NATURAL LIVING EXPO • FALL 2022 EXHIBITORS Exploration • Enlightenment • Education • Engagement
needs. Providing optimum care WKURXJKFRPSRXQGLQJVSHFL¿F prescriptions, formulating herb- al remedies, and developing nu- tritional protocols with our line of professional supplements. 2̆ HULQJKHDOLQJFU\VWDOVHQHUJ\ tools and salt lamps. www.knowlesapothecaryonline. com Life In Balance Reiki :HR̆ HU8VXL5HLNLDQG$FFHVV %DUVHQHUJ\WKHUDS\VHVVLRQV We also have a unique selection of crystals, geological curiosities, DQGKDQGPDGH0DODVIRUVDOH $OORIRXUFU\VWDOVDQGJHP - stones are responsibly sourced and from small, family owned, businesses. ZZZ/LIHLQ%DODQFH5HLNLFRP LifeWave Light Therapy Products LifeWave wearable light thera- S\SDWFKHVKDUQHVV\RXUERG\¶V light and heat to promote gener- DOZHOOQHVV2XUÀDJVKLSSURGXFW LV;VWHPFHOODFWLYDWLRQSDWFK Our Nirvana system, patch with supplement, stimulates endor- phins to improve mood, provide pain relief and bliss. ZZZOLIHZDYHFRPNLPEHUO\ - hartke Living Consciously 0RKDQML)RXQGDWLRQR̆ HUV practices and techniques to lead a conscious, stress-free, produc- tive and joyous life. Mara Berman Tarot, Aura, Palmistry, Readings 0DUD¶V3V\FKLFLQIRUPDWLRQLV GHULYHGIURP$XUDFRORUVOLJKW sources using twelve dimension- al rings, starseed energy, and WKHHQHUJ\ÀRZRIWKHYRUWH[ 5HDGLQJVLQYROYH7DURWFDUGV palmistry, and psychology to decipher complex questions. Melody Krafft Visionary Artist 0HORG\DSV\FKLFPHGLXPDUWLVW will sketch a portrait of your spirit guide or a deceased loved one, and bring messages of com- fort. This is a rare opportunity to connect with the Other Side and see who is with you. ZZZPHORG\NUD̆ WDUWLVWFRP Minerals & Mystics :HVSHFLDOL]HLQURFNVPLQHUDOV and crystals. We also sell ster-
YLGHV5HLNLVHVVLRQVWRSURPRWH balance and healing while also providing tools to support that, VXFKDV*HPVWRQH-HZHOU\ $UWLVDQVDQG:HOOQHVVLWHPV WKURXJK+RXVHRI$GRQLV%OXH Indigo Moon Featuring a variety of merchan- dise that spans from stunning wall hangings to exquisite purs- es, Indian clothing to sterling toe rings. The items come from the exotic lands of Thailand, India, DQG1HSDO,QGLJR0RRQH[KLELWV at festivals, college centers, and (DVWHUQ0DUNHWLQ:DVKLQJWRQ '&3OHDVHFDOO,1',*2 for more information. ZZZIDFHERRNFRPLQGLJR - moonclothing Inner Circle Gifts %HDXWLIXOHQHUJHWLFFU\VWDOV minerals ,and sacred geometry Jewelry. Innov8ive Nutrition Feel the Power of the Patch! “Take” your dietary supplements in a totally new way — in a ODWH[IUHH´[´VRIWSDWFK*HW \RXUIXOOGD\¶VZRUWKRIYLWDPLQV minerals, and Omega 3 in a tiny little patch — made possible WKURXJK1DQR7HFKQRORJ\*HW optimal absorption through the VNLQ%\SDVVWKHJXWDQGGLJHV - tive track! Just Peel, Stick and *R&XUUHQWSDWFKHVLQFOXGH &203/(7(0XOWLYLWDPLQ .,'=&RPSOHWH6OHHS(QHUJ\ ,PPXQH&%'&ROODJHQ:HLJKW 0DQDJHPHQW-RLQW6XSSRUW DQG+RUPRQH%$/$1&(IRU 0HQDQG:RPHQ6WRSE\IRU )5((6DPSOH3DWFKHV ZZZ6XFFHHG:LWK%HFFDFRP Inspirited In Sight Inspired, original acrylic paintings and high quality, hand-crafted jewelry. Vibrant and symbolic, deeply satisfying to the physical and spiritual senses, every piece is intended to facilitate an experience of union within. KWWSVLQVSLULWHGLQVLJKWFRP ,QWHJULW\ 5HVHDUFK ,QVWLWXWH Featuring new energy books, UHSRUWV'9'VDQGXQLTXHHOHF - trotherapy devices including the 35(0,(5-U(03XOVHUDQG the OsteoPad, with high voltage electrical or magnetic pulsations that can be applied directly to the body.
ZZZ%LRHQHUJ\'HYLFHRUJ Jade Drakes Jewellery -DGH'UDNHVLVD7ULQLGDGLDQ jeweler with a fondness for all things craft and animal. Her handcrafted contemporary jewelry gets its inspiration from nature, old shops that sell old things, old ladies, old men, museums, books — especially FKLOGUHQ¶VERRNV²IHPDOHFRQ - temporary artists, insects and conversation. Jamila White, Psychic & Author 6KH¶VEDFN2QHRI3DWKZD\V¶ most popular practitioners, Jamila is a psychic medium, life FRDFK5HLNL0DVWHU7HDFKHU and transformational retreat leader who teaches energy-sen- sitive people how to go from feeling exhausted and stuck to living joyfully with clarity, peace of mind, freedom, and pur- pose. Her intuitive readings are empowering, uplifting, and fun! Come to my workshop! Private intuitive consultations and (PSDWK(QHUJ\5HVHWFRXUVH available online. Joyful Bath Co. Local women-owned business hand-crafting natural and organic bar soaps, bath and foot soaks, soy candles, gift baskets DQGPRUH0DGHZLWKYHJDQ cruelty-free, sustainably sourced ingredients. Pure, natural and healing for the whole family. %DE\EDWKDQGGRJVRDSVWRR Stop by to check out the original oil paintings, prints, and cloth- LQJRI-XOLH*URVVWKHFRYHU DUWLVWIRUWKH)DOOLVVXHRI Pathways. Kaia Skin Handcrafted, organic and en- ergy-infused skin and hair care SURGXFWVEDVHGRQ$\XUYHGLF principles and rituals. ZZZ.DLDVNLQ Knowles Apothecary $FRPPXQLW\SKDUPDF\R̆ HU - ing traditional and alternative health care. Our professional pharmacists, nutrition consul- tant and medical herbalist work KROLVWLFDOO\WRPHHWSDWLHQWV¶ Julie Gross - Artist
ling silver jewelry, Tarot cards, books and gifts. My Unfurling by Lisa May Bennett $XWKRU/LVD0D\%HQQHWWZLOO be autographing and selling her memoir, 0\8QIXUOLQJ(PHUJ - LQJIURPWKH*ULSRI$Q[LHW\ Self-Doubt, and Drinking , and UD̈ LQJR̆ D]HURSURRIEHYHUDJH basket. Nadia Kim - Healer 2̆ HULQJDVVLVWDQFHLQWKHLGHQ - WL¿FDWLRQRIHQHUJ\EORFNVWKDW FRQQHFWWRVSHFL¿FWKRXJKWV or thought patterns that are consciously or unconsciously hindering an individual from pursuing certain desired experi- ences. Through the use of energy transmutation, I work with the individual to shift their mindset or perspectives. Sessions are PLQXWHVLQDQHQFORVHGVDIH space. New Earth Flowers Experience the spiritual nature RIÀRZHUVXVLQJWKHLUHQHUJ\WR create energetic infusions, shifts in consciousness, and revela- tions in these times of great shifts. ZZZ.DULQ(GJHWWDUW New Spiritual Horizons 5HDZDNHQ\RXUSV\FKLFDELOLWLHV XQIROG\RXUOLIH¶VSXUSRVHDQG communicate with your team of VSLULWXDOKHOSHUVDQJHOV7KLVLV Practical Spirituality with the IRFXVRQKHOSLQJ\RX¿QG\RXU own answers and trusting your inner guidance. ZZZ1HZ6SLULWXDO+RUL]RQVFRP One Spirit, 3 Mediums Spiritual messages and readings in English and Spanish. Panacea Centre of Well- ness We are a health and wellness empowerment group promoting self advocacy to achieve and maintain optimal health in an unhealthy world. Pathways Productions 0DJD]LQH(YHQWV5HWUHDWV 0DUNHWLQJ6WRSE\IRULQIRUPD - tion about advertising & market- ing options through our quar- terly publication and events;
PATHWAYS—Fall 22—51
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