Mindfulness in the Classroom... ...continued from page 9
6(/FXUULFXOD7KH0LQGV,QFRUSRUDWHGSURJUDPFDQEHIRXQGLQRYHU IRUW\VFKRROVDFURVV:DVKLQJWRQ'&0DU\ODQGDQG1RUWKHUQ9LUJLQ - ia training educators and advocating for resilient, inclusive and com- passionate safe spaces. With short daily practices, integrated or stand alone lessons, as well as ongoing professional development, the pro- gram draws upon research in social-emotional learning, psychology DQG FRJQLWLYH QHXURVFLHQFH WKDW DUH DFFHVVLEOH DQG UHOHYDQW WR . VWXGHQWVDQGWHDFKHUV7RGDWH0LQGV,QFRUSRUDWHGKDVVHUYHGRYHU VWXGHQWVDQGHGXFDWRUVLQRYHUIRUW\VFKRROVDFURVVWKH'09 DQGWUDLQHUVZLOOFRQWLQXHWREHLQ'&3XEOLF6FKRROV facilitating, mod- eling and implementing mindfulness-based SEL act LYLWLHV KWWS Those outside of the education system may wonder what exactly PLQGIXOQHVV LQ WKH FODVVURRP ORRNV OLNH $V D OLIHORQJ HGXFDWRU DQG QRZD6FKRRO'LUHFWRU,HQFRXUDJHP\VWXGHQWVDQGWHDFKHUVWR¿QG the practices that work best for them, just like practices I learned and adapted sixteen years ago in the meditation group worked for me. This can vary from breathing exercises and free journaling to quiet UHÀHFWLRQWLPH,¿QGLW¶VJUHDWWRGRLQIRUPDODQGIRUPDOFKHFNLQV ZLWKVWXGHQWVHVSHFLDOO\DURXQGVWUHVVIXOWLPHVOLNH6$7VDQG$3H[ - ams. When a student conveys self doubt or negativity, remind them of all they have accomplished, and encourage them to envision their successful trajectory ahead. Have students anchor themselves in mo- PHQWVRIJUDWLWXGHUHÀHFWLRQDQGVLOHQFHVRWKH\PD\PLQGIXOO\UHVHW It is also helpful to establish dedicated areas and time periods that DOORZVWXGHQWVWR¿QGUHVSLWHLQWKHLUKHFWLFVFKRROGD\V:KHWKHULW¶V DFR]\FRUQHURIWKHFODVVURRPRUULJKWDWWKHLUGHVNVIRUVHYHUDOPLQ - utes, allow these moments of pause to occur organically. $Q\YHWHUDQHGXFDWRUFDQWHOO\RXOHDUQLQJDQGSUDFWLFHEHFRPHV habitual once it is reinforced at home, which is why parental and PLQGVLQFRUSRUDWHGRUJ Mindful Applications
reported disproportional rates of suicide among young adults of color as compared to their white counterparts. Their statistics revealed that GXULQJWKH¿UVW\HDURIWKHSDQGHPLFVXLFLGHUDWHVGHFOLQHGE\SHU - cent among white people; but suicide deaths for that year increased DPRQJ$PHULFDQ,QGLDQ%ODFNDQG/DWLQR\RXWKDQG\RXQJDGXOWV ZZZWIDKRUJUHSRUWGHWDLOVSDLQLQWKHQDWLRQ :LWKWKHUHWXUQRILQSHUVRQOHDUQLQJWKHVHLVVXHVGRQ¶WMXVWPDJ - ically vanish. Instead they continue to manifest as academic and mental health concerns. This surely calls for interventions in mindful practices that provide schools with proactive measures to address the OLQJHULQJH̆ HFWVRISURORQJHGLVRODWLRQWKDWLQKLELWDUHWXUQWRQRUPDO - cy. $VWHDFKHUVDQGVWXGHQWVUHWXUQWRVFKRROWKLVDXWXPQLWLVFRP - IRUWLQJ WR NQRZ DOO LV QRW EOHDN RQ WKH KRUL]RQ7KH UHVSRQVH WR WKH SDQGHPLF VSDUNHG LQQRYDWLRQ ÀH[LELOLW\ DQG UHVLOLHQFH LQ WHDFKLQJ and mental health, as well as an appreciation for embedded practic- HVWKDWSURPRWHPHQWDOZHOOEHLQJ6RFLDOHPRWLRQDOOHDUQLQJ 6(/ among school-aged youths has become a major priority in curriculum development and in public health. Educators are being prepared with professional training to integrate mindful practices in the classrooms; DQG.FXUULFXOXPVDFURVVWKHFRXQWU\DUHEHLQJDGRSWHGWRDGGUHVV the impact of socio-emotional interventions on achievment. School V\VWHPVWKDWKDYHDGRSWHGPLQGIXOQHVVDUHUHSRUWLQJVLJQL¿FDQWVKLIWV in school culture where students learn how to focus their attention, PDQDJHWKHLUHPRWLRQVEXLOGHPSDWK\DQGLQWHUDFWH̆ HFWLYHO\ZLWK peers. 5LJKW KHUH LQ WKH '& PHWUR DUHD VFKRRO GLVWULFWV DUH SDUWQHULQJ with programs that are transforming school climates in elementary, middle and secondary schools across the region with mindfulness and
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continued on page 26
28—PATHWAYS—Fall 22
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