IUHHWREOHVVRWKHUV"2UDP,DWWDFKHGWRKDYLQJEHHQFKRVHQIRUWKH EOHVVLQJRIDIXOOFXS"$QGE\FKDQFHDP,VRIXOORIP\VHOIWKDW,DP XQDZDUHWKHUHLVDFXS²HPSW\RUIXOO"3HUKDSV,DPVRIXOORIP\VHOI I am no longer available to learn from new experiences. Where is the YRLGLQWRZKLFKQHZFDQÀRZ" 7KH WHQGULOV RI WKH RULJLQDO TXHVWLRQ ³$UH \RX PLQGIXO RU PLQG IXOO"´ZDQGHULQDOOGLUHFWLRQV3UHMXGLFHVVXFKDVUDFLVPDUHURRWHGLQ this same arena. Prejudice is nothing other than prejudgments made based on assumptions drawn from rumors and gossip, then perpetrat- ed on others. When we allow ourselves to be so full of our opinions, we shut down our growth potential and stop evolving. If we shut down before learning, how can we be anything other than stuck, allowing the SDVWWRGLFWDWHRXUIXWXUH" Practicing mindfulness can be a tremendous aid if we want to re- main open to learning and growing. Watching and listening to our- selves — observing our reactions and interactions — we can note our reactivity and investigate what beliefs are lurking inside us that caused certain behaviors. We can look at those behaviors to see if they pres- ently serve us or ever did. How can we grasp how it is to be someone else, if we dishonor their uniqueness by assuming that their life ex- SHULHQFHLVVLPLODUWRRXUV":HPXVW¿UVWGURSRXUDVVXPSWLRQVDQG FKDQJHRXUSHUFHSWXDO¿OWHUV7KLVLVQRWHDV\:HVHHKHDUDQGIHHO WKURXJK RXU RZQ ¿OWHUV WKXV GLPLQLVKLQJ RXU DELOLW\ WR SHUFHLYH WKH H[SHULHQFHVRIRWKHUV0DQ\DVVXPHWKLVRQO\KDSSHQVDPRQJSHRSOH RIGL̆ HUHQWHWKQLFLWLHVVRFLRHFRQRPLFJURXSVHWFZKLFKLVMXVWDQ - other assumption. People who share many commonalities frequently LPSRVHWKHLUSUHMXGJPHQWVRQRQHDQRWKHU$OORXUOLIHH[SHULHQFHVDUH GL̆ HUHQW(DFKRIXVLVXQLTXH 0LQGIXOQHVVLVDQH[FHOOHQWWRROWRKHLJKWHQ\RXUDZDUHQHVVRI\RXU own other-than-conscious behaviors that result in “mind-fullness”
Photo 223964031 © Celiaosk2 | Dreamstime.com
and render us unteachable. Practicing mindfulness may cause you to awaken from a lifelong VOXPEHU <RX PD\ GLVFRYHU \RX KDYH EHHQ VOHHSZDONLQJ WKURXJK life, allowing your past to direct your thoughts, words, and actions. I invite you to take a two-part challenge to be your own observer: 1. .HHSDORJRIKRZPDQ\DFWLRQV\RXWDNHHDFKGD\WKDW\RXGR “because that is how you have always done it.” .HHSDQRWKHUORJRIDOO\RXURULJLQDOWKRXJKWVLQQRYDWLRQVFUH - ativity. Choose what you will do with what you discover. Will you default to how it has always been, or will you choose to stay awake, stay alive and OHDUQVRPHWKLQJQHZHYHU\GD\" 7ULVK+DOOLVDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOEHVWVHOOLQJDXWKRUDQGDFFODLPHGVSHDNHU6KHLVWKH Spiritual Leader of Center for Spiritual Living Metro where you are empowered to live WKHIXOOHVWH[SUHVVLRQRI\RX:HFRPHWRJHWKHULQ2QHQHVVFHOHEUDWHWKHXQLTXHQHVVRI HDFKSHUVRQDQGLQYLWH\RXWR³EH\RXZLWKXV´ZZZFVOPHWURRUJ
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Now that your interest is peaked , book a Discovery Call at AuthenticallyHolistic.com or contact Audra Woodley at info@AuthenticallyHolistic.com
Assessments are conducted in-person and/or virtually
PATHWAYS—Fall 22—47
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