NATURAL LIVING EXPO • FALL 2022 EXHIBITORS Exploration • Enlightenment • Education • Engagement
XQLTXH5LQJV%UDFHOHWV(DU - rings and Pendants. Evocative $FFHVVRULHV Carrie Baquié - Chronic Illness Ally $VD&KURQLF,OOQHVV$OO\&DU - rie uses Holistic Coaching to empower those struggling with long term health challenges to get unstuck and reclaim a life they love. Celestial Gemstone Inc. Selling semi-precious stone beads, pearls and crystals. Charmington Holistics +HUEDO$SRWKHFDU\VSHFLDOL] - LQJLQ$PHULFDQIDUPHGORRVH herbs. We also have a variety of gift items and tea accessories. ZZZLQVWDJUDPFRPFKDUPLQJ - WRQKROLVWLFV CleanChoice Energy We envision a world free of cat- astrophic climate change with pure, clean air and abundant renewable energy. We work to VZLWFKDVPDQ\$PHULFDQKRPHV and businesses to clean, renew- able energy as possible. Courtz Crystals Handmade Crystal Globes +DQGPDGH&U\VWDO%DOOVVHHQLQ DUHDOYLVLRQLQ%XUEDQN &DOLIRUQLD0DGHZLWK*HP - stones and Crystals & the Cos- mos. Each one is designed with its own unique healing energies. :DWHUDPSOL¿HVWKHFU\VWDOV the glitter represents atoms of HQHUJ\0HGLWDWLRQ5HOD[DWLRQ *LIWV ZZZFRXUW]FU\VWDOVFRP Coffee Karma Cafe We sell organic reishi mush- URRPFR̆ HHWHDDQGKRWFRFRD as well as coconut oil creamers. :HZLOODOVRR̆ HUSURGXFWVIURP our crystal jewelry division and our subscription box division. Curaleaf &XUDOHDILVD0HGLFDO&DQQDELV FRPSDQ\WKDWRSHUDWHVLQ VWDWHVLQFOXGLQJ0DU\ODQG Della Terra Organics Small batch, organic wellness SURGXFWVPDGHIURP plants & locally crafted in the
'092XUSURGXFWOLQHUDQJHV IURPKLJKO\VRXJKWDIWHU5HHI 6DIH6XQ6FUHHQDQG$OO1DWXUDO ,QVHFW5HSHOOHQWWR6XEOLQJXDO and Topical Full Spectrum Can- QDELQRLGVWR$OXPLQXP)UHH 'HRGRUDQW Dorjebajra Tibet Shop Tibetan crafts and meditation supplies including Tibetan 6LQJLQJERZOVLQFHQVH0DOD %HDGVVWDWXHVDQGPXFKPRUH We have been in business since KHOSLQJ$UWLVDQVRI1HSDO in a fair trade manner. ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom $UH\RXUHDG\WRHPEUDFH VSLULWXDOIUHHGRP"&ODLP\RXU divine birthright through direct experience with the Light and 6RXQGRI*RG5HGLVFRYHU+8 - the universal word of spiritual liberation and so much more. Heaven Calling Earth with Psychic Medium Pam Jen- kins 3V\FKLF5HDGLQJV&U\VWDOV Hellevated Brand, LLC $OOQDWXUDO+HPS&%'LQIXVHG protection and love soaps, hair products and spiritual can- na-oils designed to elevate your consciousness while using the products. Hello Wellness Handcrafted organic body, skin & hair care products made with high-quality ingredients that support your health and well- ness. Our collection includes products created to relieve pain, dry skin, stress, and more. Hyo Jeong International Foundation for the Unity of the Sciences (HJIFUS) $'&EDVHGQRQSUR¿W+-,) - US is dedicated to identifying, promoting, and implementing WKHPRVWH̆ HFWLYHVROXWLRQVWR environmental challenges on a global scale by exploring the bounds of human ingenuity and VFLHQWL¿FDGYDQFHPHQW House of Adonis Blue ,DPD5HLNL0DVWHUZKRSUR -
Expo exhibitors offer an amazing variety of mind-body-spirit-eco products and services! The following is a preliminary list of businesses participating in our Summer Expo. This is subject to change. Watch for event updates, and the final Expo program, on our Summer Expo page online:
ÀRZWKDWFDQFDXVHIHPDOHGLV - orders, digestive issues, foggy, XQIRFXVHGWKLQNLQJZDLVW weight gain, and so much more. Incorporating science-based HQHUJ\WKHUDSLHVQDWXUHFXUH UHJLPHQV'U*JLYHVZRPHQ spirited self-care strategies and a new perspective in achieving RSWLPXPPLQGERG\KHDOLQJ health and wellness. Avillion Aura Imaging Pho- tography $XUD,PDJLQJ3KRWRJUDSK\ZLWK Polaroid photo of Heart Chakra 9LEUDWLRQV&KDNUD5HSRUWZLWK SULQWHGSLFWXUHVSOXVFRP - SUHKHQVLYH$XUD&DUH3DFNDJH DYDLODEOHZLWK6SLULWXDO5HDGLQJ IRU/LJKW%RG\([SDQVLRQ Authentically Holistic This Woman-Owned business R̆ HUVFRQFLHUJHFRDFKLQJYLDHG - ucation, quantum health assess- ments and use of biofeedback WHFKQRORJ\6SHFLDOL]LQJLQDQ alternative and comprehensive DSSURDFKZHH[SORUHEHQH¿WV of a holistic lifestyle that may prevent disease and premature aging. ZZZ$XWKHQWLFDOO\+ROLVWLFFRP BambooTopia <RXUHQWU\LQWREHWWHUOLYLQJ ZLWKEDPERR:HR̆ HUEDPERR walking sticks, healthy tea, fresh cut bamboo candles, bamboo “silica” facial mist, bamboo soap and bamboo art. We love all things bamboo. +LPDOD\DQ4XDUW]&U\VWDO0HG - itation Implements from Nepal. &DUYHG0LQLDWXUH*HPVWRQH 'HLWLHV8QLTXHRQHRIDNLQG handcrafted Sterling Silver -HZHOU\ZLWK*HPVWRQHVIURP WKH.DWKPDQGX9DOOH\5DUH gemstones set in unique, one-of- a-kind hand cut crafted sterling silver jewelry from the Himala- \DV+DQGFDUYHG4XDUW]&U\VWDO meditation implements from the 7LEHWDQERUGHU6SHFLDOL]LQJLQ Black Star Jewelry
7K Wellness - Healing Med- ical Karma Trauma can be passed from one generation to the next. The emo- tionally transmitted diseases your ancestors dealt with, your children are now plagued with it too. Through my medical and psychic expertise we can explore the patterns you might be carry- ing from your ancestors. Stop by and reserve a session for healing medical karma. African Earthin’Wear Products for your body from the otherland! Align With Grace / Para® Yoga 7KHSUDFWLFHRI<RJDLVH[ - SUHVVHGLQPDQ\ZD\V0RVW GRQ¶WUHDOL]HWKHJRDORIDUHJX - ODUSUDFWLFHLVPLQGSXUL¿FDWLRQ Through the ancient practice of <RJD1LGUDWKH<RJDRI6OHHS the mind is deeply healed. Amber Dawn Tarot ,ZRXOGEHKRQRUHGWRR̆ HU Tarot readings, my specialty. $OVRDIHZFUDIWVDYDLODEOHVSDFH permitting. KWWSV\RXWXEHFRPFKDQQHO 8&ZK][M56L.9'L;WDZ Ancestral Eye Reading by Irigenics 'LVFRYHUWKHDPD]LQJZRUOGRI your ancestors as they show up in your eyes, revealing ances- tral images, as well as the gifts, talents and unresolved traumas you were born with. KWWSVLULJHQLFVFRP “Ask The Naturopath”- AWARE Worldwide 5HY'U*UDFH0F&DOO'U *WHDFKHVDFFHOHUDWHVIDFLOL - WDWHVPLQGERG\KHDOLQJIURP trauma, chronic discomforts, recovery, and adverse lifestyle stressors. In her private practice DVD5HJLVWHUHG%RDUG&HUWL¿HG 'RFWRURI1DWXUDO0HGLFLQH 1DWXURSDWK&OLQLFDO+HUEDOLVW DQG%LRHQHUJ\7KHUDSLVW'U* has re-balanced and re-aligned ZRPHQ¶VVWLÀHGEORFNHGHQHUJ\
50—PATHWAYS—Fall 22
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