQGDQ[LHW\ address cognitive and concentration issues, and improve over- all quality of life. In combination, healthy lifestyle habits also contribute to better quality sleep, which is commonly disrupted by menopausal symptoms. Nutritional/Herbal Supplements Health food stores and herbalists sell a large number of prod- XFWVWRKHOSZLWKKRWÀDVKHVDQGRWKHUSHULPHQRSDXVDOV\PS - toms. The assortment can be overwhelming to navigate, so here are some preliminary recommendations: ‡',0 GLLQGRO\OPHWKDQH VXSSOHPHQWV',0FRPSRXQG which occurs naturally in the cruciferous vegetables mentioned earlier, but can be supplemented for its estrogen-adjusting, DQWLLQÀDPPDWRU\ DQG FDQFHU¿JKWLQJ SURSHUWLHV ',0 SOXV a comprehensive liver detox helps to reduce the risk of breast FDQFHU¿EURLGVRYDULDQF\VWVH[FHVVLYHZHLJKWEUHDVWWHQGHU - ness, and temple headaches. ‡%ODFNFRKRVK*HQHUDOO\WKLVKHUEKDVEHHQXVHGIRUFHQ - WXULHVWRUHGXFHPHQRSDXVDOV\PSWRPVLQFOXGLQJKRWÀDVKHV ‡'RQJ4XDL$WUDGLWLRQDO&KLQHVHKHUEWKDWLVXVHGWRJHWKHU with black cohosh to reduce menopausal symptoms. It is also good for clearing endometriosis and building up vaginal cells. ‡:LOG\DP$JRRGVRXUFHRIQDWXUDO'+($ZKLFKLVDQHQ - ergy source for the adrenals, and also for improving levels of “good estrogen”, progesterone, and testosterone. ‡0DFD$OVRNQRZQDV3HUXYLDQJLQVHQJWKLVURRWLVDQRWK - er source for hormonal imbalances infertility treatment, and to treat fatigue and anemia. ‡ (YHQLQJ SULPURVH RLO HVVHQWLDO 2PHJD %RWK DUH H[FHO - OHQWDQWLLQÀDPPDWRULHVDQGH̆ HFWLYHVXSSOHPHQWV WRUHGXFH KRWÀDVKHV ‡5HGFORYHUÀD[VHHGDQGKRSV7KLVWULRLVDEOHWRVORZGRZQ and ease up the menopausal process. • Vitamin E: This nutritional supplement acts as an antioxi- GDQWLQWKHERG\EXWDWXQLWVDGD\LWLVDOVRH[WUHPH - O\SRWHQWIRUIHUWLOLW\DVZHOODVIRUUHOLHYLQJ306FUDPSVDQG menopausal symptoms. %HFDXVH HYHU\ ZRPDQ¶V H[SHULHQFH ZLWK SHULPHQRSDXVDO symptoms is unique, and there may be other health factors and FRQGLWLRQV DW SOD\ VXFK DV *, WUDFW LVVXHV WR[LFLW\ DOOHUJLHV HWFWKHUHLVQRRQHVL]H¿WVDOODSSURDFKWRWKHXVHRIKHUEVQX - tritional and homeopathic supplements. It is important to work ZLWK D NQRZOHGJHDEOH KROLVWLF SUDFWLWLRQHU DQGRU KHUEDOLVW WR

• Weight gain • Headaches ‡%RQHGHQVLW\ORVV • Loss of libido • Frequent urinary infections

‡&RJQLWLYHPHPRU\GHFOLQHDQGGL̇ FXOW\FRQFHQWUDWLQJ Managing Estrogen Imbalance & Symptoms When turning to a natural medicine approach for manag- ing peri- and menopausal symptons, the solutions are rooted in addressing the estrogen imbalance — through diet, lifestyle FKDQJHVDQGQXWULWLRQDOKHUEDOVXSSOHPHQWV Balanced Diet Eating a balanced diet can help regulate and improve estro- gen, eliminating estrone, or “bad estrogen” — which can cause F\VWV ¿EURLGV EUHDVW WHQGHUQHVV HQGRPHWULRVLV DQG 306 $ healthy diet is one that includes organic foods and cruciferous YHJHWDEOHVOLNHEURFFROLFDXOLÀRZHUNDOH%UXVVHOVSURXWVDQG FDEEDJH$YRLGEDGRLOV FDQRODFRUQVR\EHDQYHJHWDEOHVDI - ÀRZHUDQGSDUWLDOO\K\GURJHQDWHG SURFHVVHGIRRGVDQGKRU - monally-treated meats and dairy. Limit the consumption of al- FRKRODQGFD̆ HLQDWHGGULQNV$QGWU\WRGULQNFOHDQZDWHUDQG ¿OWHUHGZKHUHSRVVLEOH%HDZDUHRIHVWURJHQGLVUXSWLQJWR[LQV found in agricultural chemicals and pesticides that can make their way into the water supply. Eliminate sweets, substituting instead with limited quanti- WLHVRIORZJO\FHPLFIUXLWVOLNHEHUULHV%\UHGXFLQJWKHDPRXQW

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create your own personal treatment protocol. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

7&0VKRXOGEHDQRWVRVHFUHWZHDSRQIRUPDQDJLQJSHUL menopause naturally. This approach includes herbal formu- continued on page 75

24—PATHWAYS—Fall 22

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