

SDVDIDUPLQJRUJ DQGWKH3HQQV\OYDQLD9HJHWDEOH*URZHUV$VVRFL - DWLRQ 39*$KWWSVZZZSYJDRUJ WKH1DWLRQDO)DUPHUV8QLRQ KWWSVQIXRUJ DQGDOOWKHRWKHUSURIHVVLRQDODQGODQGJUDQWXQL - YHUVLW\FRQQHFWHGIDUPHUVJURXSV*DOYDQL]LQJWKHPLQGLYLGXDOO\RU collectively, into action may be more fruitful in getting serious atten- tion on this important issue. For more information on policy, science, and advocacy on pesti- FLGHV DQG DOWHUQDWLYHV VHH WKH DIRUHPHQWLRQHG %H\RQG 3HVWLFLGHV ZHEVLWH EH\RQGSHVWLFLGHVFRP DQGVLJQXSIRU³$FWLRQRIWKH:HHN´ %H\RQG 3HVWLFLGHV FULWLTXHV WKH KD]DUGV RI WR[LF SHVWLFLGHV DQG V\Q - WKHWLFIHUWLOL]HUVDQGLVDGYRFDWLQJIRUWKHLUSKDVHRXWRYHUWKHQH[W ten years and the transition to organic land management. * * * $GHFDGHDJRD\RXQJZRPDQIURPDQ(DVWHUQ6KRUHFRUQDQGVR\ - bean farm also signed on to testify about the chemicals in our drink- LQJZDWHUGXULQJWKDWVDPHKHDULQJEHIRUHWKH0DU\ODQGOHJLVODWXUH :KHQ,DVNHGKHUZKDWVKHZRXOGR̆ HUWRWKHSURFHHGLQJVVKHWROGPH every woman on the farm had either breast or uterine cancer, and the men had prostate cancer as well as liver and kidney illnesses. For gen- erations her family had been drinking the well water, and it all pointed WRWKHH̆ HFWVRIDJFKHPLFDOV$WWKHWLPHVKHZDVH[SHFWLQJDFKLOG and she wanted help to prevent these illnesses for future generations by sharing her story. It was a perfect testimony, and would surely impact the legisla- WLRQ%XWLQDGHFLVLRQ,¶YHORQJGHHSO\UHJUHWWHG,VXJJHVWHGWRKHU that since she would name her farm during the testimony, she might consider talking to her grandparents and her parents before testifying since they would have to face the scrutiny of her neighbors. She did as I suggested, and found that her family believed the assurances they ZHUHJLYHQDERXWWKHVDIHW\RIWKHFKHPLFDOV%HOLHYLQJWKDWKHUWHVWL - PRQ\PLJKWUXLQKHUIDUP¶VVWDQGLQJDQGUHSXWDWLRQLQWKHFRPPXQL - ty, she ultimately decided not to testify. ,¶YH VLQFH ZDQWHG WR ¿QG WKLV ZRPDQ WR ¿QG RXW ZKDW KDSSHQHG WRKHUDQGWKHIDPLO\IDUP,¶PWUXO\UHPRUVHIXORIP\DGYLFHWRKHU EHFDXVHKHUWHVWLPRQ\PLJKWKDYHPDGHDGL̆ HUHQFH We must all play a part in protecting our drinking water, and by H[WHQVLRQRXUKHDOWKDQGRXUFRPPXQLWLHV+HUH¶VZKDW\RXFDQGR 1. Contact your state delegates and senators to encourage them to DFWRQWKLVLVVXHLQFOXGLQJRQWKHFXUUHQW6HQDWH%LOO  (GXFDWH \RXUVHOI DERXW WKH ZDWHU TXDOLW\ LQ \RXU DUHD DQG WKH LVVXHVUDLVHGKHUH$ORQJZLWKWKHUHVRXUFHOLQNVSURYLGHGWKH(QYL - URQPHQWDO:RUNLQJ*URXS7DS:DWHU'DWDEDVH is another great place WRVWDUWZZZHZJRUJWDSZDWHU 3. Protect yourselves and the environment. Stop using plastic bot- WOHVHVSHFLDOO\ERWWOHGZDWHUDQGLQVWDOODZDWHU¿OWHULQ\RXUNLWFKHQ or for your entire home. 9RWHIRUFDQGLGDWHVWKDWZLOOPDNHFOHDQZDWHUDQGDOOHQYLURQ - mental protections, a priority. See where they stand on these issues, hold them accountable, and hold those who would violate environ- mental regulations accountable. 0LFKDHO7DERUKDVEHHQDIDUPHUIRUWKHSDVW\HDUVUDLVLQJVXV - tainably grown vegetables and fruit, and marketing his produce in ORZDQGPRGHUDWHLQFRPHFRPPXQLWLHVLQ:DVKLQJWRQ'&+HKDV been a regional DC activist since 1963, having spoken out, protested DQG EHHQ DUUHVWHG PDQ\WLPHV ¿JKWLQJ IRU FLYLO ULJKWV DJDLQVWWKH war in Vietnam, and, more recently, congressional inaction on cli- PDWHFKDQJH0LFKDHODFNQRZOHGJHVDQGWKDQNV-D\)HOGPDQ$ODQ &RKHQ/RULJ&KDUNRXGLDQ 0'6WDWH'HOHJDWH DQG1DQF\6WRQHU 3UHVLGHQW3RWRPDF5LYHUNHHSHU1HWZRUN IRUWDNLQJWLPHWRUHDG DQGR̆ HUIHHGEDFNRQWKLVSLHFH 0LFKHOOH$ORQVRLVWKH(GLWRURI3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHDQGDIUHH - ODQFHZULWHUHGLWRUDQGHYHQWVSURGXFHU$SURXG:DVKLQJWRQLDQ she was born in DC, and grew up in the DMV, where she still works DQGOLYHVZLWKKHUIDPLO\

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